I'm sorry

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"Harry!" I yell at the man in front of me. He looks at with a soft smile. The soft smile that I feel in love with so many times. I quickly see that he is holding his middle stomach. I look at all the blood on him.
"Harry! What's wrong?" I ask as I crawl over to him. I know, I'm bleeding but not as much as him. He has to be fine, he just has to be.
"Draco... You know that I won't make it..." He whispers while moving his hand on his stomach. Their is so much blood, I put my hand there to apply pressure.
"No! You will bloody live! You hear me, Potter!" I yell at him, because he knows damn well he can't leave me alone. He can't leave me with Teddy, and the child he doesn't even know about yet.
I start to cry, he looks at me with soft eyes. I put my hands on his cheeks, one still holding my wand. This morning I didn't I would be this close to losing my husband. "You see me, Potter." He says with that teasing tone.
"Harry... Please, I need to there for our child..." I confess right here, right now. "What do you mean?" He asks in a whisper, I smile at him. I put his hand on my stomach, "I'm pregnant... Surprise!" I whisper back at him, I put my forehead on his bloody one.
"You're pregnant!" He smiles so bright, I nod my head. "I guess I have to live then." He says with a soft smile. I can see this eyes before to heavy for him to keep open.
I hear healers coming around, "OVER HERE! HARRY POTTER IS DONE!" I yell as loud as I could. A healer runs over to us, she sees Harry and quickly moves me back. She starts to do her magic, I know he will have to go through surgery.
"Draco, just is case. I love you, Teddy, and them." He says with a smile, I want to see another day. "We love you too." I say before he gets whisk away.


Two months have passed, Harry is still in the hospital. We have found out that the reason for the attack was because of a death eater looking for me. The amount of times I have cried because I'm the reason why this all happened.
I'm roughly 2 1/2 months pregnant, and the baby isn't growing as strongly as we wished for it. The healer for me has told me it could also be the stress.
Me abd Teddy are in the in the hospital visiting. Teddy is talking to him and telling me what is going on in his life. Most of the time he is staying with my aunt, his grandmother.
Aunt Andy said that she is trying to help me with my stress. Only if she knew. I hear someone knock, I look up at the door. "Come in." I call out and the person opens the door. It's aunt Andy, she is coming to pick up Teddy. "Hello, darlings." She says as she takes a sit next to me.
She smiles at the bloated stomach I have. I smile at her, when she looks at me. I don't want people to see that I'm suffering, this is my own problem. "He will awake, I know it." She says, I node my head. How does she know? She wasn't there when it happened? How does she know?

"Have resigned from being auror?" I nod my head, I sent the papers in 4 days ago. I had to, I didn't want to raise my child with that kind of situation. I can only hope Harry joins my decision.

aybe we can live close to the muggle border, but still live in the wizarding world. He could be a police officer, I could be a stay-at-home parent.
"Well, me and Teddy best be going. Goodbye, Draco. I promise he will wake up." Aunt Andy says before helping Teddy get down. "Bye, Dray!" He calls out before leaving. I wave bye, when the door closes I go over to him. I put his hand on my stomach, I know I'm not supposed to but maybe this will help him.
"You better wake up before I have this kid on my own, Potter. If I have to, your balls will be cut up when you wake up." I says with my sassy tone. I feel movement in his hand, I hold my breath for a minute. But after a few minutes, I feel nothing and just shake my head. Maybe he is slowly waking up. Hopefully that is the chase.


It's been 2 months since I last updated you. I'm 4 months pregnant, I can find out the gender now. But I think I'm going to wait until my 6 month. The baby is still smaller than it should be, it looks as if it should be only is only my 10 or 11 week.
The healers have put me on medication to try and make them grow. Because of the medicine I have been more tried, more hungry. I haven't Harry much because of that, as I used to.
Once again, I'm at the hospital. He has slowly been moving his hands and feet. They think he should wake up by the end of this month or next month. I keep telling him about how excited I am about it. I can't wait for him to be able to actually see me and pregnant belly. Then, other times I'm nervous because I look fat. I am fat.
His hand is on my stomach, once more. "Can you feel it move?" I ask him even though I doubt he feels any of this. "I know I can, but I don't know if you can." I have gotten used to speaking to myself like this. At first it was awkward, but not anymore as I can do it with easy.
"I think it will be a son. What do you think it will? Probably a girl." I say knowing Harry would proposing disagree with me. I also know that Harry would just want a healthy baby.
I start talking about what's going on. The Weasley have been visiting more and more. They are concerned for me and the baby, mainly Molly.
I stand up about to leave, I kiss his forehead. Then his lips, I kiss them to make sure he never forgets what they feel like. I lean up, and I smile at him. I start to grab my stuff, then head to the door.
"Do you know how hard it is not to kiss you back?" I hear from behind me as I touch the door. I know that voice, my breath quickens, and I quickly look back. To see him with his eyes closed, I shake my head. I'm probably hearing things.
"Really? Nothing, Potter." This time I look at him, and I see that sly smile on his face. He is faking he it, he's awake! I run over to him, the best I could 4 months pregnant. "Harry!" I yell as I practically jump in his bed. I start to cry on his chest, I feel his arms around me.
I look up at him, and see the green eyes I feel in love so many times. "Hello, love." He smiles at me, and I smile back. I kiss him and he kisses back.
We break apart, he looks me up and down. But, his eyes stop that little belly. He puts a hand on my stomach, "Our baby." He says with a soft smile. I put my forehead on his, and smile. "I'm resigning." He says as he puts both hands on my stomach.
"Harry, you don't need to." I quickly back away and say. He nods his head," I do. Imagine this happens when they are born, but that time I don't make it." He says with sad eyes. I know I can't change his mind, he is to headstrong. I shake my head, "I know I can't do anything." I say while looking into his eyes. "That's right." He says with a soft smile. "I feel sorry for me, I have to deal with you." I sarcastically while widening my eyes. He shake his, "I'm sorry." He says with a chuckle.

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