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I was Freezing! The only warmth went away, when we started moving. Here I was on the train to Hogwarts, and freezing. It was a cold, rainy, cloudy day, and I knew it was cold out. I just didn't think about the train ride, which makes me feel more stupid than I felt right now. I completely forgot, to pack gloves and everything I need for the cold. It didn't like God, playing this game on me. I look at my pale skin, which is now even more paler. And put my head on it. I just want to be warm.

I didn't even realize that I drifted off to sleep, not until I felt something warm around my body. I open my eyes to see no other than, Harry Potter. I quickly back up, which makes me hit my head on the wall. "Bloody hell, are you okay?" He asks me, like I was one of his friends. I rub my head, and say nothing. "Draco, dear. I didn't mean to scare you. I knew you would be cold. I didn't see you with any gloves, or a hats, or even a jacket on when we got on the train. So I came and found you and here you were so I put my jacket around you." Potter says, as he looks at me and rubs the back of my head. Harry and me started dating a few months ago, we have been talking over letters since Hogwarts let out. But, now here was my boyfriend concerned about me already. "It's fine. And thanks. But you shouldn't be too concerned about me already after, all you have much greater things to be worried about." I say with a faint smile, I hope it would mask over that I was embarrassed and somewhat scared that he was worried about already. He shakes his head, "No. I worry about you no matter what. I worried about you since the day I realized, I liked you. So no matter what I'm going to worry." His words always found away to make me smile or feel warm. And right now, he is making me feel both. God, why was he so prefect. "Now, can I cuddle with my boyfriend?" Harry asks me, with a wide smile. I reach out for his neck, like a baby but he didn't care.

Harry pov
I watch as Draco reach's out for my neck, like a baby. And to be honest, I love it when he acts like a baby. "Of course, we can cuddle." He says with a very faint smile. I know he probably is still tried, so I get as close as I can to him. He puts his head on my chest, he put his arms on my chest to make a pillow. I just wrap my arms around, him and put my head back on the wall. "Sorry, I was acting my a baby." He mumbles against my chest. I left my head, and take a deep breath which makes him look at me. "I love seeing that side, cuz it makes me know that you trust me." I say while putting my forehead against his. He smiles at me, "I will always trust you." He says while wrinkling his nose. I smile, and kiss his noses which makes him flustered. "But, I need to go. I told Ron and Hermione, I was right back." I look away from Draco, we both decided to keep quiet do to his family. He nods his head, and stands up. I smile at home, as I stand up. He gives me, and I hug back before leaving. God, it was so hard to leave him. As soon, I got with Ron and Hermione they start talking to me. But, my head was wondering off with Draco. "Harry!" Hermione yells, which makes me jump. I look at her with my eyes wide open. She rolls her eyes, and than points them to the door of the compartment. I look up to Draco, standing there with a smirk. "What?" I asks, I don't try to use his last name. It reminds him of his father, and he wants to be nothing like him. He than looks in the hall line, I like to call it, than looks at me with a smile. I look at his face and then move to his arms, he was more paler than usually. "Malfoy." Ron says with a death threat voice. I wanted to launch at Ron, for using his last name and saying it like that. "Harry." Draco says with a smile, and not paying attention to Ron. I looked into the stormy blue eyes, and reader them like a magazine. He was planning on telling them, and his plan was taking action right now. "Draco." I say as I continue to stare at eyes. He puts both arms out, and makes a grady motion. Ron and Hermione look at each other, than at me. I just smile to them, it was time for my best friends to know. I smile at him, and get up and walk to him. Hermione and Ron are shocked by me doing this, anare even more shocked even Draco put his arms against my chest and closes his eyes. I chuckle and move him and me closer to the middle. I then shut the door, and shut the blinds. I look around at my wo best friends with a smile. Both of their mouths were wide open, and staring at Draco. "Ron, Hermione meet my boyfriend." I say with a smile. Ron and Hermione snap their heads to me, then back at Draco. I could feel Draco falling asleep, already. "Come on, let's sit down." I say as I start to move to a sit. Draco nods his head, and follows me. It didn't take him long to fall asleep. "So your and him?" Ron asks well staring at Hermione. "Yeah, him and me." I say while looking at Ron. "You own 10 gallons, Ronald." Hermione says as jumps on her feet. I quickly look at her with death eyes, than look at Draco. She got the message, and sat back down. "Sorry." She says with a faint smile. I nod my head. "But, you owe me 10 gallons." She says, as she looks at Ron again. He rolls his eyesz and gives her 10 gallons. "If you would have just let us find out, I would still have 10 gallons Harry." Ron says to me. I shake my head, my own best friends made a bet on us. Oh while, at least they expect me and Draco. I kiss him on his forehead, which makes him smile. Oh, how I love my Dragon.

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