New Year, New You

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Harry pov

I was always told 'New year, new you'. I was thought it was fake, because for me I always stayed the same. But, exact my shit cuts.
Still, I didn't believe it until now. I was 19 years old, this year I'm heading back to Hogwarts for my 8th year.
But, I do not look like the Harry Potter that everyone knows.
Over the summer, and the time I had; a lot of things have happened. Let's start off with my haircut. I got it cut on the sides, and a little in the back. So, all my fluff is right on top of my head. It still covers the lighting bolt though.
Because of all the deaths at Hogwarts, I lived in the muggle world for a little bit. In the muggle world, I went to the gym everyday. When I eventually moved back to the wizarding world, I made to bring my gym stuff. But, because of me going to the gym. I have gained several muscles, even ads.
I got tattoos, and my ears pierced. Over this time, I started caring for myself. I started taking care of me, so I grown maybe 7 or 8 inches.
Today I'm going to the Weasley's house. After the war, I couldn't stand to be in the wizarding world. So, I left. Ron and Hermione have sent me owls. But, they haven't seen me.
Right now, I'm standing on the Weasley's door step about to knock. I take a deep breath, and knock.
"Coming!" I hear Mrs. Weasley yell. I smile hearing her voice. When she opens the door, she looks me up and down in shocked.
"Harry?" She asks, and I smile. "Harry! You grown, your so different. But, it's you. I'm proud of you." She says, and I take deep relaxing breath.
"Come on in, go put your stuff in Ron's room." She says, and she walks back in the burrow. I smile, and walk in.
Nothing has changed, I smile to that. I walk up the stairs to Ron's room. Before I open the door, I knock.
"Hold on." I hear Ron say, and smile. Hermione is probably in there as well. "Okay, you can come in." Ron says. I open the door and keep my eyes close. "No offense, but two snogging." I say still with my eyes close.
"Harry!" Hermione says surprised, and I open my eyes. I see Ron and Hermione both with shocked faces. I smirk.
"The one, and only." I say as I take bow. I can feel Hermione eyes, look at all my messing hair.
"I have no words." Ron says, after I stand up. I laugh, "What do you think of the new me?" I ask with smile.
"It fits, but you changed." Hermione says still trying to figure out it's me. "It's me, Hermione Jean Granger." I say with a smile.
She hates her middle name, and only has ever told me and Ron it. She gets flustered, but smiles knowing that it is me.

A few days later

Today we are loading the train for Hogwarts, and I kept getting looks; well more like people staring at me.
I finally see the one person, I wanted to see. Did I forget to mention, me and Draco Black have been talking.
I smile at him, and he walks over. Ron and Hermione quickly look at him, then at me.
"Well, you weren't lying when you said you changed." He says while looking me up, and down.
"I thought it was time for change." I says with smirk. "Well, it's nice change. Harry." He says trying not to smile, but failed at the end.
"Your horrible actor." I say while shaking my head. "Good thing I don't want to be an actor." He says while smiling at Hermione, and Ron.
"Should question it?" Ron says, and laugh. I turn around to look at Ron, and Hermione.
"Me and Draco were talking over the summer. We learned about each other." I say with a smile.
"And that leaves me to reintroduce myself. Hello, my name is Draco Black. And some interesting fact about me I that I'm gay." He says with smile. Ron looks at me, and I nod my head.
"You change your last name and you're gay?" Ron asks, which makes him receive a slap on the back of the head. Draco faces from smile to shocked, he looks at me like 'Is this normal'.
I couldn't help, but laugh. "Don't worry that happens a lot." I say with a chuckle.
He nods his head. "I changed my last name, because I didn't like being a Malfoy. I wanted to be like my aunt Andromeda, she was my mum's sister who married a muggle. And yes I'm gay." Draco says explain himself.
Ron nods his head. "Wasn't she Tonks mum?" Ron asks with no filter. He quickly he realized what he said, but before he could he got other slap. I look away Ron, and Hermione and look at the train.
"Harry go find a compartment for the four of us, Draco why don't you go with him I need to talk to Ron." Hermione says, I look back at her to see her sending daggers to Ron.
Draco grabs my arm, and pulls me along. I smile, I may or may not have a huge crush on him.
"Here go to last compartment." I say as we notice a lot of the seat are full. We walk back there, I we seat down.
Draco mumbles something but I could slightly hear it. "Why are so hot." He mumbles, I am guessing because he was so quiet.
"What did you just ask?" I say as look at him. He looks at me, and his cheeks Become a rose color. He glups, "What are so hot?" He asks a little bit louder. I smile at him.
"I don't know, maybe you're just saying that because you like me." I says, it wasn't really a question, as much as a assumption.
He turns scarlet red now, and I know my answer. "So, if I could kiss you right now. You wouldn't care." Another assumption. He nods his head, agreeing with my assumption.
I move in to him, I put my hand under his chin to make him look at me. Before I knew it I was kissing him, he kissed back with so much happiness.
After a second we separate, and I could hear his heart beating. I couldn't wait for Hermione, and Ron to find out. I smile at him.
"Be my boyfriend?" I asks with the same smile. He smiles at me, "of course." He says. I pull him on my lap, and kiss him again. It was just like the last kiss, but more love was in it.
We separated when he heard someone cleared their throat. I roll my eyes, "You listen here, Ron I had stand there and look at the sexual tension between you and Hermione; okay you can stand there and let me kiss my new boyfriend." I say as I look at them. Ron faces drops, and Hermione turns around. Draco bursts out in laughter. I could hear Hermione, laughing as well. I smile at Ron.
Eventually they sat down, and Draco got off my lap. "That's one way to start the new year." Hermione says with a big smile.
"Like people says 'New Year, New you'." I says and everyone nod their heads. Maybe, change is good.

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