No More Tears

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
⚠️Self harming is contained in this story ⚠️

Harry and Draco have always been enemies. But, one day Draco goes over the line with something. Harry doesn't even respond with a comment or a comeback. But he looks around and runs off. Everyone is a little shocked Hermione quickly follows him, and Ron stands up for Harry.
But little did anyone know that they were dating. Draco realized what he said took it away too far. He stopped listening to Ron or anyone else. When he sees Hermione coming back, he gets a little hopefully that Harry is okay.
"You really messed up this time, Malfoy!" Hermione says as steps closer to Draco.
Draco felt his heart stop, he wanted to find Harry, he wanted to apologize, he just wanted to see Harry. "He's in the bathroom crying because of you!" Hermione says as she points at him with so much anger. Even though she was not close to Draco, he would that she was crying.
He knew he messed up.
He took a deep breath and starts to walk to the boy's bathroom. He walked straight passed Ron, and Hermione. Hermione wanted to punch, hit, smack him. She wanted to do want ever caused him pain.
But when he walked by her, she could already tell her was in so much pain. Ron wanted to yell at him, and Hermione just looked at him and shook her head.
After Draco got out of everyone's vision he ran to the boy's bathroom. When he reached it, he heard crying. He knew it was Harry, so he followed the sound of crying to under the sinks. "Go away!" Harry yells at Draco, he wanted to break up with Draco right now.
"Please, I'm sorry." Draco says as he bends downs to sit. "No! I said go away!" Harry says in tears.
He doesn't want Draco to leave, but Draco is the reason why he is crying. "Please babe, I know what I said, and it was wrong." Draco said, he hated seeing Harry cry because of him.
He wanted to just hug him and tell him everything is okay. "Then why did you say that?!" Harry says as he stares at Draco. Harry wants to push Draco away him, but he doesn't have the strength. "I don't know... I-I... I was bloody stupid. I am bloody stupid." Draco says as he tries to hold back tears.
Before Draco could stop himself, tear was coming down his face. Harry was surprised, he didn't think Draco start to cry. "Please, please, I'm sorry..." Draco says as he sits next to Harry.
He tries to grab Harry wrist, so he could hold his hand. But when he touches Harry wrist. Harry makes a grunt and moves his wrist away from Draco.
Draco quickly wipes his tears away and looks at Harry wrist. "Harry, please, please show me your wrist." Draco says with so much worry. Harry doesn't want to show Draco and wants to run out of there.
But he doesn't run, and he shows his wrist. They are cover with deep marks, that we're caused by a knife it looks like, and they look recent.
Draco looks at all of these marks and wants to hurt himself from letting this happened. "Why..." Draco says while trying not to cry. Harry could hear how hurt Draco felt I'm his voice. "Because it lets me control some of my feelings..." Harry says while shaking, he still crying. And so, hoping that Draco doesn't tell at him, or he doesn't want Draco to say, why he would he do this he has a prefect life.
But all Draco did was stare at them, he felt like he let down Harry. Even though Harry didn't realize, he tells Draco everything, he tells him about the past, about how he feels like he is good enough. Draco looks away tear coming down his face, once again.
"I couldn't protect you..." Draco says as in between crying. Harry looks at him so confused. "H-Harry... Did I make you... How if it wasn't me... You are making you want to hurt yourself..." Draco says as he looks back at Harry, he can't help but feel like it's his fault. That all those marks are because of him. Harry realized Draco was blaming himself for not helping him, for the marks on his wrist, for everything that was happening.
"Draco... You think it's fault..." Harry says like a whisper, Draco heard him and just smiled sadly. "Yeah... I do... Harry do you think... You were happier with Cho or maybe even Ginny?" Draco says which takes almost all his strength. He loves Harry, and whatever his answer will be he while still love him.
Harry knew what Draco was trying to say. "No!" Harry yell as he grabbed Draco arms. "No, I not letting you leave." Harry says as he pulls Draco back to him. Draco was shocked he thought Harry would want him to leave.
"But... I-I... Ginny or Cho probably didn't make you... You probably didn't get hurt from them..." Draco says he looks at Harry. Harry took a deep breath and frowned. "You are probably, the best partner I have... I don't feel awkward because you are related to my best friend or you're not using me as a rebound." Harry says as he wipes the tears away.
Draco looks at Harry surprised, he never thought of Harry feeling awkward around Ginny. "Can you please stay, so we just can talk. Talk about boundaries, what to say, what not to say, and just chill?" Harry says as he moves from under the sinks. Draco follows him and takes a deep breath. "We can go to my private dorm. So, we can get comfortable." Draco says as he looks at Harry.
Harry just nods his head and gets his bag. Draco starts to walk out of the bathroom, thinking about what Harry had said.
When he looked back to see Harry wasn't there, he started walking back to the bathroom when something stopped him. "I'm right here." Harry says as his head is pops out of thin air. Draco jumps a little and then realized that he is using his invisible cloak. "I just mean to scare you." Harry says with a little laugh. Draco looks at Harry, like he is the only thing in the world.
Draco shakes his head to snap out of it and starts to walk to the Slytherin dorm with a smile. Harry hides his head and walks behind Draco. They make to his dorm and sit down. Harry takes off the cloak and sits down.
"So, how long have you been... Umm... Hurting yourself?" Draco says as he rubs his neck. Harry takes a deep breath and says, "I have been hurting myself, before we began dating. Ron was mad at me for breaking up with Ginny. Hermione was trying to be on both sides but sometimes she would be more on Ron's. So, I think what helped me before. And tried that, but..." Harry says as he looks at the marks.
"They didn't help... So, you thought about... Doing that to see if it helped..." Draco says to help Harry, Draco looks at Harry. Harry looks at Draco and grabs his hands. Harry holds Draco and feels a lot better.
"I will help you through it." Draco says, and Harry nods his head. Draco pulls Harry close, and Harry doesn't fight against. Draco smiles at Harry, "We need to explain to Granger and Weasley what we are." Draco say losing his smile. "D-do we have to have, too?" Harry asks him with a worried face. "Yes, Granger knows something is happening." Draco says while looking away from Harry.
Harry lays his head on Draco's forehead. He closes his eyes, and soon falls asleep.
Draco makes sure he was asleep, before moving him and lying him on his bed. Draco made a promise to himself not to fight Harry anymore. He would stop, and pretend he was ignoring Harry.
He will help Harry get through whatever he is going through. He will be right there next to him. There will be no more tears.

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