Mates (1/3)

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Draco- Veela
Harry- Vampire/Werewolf (Alpha)
Ron- Werewolf (Beta)
Hermione- Veela
Pansy- Vampire
Blaise- Werewolf (Alpha)

Draco POV

Of course, I have to wake up with a pain in my back. This has been happening for the last month. Because I am Veela, and my wings like to come out when I'm sleeping. My wings are white, with some red on the bottom. I don't know what the red means, but it just showed up in July. I tried to ask my mother if she knew, but she just shook her head. But, I'm glad today my wings woke me up. Today is the first day of 8th year, and I want to explain so many things to everyone. So, I need to look like I just woke up with messy hair. But that is going to be hard as a Malfoy who used to using gel. "Maybe I can owl, Harry..." I whisper to myself. Me and Harry had a truce after the war, I told him everything. I told him how my father forced me, how I was scared of myself, I never wanted to call Harry or anyone filthy names, I told him so much. I got off my bed, and walked over to my desk. I started to work on the letter.

Harry POV

I woke with being yelled at, like usually. I hope my mate, will never yell at me like my uncle does. Yeah, I'm half werewolf and half vampire. My get werewolf from my dad's side, and I get my vampire side from my mom's side. I sit up in bed, and wait for my uncle to come to "my room", I don't even call it my room. "Boy, I am taking my son to a fair. Don't do anything, and I expect you to be ready to leave when I come back!" My uncle yells at me, I don't call him by his name. Because I don't see why. "Yes, sir." I just say back, just like every time. I am 18 now, I inherited a lot of money even a few houses and even more. So I am moving out of this hell house, and moving into Potter mansion.
As soon I get done packing, I realize how much shopping I will have to do with my mate. Of course, my mate is going to live in the Potter mansion with me. I just stared of in space thinking about my mate, when I hear something at my window. I look to see a owl, with a letter. I know that owl, it was Draco's birthday present from me. I open the window for it to come it, and flys in and sits on my old desk. I took the letter, and read it.
To Harry Potter,
Hey Harry, it's Draco. I guessed you figured that out by the owl. Thank you, again for the owl. I even named it Pottah.
That makes me laugh, and I look at the beautiful owl. "Hello, Pottah." I say and then go back to reading the letter.
I want to show people I have changed. So, I was wondering. How do you let your hair be a birds nest? And how do you not tie your tie all the way? I know it's weird to ask, but I only you who does this. Please met me at the Platform so you can tell me. Again, thank you for everything.
Draco Malfoy
p.s. I found I'm a Veela!

I finish reading the letter, and my heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. Draco what's my help, and why am I feeling like this?
Because Draco Malfoy is your mate.
Who just said that?!
Oh, names Brady. I'm your inner Alpha.
Well, thanks for now showing up. But how do you know, Draco is my mate.
Because I was always here, and their inner Veela was always their. We always felt a connection, but we didn't know what kind of connection.
Wait, really!? The boy that I have liked since I was 11, is my mate! My mate.
Yes, he his lover boy
What if he rejects me...
We can only hope he doesn't
Yeah, but I need to get ready for Hogwarts. Maybe you help me remember everything?
Of course, I can. Oh and make sure to by condoms.
I'm being honest, veela's can get pregnant.
Thank you for that information, and fine. Now, come on actually help me.

Draco POV

I was waiting for Harry, I found out I had a inner Veela on the way to the train. Her name is Leah, so beautiful isn't it.
Draco their here!
Who? My mate?
Yes, he's here. Our mate is here.
Leah... He will probably will reject us. And plus I have liked someone since I 11.
Well, you never know if that person is your mate.
Sure, Harry Potter would be my mate. Oh, blo-
I thought you said you could read my mind from when I was little.
Yes, I did... Sorry I still just can't believe it
It's fine and speaking of the devil. Here he is.
Draco... He's our mate...
"Hey, Draco." Harry says as he walks up to Draco. Draco quickly hides their shocked expression. "Hey, Harry. I am guessing you got Pottah." Draco says with a smirk. Harry nods his head, and drops a smile. Draco quickly looks upset, oh God his mad at me?
No, it meant be his inner wolf talking to him
Oh, okay.
"Sorry. I am a half werewolf and half vampire. And my inner wolf is so saying stupid stuff." Harry says as he rubs the back of his neck. Draco I smiles, again. When did he start acting like this. "It's fine, I understand." Draco says as he looks around. "So what are? I mean like are you an alpha, beta, or something else." Draco says while looking back at Harry. Harry smiles at Draco, "I'm an alpha. I'm surprised you couldn't tell. So far everyone has guessed it because I grew taller and strong." Harry says while looking at his arms. Draco is now noticing all of this, Harry was right. "Yeah, sorry I didn't really pay attention." Draco says with a little laugh, that came out like a girl giggle. Making him cover his mouth, and making Harry break out into laughter.
See... He is laughing at us...
Maybe it was something the inner Alpha said
Yeah, your right
"Sorry. Your laugh it's just so adorable. And I had to laugh." Harry says as he realizes Draco's not smiling no more. Draco gets flustered, and looks away from Harry. "Umm... With saying that... I think we need to talk..." Harry says as he stands straight up. Showing how much he has grown. Draco just nods his head.

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