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I always loved getting hand written letters on Valentine's day. Is so sweet and sentimental. I always thought loved the idea of getting with someone who will do that for me.
Sadly though, I never gotten one. This is my 6th year in Hogwarts and I have yet to get a letter. Am I that impossible to love?
"Draco, dear, Valentine's is coming up. Do you have anyone in mind?" I watch as the blonde hair girl walks in front of me with that seductive look.
"I know it's not you." I raise my eye brow at her and watch as she takes back that seductive look and looks around. She looks good; nice curves, good-looking in the face, dresses fancy, and has hazel eyes. But I have my eyes on a boy.
Green eyes, messy brown hair, handsome face with a scar, and his name is Harry Potter. Harry Potter has been the boy that stole my heart and doesn't even know it for 4 years.
So, no matter how many girls come up to me and ask me if I want to be here Valentine's the answer will always be no. Even if they are the perfect candidate to have a heir to the Malfoy name. My parents have told me to just ask him.
Yes I have informed my parents, so they don't question when am I going to bring a girl home. They know I probably will never. Not unless I get with Harry then break up with him and marry a women.
My father is not extremely supportive, but my mother tells him that he should let me be happy while I still can. She predicts that we will never get together, and I will have no choice but to marry a woman. I hate to say it's probably the truth.
I look around, I'm in the courtyard so everyone that was passing or in the courtyard saw what I did. I look to the side of me and I see Harry Potter walk by. I stare at him, and dream of him coming over to me and confessing. I know I will never have the guts to do it.
I see him turn his head, and I quickly look away. I glance and see him looking at me. I turn my head somewhere else and I find a couple kissing. It's a gay couple. I roll my eyes, lucky guys.
I hear angry stomping and turn my head. While I'm turning my head, I feel something strong hit my cheek. I know that feeling... I was punched by Hermione Granger. I touch the spot and look at her.
She looks like she could kill me, more than she usually does. "What the hell?!" I yell at her, I stand up and she gets up in my face. "You can go to hell! You find people gay disgusting, don't you?!" She yells at me. I look at her like she lost her mind, because she has.
I look down and take a deep breath. "First off Granger, I was rolling my eyes because I found it lucky that they could find love. And if you have not noticed their ties are Slytherin." I say while standing up and fixing myself. I watch as she double checks to see if I'm right, and which I am. She looks back at me ready to go another round.
"And before you say anything else. No I do not care about the pure or the olden ways. I'm just like when people find true love especially in Slytherin. Which I know for one of them isn't that actual true love." I turn my head and look at the couple. "Sorry Theodore, but Blaise only wants you for sex." That's right it was Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott.
Theodore looks at him and shakes his head knowing it was the truth but was trying to deny it. "That is also why I roll my eyes as well." I look back at Hermione Granger who looks like she shrunk three sizes. I shake my head and see Potter smirking in the back.
He walks up to me after seeing that I saw him smirking.
He looks me up and down, "So, you aren't homophobic?" He asks me. I look at him like he is one of the stupidest men alive. Because he is, but he looks sure to make up for it. "No, Potter. People should love who they want." I say before grabbing my bags and leaving the courtyard. Leaving the trio dumbfounded.
The rest of the day passes perfectly fine, other than Blaise complaining about he's not getting a hole to fuck. Pansy Parkinson told him to make a hole with pillows and fuck that. I am walking back from dinner to the common room, now. Thinking about the day and thinking about how Harry Potter looked at me. I swear I think he was checking me out.
I hear footsteps and stop to see who it is. It can be a Hufflepuff friend or a Slytherin friend. I turn around and instead of seeing Slytherin or Hufflepuff. I see a Gryffindor, Harry Potter. What is he doing here?
"Malfoy can I speak to you?" He asks me as he walks closer. "You already are." I state and he shakes his head. "I mean in private." He chuckles out. I nod my head and start walking, "Follow me." I say to him, and he quickly gets behind me.
I lead him to my room, if I'm going to die then let it be in my private rooms. I want it to look like Potter broke in and killed me. It was a surprise attack. If I die, that's how it looks. But I have a feeling it's something different.
We go to my room, after going into the common rooms. I lead him to my private room, and I see him looking around. At the decor. It might be dark down here, but my pictures and furniture are bold.
I stop at my door, and look behind me. "In here." I point to my door, Harry nods his head. I turn and open the door. He once again follows me. We get in and he closes the door. I won't be holding my wand to make it look more realistic.
I sit on my bed while he looks around my room. "Well?" I ask trying to get this done and over with. I watch as he looks at me, and then looks at his bag. He walks over to me, then gets a note from his bag. He smiles at it, then gives it to me then smiles at me.
I take the note, and read it.

"Dear Draco,
I know that I could never say this in person. Even tho I'm right in front of you. I want you to know you are stunning, you are perfect. And... I hope you will not hate me worse but I'm bisexual. I saw how to get protective when Hermione accused you of not liking gay people. I hope you won't hate me because of it.  Well, I like you and I understand if it's a no."

I look at him, and he has his head hung low. "Is this true?" I ask and he nods his head. "Every word." He slightly looks at me and I can see the worry. I stand up and look at him. I'm a little taller but it could be the glamour I use.
I lean forward, and I put my hand on his chin. "So, you wouldn't mind if I kiss you?" I ask and he looked at me confused. Then before I could answer I kissed him. I pull back quickly and see a flustered and open wide Harry Potter. I laugh at his face and smile. Before I know it he kisses me back.
Yes, I didn't get a true love letter, but I got a letter about the boy I always liked, likes me back. I think that's close enough to a love letter.

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