The Aftermath (2/2)

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The aftermath of texting

Draco's pov

I wake up to me laying on someone's chest. Who the bloody hell did I sleeping with?
I sit up to find POTTER! I slept with Harry Potter. Oh, shit.
Ow, what the fuck. I suddenly feel pain shoot up from my bottom, all the way to my spin.
As the pain shoots through my body, I remember last nights events. "I DID FUCKING DOGGY STYLE FOR HARRY POTTER!" I yell waking Harry up.
He sits up and looks at us. I can see blush creep on his cheeks.
"Bloody hell..." Harry says before laying back down. I just stare at him, completely and utterly shocked.
"You aren't going to say anything about what happened last night?" I say still dumbfounded. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Well do you love me, or hate me?" He asks. "I love you." I say quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.
"Do you regret last night?"
"So you don't hate me, and you don't regret last."
"Then why should I say a word, about what happened last night." He say with a shrug. And I was dumbfounded again. He was right what was there to say.
"Well, do you love me? Do you regret last night?" I ask nervously. He laughs which I get sacred about. "Sorry I can tell how nervous you were. I love you and no I don't regret last." He says with a grin. I smile at him, and then layed back down. He pulled me closer, and I put my head on his chest.
I don't know when he got taller, but he did. We layed their in silence, until Harry broke it.
"I still have a question for you." He says as he starts to play with my fingers, which are on his stomach. I look up at him, "Which is?" I ask as he looks down at me.
"Will you, Draco Malfoy, be my boyfriend?" Harry asked, he sounded so formal. His eyes looked like they were trying to scan everything that was happening in my eyes.
"I do." I say trying to sound as formal, but failed. He kissed me, and I kissed back.
Me and him layed in bed for a little longer, until it was 12 pm. Good thing it was Saturday.
We head down, more like me limping and him walking, to the dinning hall for lunch. We sat down at a round table, they added when we came back, in the back.
Me and Harry were talking about what we are going after this year. When Pansy, Hermione, and Ron walk over. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Hermione quietly yells. Harry looks back with a smirk. And to be honest, I don't know what is going on.
"Yes?" He asks, before she slaps him on the head. "You confess to a boy, when you are fully blind drunk and you don't remember a single lick." She says, and I look at him. He starts laughing, and then turns around to face Hermione.
"Hermione, you see when I get drunk I don't forget things. So, I know what happened and what I did." He says before looking at me again. I was shocked, he remembers everything for the other night.
"And plus, me and Drcao have already worked it out. Right, love?" Harry says with a smile. I take a beep breath, "Yes, mon amour." I say back.
I knew Pansy and Hermione knew what that meant. And I'm guessing Ron, and Harry did as well. Mainly because Ron, Pansy, and Hermione's face drop. Harry's grin got wider.
They were speechless, as me and Harry stood up and left.
I am so happy for this aftermath.

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