You Have My Heart

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Harry pov

I was the head auror, now. It has been 5 years since the war.
I look at the calendar, and today marks the 5th since the war was over. Many people have moved from the wizarding world to the muggle world.
One person in particular, Draco Malfoy has disappeared. He disappeared after he told me, he was going home after the trial (oh, flashbacks). I said I would talk to him soon.
But, I'm not mad. Just upset, after all I did like him. I was in my thoughts, when someone knocked. "Come in!" I say, well I yelled a little.
The person who walks in, was not who I expected, but there he was. Who may be the he, no other than Draco Malfoy.
"Hello, Harry." He says with a small smile. I could feel my heart leap, Draco Malfoy was standing at the door. My office door!
"Well, look who it is. Long time no see, Draco." I say with a smirk. I stand up to greet him in. I point down to the chair in front of me, meaning for him to come sit.
I guess he got the message, because he came to sit down. "Now, what may be the occasion of us meeting?" I ask getting into my boss mode.
He rolled his eyes, then looked at me. "I'm here, because I need this," he points down to left arm, "and I need you to file a paper saying I can work with other people." He finishes, and I nod my head.
The file should be the easiest of all the world, so I will do the the arm problem. "Do you want to start today or tomorrow?" I says as I stand up. "Today." He says without anything. I nod my head, and get my wand out of its case.
"Wow, does Potter have a fancy case for his wand?" Draco teased like he used to, while standing up. I roll my eyes, "Yes, I do. Mainly because I use wand-less magic." I say with a strong tone.
He nod his head. "Now come over here. I need to pull up your sleeve, also this will cause pain." I say as I walk in the middle of room.
"You sound like you do this alot." Draco says with a joking tone. "I do, Draco." I say with a not joking tone.
"If you want to, which I find most people do, is look away." I saw, and Draco looks away taking deep breath.
"It's gonna be fine, juts take a deep breath." I say, and he nod his head.
I say the spell on the mark, and I feel Draco's head start to move over to look. I put my hand on the back of his head, and forced it to look away.
As I do this some of the snake starts to come to life, and starts to pull out of the skin. "Ah!" I heard Draco shout, and I knew he was probably about to cry.
Even Blaise Zabini cries the day, I did his.
After a few minutes, it is finally over. I take my hand off of the back of Draco's head. He looks at me with watery eyes, a red nose, red puffy eyes, and a red face.
"It's over now, but I need to put a special bandage on it." I say as we lock eyes. He nods his, and stiffens.
I go over to my desk, and pull out my 'helping' drawer. I get the bandage, and smile at him.
"Okay, so you will need to put this on after every shower. And you must keep it on all times. Even when your sleeping." I say while I start to wrap his arm. He stares at what I'm doing, without saying anything.
"Thank you, Harry." He say as he finally looks in my eyes again. If this wasn't something to do for business, I would kiss him. But, he is someone I have to help and as a head auror.
"Your welcome, Draco." I say with a smile. I can here a small chuckle. "I bet I'm the only who you cried." He says with a chuckle, and I shake my head.
"Blaise, he came in here 6 months. I still remember the day. Him and Pansy walked in. Pansy was getting arrested, and Blaise wanted the mark gone." I say as I look at the wall. I remember the tears, and the shouting from Pansy.
"Blaise came to me, and told me he wanted the thing off his arm. So, I did so. He cried, even screamed from the pain. To be honest, you are one of the only people who haven't screamed." I say as I close my eyes to let all the memories re-flow in my head.
"Wow... I knew about Pansly and getting arrested, but I didn't know about Blaise." Draco says from behind me, I take a deep breath. And turn around.
"Yeah." I say while looking back at him. He looks back into my eyes, and I look into his. We start to lean forward, but before we could kiss my phone goes off.
"Sorry." I say to Draco, while looking at my phone. I take a deep breath after I read the name, 'Ginny (User)'.
I declined the phone call, and look back at Draco. "Now, may we finish what was interrupted." I say as I put my hand under Draco's chin ever so sightly.
"Yes, we may." Draco says before pulling me into a kiss. His lips were like puzzle pieces with mine. They were soft, and smooth.
We pulled away after a few. I laugh to myself, and look at Draco. "You have no idea, how long I have wanted to do that." I say with a smile. He smiles back, "Me, too." He says.

2 years later

Me, and Draco have been dating, for 2 years now. We have moved in with each other. I also, found out the reason why I had to sign file a paper. He wanted to become a healer.
He has been a healer for a year now, I'm still the head auror. Life is good.
Right now, me and Draco are both off. We were cooking dinner when a song came on, and I grabbed Draco's hands.
We started to dance, and have fun. When the song finished, we put our foreheads together. "You know you have any heart." I say as I kiss Draco's nose.
He laughs, and kisses my cheek. "I know I have your heart." He says as we go back to cooking.

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