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I threw the phone down to take off my hair cap. Oh gosh, why would he call now of all times?!

"Uh, Peyton?" He asked.

"Yeah one sec-" I quickly grabbed my phone after smoothing down my hair and smiled at the screen.

"Hey" I sighed.

"Should I call back later?"

"No, you just catch me at the worst possible moments." I explained.


"You've never noticed I look my worst whenever you talk to me?" I questioned.

"No right now I think you look adorable in your onesie, baaah" I'm pretty sure he just mimicked a sheep.

I started cracking up. "Did you...did you just mimic... a sheep?" I said in between fits of laughter."

"Yeah I wanted to make you smile." He said smiling.

"Well you accomplished that!"

"Good. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked furrowing his brows together.

"Again with the straightforwardness, um no I've never had a boyfriend."

He looked completely shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"That is crazy. Are you messing with me?"

"No, why?" I said completely serious.

"Do I need to make a list? I've only known you for one day and I already know 1) Peyton you are extremely sexy 2) You're funny and 3) You're not afraid to be yourself"

I was stunned.

"Um...that's nice..." I said brushing off his comments.

"Wait don't tell me you haven't noticed how guys look at you."

"Uh no I haven't, that's probably why I've never been asked out-"

"Hey I just met you-" he started.

"And this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe" I smiled finishing his sentence.

He laughed " I was going to say- and even I already know all these things- but that too."

"Sorry I had to."

"That's totally fine, is that what type of music you like to listen to?" He asked.

"I guess. I really just listen to anything I can dance to. What type of music do you listen to?"

"Rap." He said simply.

"Ahh, let's play 20 questions clean version." I said.

He chuckled "There's a dirty version?"

"Of course, but I don't know you well enough."

"Hm, okay..."


I ended up learning he has 3 younger brothers that he helps his mom take care of, Chase who's 14, Jaylen,12 and Jason,11. He works at Champs and that's how he earned the money to buy his car. Lets just say that definitely impressed me, that he wasn't some spoiled rich kid who sits on his ass getting things handed to him. His favorite color is green, and he loves sports.

I told him I have an older sister named Maya who's 19 and a younger brother Eli the second not junior who is 13. I told him my favorite color is orange and I love macaroni and cheese, I could basically live off of it. I told him we should set our brothers up so they could be friends since his family just moved here(Seattle). To say the least I went to bed happy that night.


It's been 3 days and I'm leaving tomorrow for Whitman state to see my sister tomorrow.

I'm siting in my room packing some clothes when I hear the doorbell. My parents aren't home so I go to answer the door.

Before me, standing is Ayden. I swear he is so gorgeous. In cheer terms I would do a toe touch on his face.

"Hey Peyton."

"Hey Ayden. Do you want to-" I was suddenly embraced in a warm hug, I felt his strong arms wrap around my lower back. I could feel his muscular stomach on mine as I wrapped my arms around him accepting the hug. He let go before I wanted him to. The only hugs I gave guys were awkward side ones.

"-come in?" I finished my sentence as he let go.

He grabbed my face on either side and stared into my eyes. I was captivated.

"I would love to." He said dropping his hands.

I numbly moved to the side to let him inside and led him down the hallway

The Days of a Typical Teenage Black GirlWhere stories live. Discover now