A Short Story (8/8)

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Years have passed, we have grown, we lost and gained people, but the most important thing is that we never fell out of love. Draco and me, of course. Hermione, Draco, and me are still best friends.
We three of us are 20 now, I never thought I would be here with these two. I also thought I was going to have more than this or I was sti going to have him. I still refuse to say his (Ron's) name. Oh, after I punched me I got in trouble, but told them what happened. Let's just say we both in trouble, but he was in more trouble.
Today is Draco's 21st birthday, I have been planning on doing something for a long time now. And tonight I'm doing it. Hopefully he will like it.
"Good morning." Draco says while rubbing his eyes, I was in the kitchen already starting breakfast while he was sleeping. I look at the clock and it says it's 10. "Good morning, beautiful." I say to him, he smiles at me before walking over to me and giving me a kiss. "Dad, mum, Lillen, and Parker are still coming over tonight." My mum and dad has my little sister my summer of first year and second year. Parker was born my sixth year. They are my best friends, even though we are far apart. I love them so much.
"Thanks for reminding me." He says, I smile at him, he smiles back. Little does he know everyone is coming over, the reason why is because I plan on proposing to him tonight. "Also, happy 21st. Do you want you want be to add some achool to your coffee?" I ask with a chuckle. "Please no." I hear Draco groan out. I laugh at him.
After I finish breakfast, I call everyone to make sure we are set up for tonight. "Do we need to bring champagne?" Mr. Malfoy asks with a slight chuckle. "Sure, but don't show Draco." I say remember what he thinks it means, now.
I hear Mr. Malfoy laugh at me, and I roll my eyes. "Goodbye, see you later Mr. Malfoy." I say and hear him say goodbye then I hang up. I have called everyone, everything is in order. I am proposing to him at the park, where everyone will be expect Hermione and Draco.
Hermione is going to take Draco out for his birthday, giving me time to set the park. The lights will need to hanged up, thankful some other people are helping me in all this. I smile thinking about all this, I can't wait to call Draco my husband, and for to call me his husband.
Time went by slowly, almost to slow. Doesn't help, that Draco is trying to seduce me. He decided that he didn't want to wear underwear or any clothes at all. Then Hermione called him and asked if he wanted to go out. I made him say sure, even though he fought me for a few minutes. Lastly, he wore a tight shirt with tight pants, showing off his ass.
He got out of the house, without being fuck senseless by me, and was upset because he didn't get fucked. I just need him to have senses when he left, but tonight would be different.
I head straight to town after they left, they are going somewhere else to shop. I had ask Hermione to get him into some summer clothes that are okay to wear around parents and soon-to-be inlaws. She said of course, after seeing what he was wearing.
I help Neville put up the lights, Dad spread out the flower pellets, and so much more. I love how it looks hopefully he will love it, I look around at all our family and friends. I thankfully learned how to play guitar, I going to sing a song before proposing. I couldn't wait for him to get here and see all of this.
5 minutes, 4 minutes 59 second now.  I am counting, pacing back and forward. I know he is my best friend, I know he is love with me. But, what if he isn't ready for this.
I calm down my nerves as I see Draco and Hermione coming. I quickly grab my guitar, everyone on is hiding. I told Hermione to have him blind folded. "Hermione where are we?" Draco ask Hermione just smiling at me. She gives me a big thumbs up before walking to the rest, "You can take your blind fold off." She shouts before disappearing. I got this.
He takes his blind fold and looks at me trying to figure what is going on. I will playing the guitar, but a video will be playing. I point my head over to the projector, onces the picture start I start to sing.
The day that I met you
The world had just spit me out
On my way to the bottom
Sure I'd never be found
Then you saw me for me
Made me believe in myself
On the day that I met you
It all turned around
You said close your eyes
Don't look down
Fall into me and I'll catch you, darlin
We'll dance in the street like nobody's watching
It's just you and me and the song on repeat in my head
Playing over and over
I'm drunk on your voice high on the moment
I'd fall for you twice if that's what you wanted
I'd give you my life from now till forever
I'm falling in love with you
Over and over again
Until I had met you
There was no sun in my sky
No mirrors for monsters
And no love in sight
Then you walked down those stairs
And I knew my heart wasn't mine
On the day that I met you
My whole world came alive
You said close your eyes
I got you now
Fall into me and I'll catch you, darlin
We'll dance in the street like nobody's watching
It's just you and me and the song on repeat in my head
Playing over and over
I'm drunk on your voice high on the moment
I'd fall for you twice if that's what you wanted
I'd give you my life from now till forever
I'm falling in love with you
Over and over again
I'm falling in love with you
I'm falling in love with you
I'm falling in love with you over and over
I'm falling in love with you over and over
Fall into me and I'll catch you, darlin
Let's dance in the streets like nobody's watching
It's just you and me and the song on repeat in my head
Playing over and over
I'm drunk on your voice high on the moment
I'd fall for you twice if that's what you wanted
I'd give you my life from now till forever
I'm falling in love with you
Over and over again
Fall into me and I'll catch you, darlin
Let's dance in the streets like nobody's watching
It's just you and me and the song on repeat in our heads
At the end of video it tells him to turn and look at me. I am one knee, if a ring out with a smile.

"That's the night I asked him to be my husband." I finish telling, our 3 kids are looking at me like I just told them the most amazing thing.
Draco said yes to being my husband, we married a year later. And after 3 years being married we finally decided to adopt. But I was time for us to adopt we found three little siblings that were all related but no one wanted them all together.
We quickly stepped up and said we would take them they're all a year apart the youngest is four and the oldest is six.
"Then we got married and 3 years later we adopted you guys." Draco says while smiling liken nothing else. Our oldest is named, Amara Marie, the middle is named, John Alex, lastly the youngest is named, Annabelle Nicole. Of course their last names are Potter, just like Draco and I.
I have played on my songs, for them and Draco. I have played both versions piano and guitar. And every time before I do, I tell them the story about me and their papa. And every time I tell them it's a short story of two's life that feel love.

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