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Lol hey!

So! Never underestimate me dudettes. I am more dangerous than I seem lol.

Moon: That's totally not true.


Moon: See ya later, non-dangerous-dudette.


Okay still don't underestimate me.

Here you go, Nina!!

Lol I completed it in 40 mins I suppose? Nvm.


"I ain't doing it!" Nina says.

"You are." Gold says.





"Yes- HEY!" Nina says, dumbfounded.

"So now, please, take this and wear." Gold says, smirking and handing Nina a bag of clothes.

"Why am I doing this again?" Nina asks, while taking the bag from Gold.

"Because you don't want me to post the pic of you sleeping like a monkey on social media, do you?" Gold says, trying to control his laughter.

"Ugh, I am locking the door next time I sleep." Nina says.

"Sure, do so. I have other ways too~" Gold says, Nina lightly punches him on his shoulder and goes to their room to change.

--After 2 minutes--

"GOLDFISH COME HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Nina shouts from their room.

"What is it?" Gold says, and then goes to their room, only to see Nina in a cat's costume. "Oh~"

"WHAT.THE.FREAKING.HELL.IS.THIS?" Nina asked him, while he closed their room's door, and locked it. He came towards her, while she was just staring at him.

"W-what are you thinking you're doing?" Nina asks him, as he swings an arm around her waist.

"Thinking of giving you some love~" Gold says, coming closer.

"NO, I WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS THING RIGHT NOW-" Nina states but then Gold takes out his phone and waves it in his hand at her. "Remember?"

"Arrghh I am not sleeping ever again." Nina says, grabbing her head.

"Aw, kitten don't wanna sleep? That's sad." Gold says.

"I am not a kitten." Nina states.

"Of course, you're not. You're Gold's kitten~" Gold says.


"Now come here." He says, grabbing Nina's waist and leading her to the bed.

"Act like a kitten." He orders.

"No way on hell."

"And that's how your pic goes online!" Gold says.

"Fineeee." Nina says, still mad.

"Now, pur for me." Gold orders.

(Please excuse me idk if his line is correct or not.)

"No- Okay Imma do it." Nina says, pouting.

"Good kitten~" Gold says, touching her kitten ears.

"Pu-p-pu-pur-p-u-r-r-r~" Nina tries to sound like a kitten.

"That was good, at least for me." Gold says, and sits down the bed, grabbing Nina's waist and making her sit on his lap.


"Shh, now let me enjoy my time." Gold says, the kisses her on the cheek, making his way to her lips, and slowly kissing her on her lips.

(Warning: Non child friendly stuff ahead. Note: This is not a lemon. So chillax!)

They start slowly, but it turns into a passionate kiss. Gold then makes his way down her neck, kissing all the way. Nina moans in pleasure.

"You like it?" Gold asks, between kisses.

"Yes~, I mean- No." Nina manages to say.

"Hm...need to do something else then." Gold says, trying to think.

He grabs her waist with one hand, leans on the bed and flips her over, now being on top of Nina.

"W-what are you doing?" She asks, her eyes widening.

"Giving you some love~" Gold says as he continues kissing her neck. Nina moans louder this time.

"Gold stop." Nina orders him.

"Nope. Not today." He says as he slides an arm under her cat hoodie.

(What happens later is fully depended on you!)

Lol okay I am done.

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