The Ride

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It was surprising. The conversation never got awkward up until we stopped in front of my house and I was itching to get out.

"Sooo... I'm really gross right now, so I'm going to go inside before you die from my stench." As I turned to open my door,

"Wait," he hopped out of the car and came around to open my door.

I started clapping as I chuckled, "You earn major brownie points for that!"

He looked at me confused.

"I didn't think guys did that anymore."

"Ohhh, yeah my mom always used to hit me in the head whenever I didn't open the door for her since my dad wasn't around. She didn't want me to end up like that jackass."

I laughed, "I see, good mom"

"Yeah she is, I guess it came in handy"

"We'll I'll see you tomorrow Ayden." I said walking up to my door, but I didn't get far before he grabbed my arm, signaling he wasn't done talking.

"Hey. Can I have your number?"

"Well don't you get to the point fast!" I laughed

"Yeah, sorry but I love hearing your voice and laugh, so I'd rather risk looking stupid for a minute than going without talking to you later tonight"

I stood frozen. Oh. My. Gosh.

He grabbed my phone out of my hand and typed in his number and called his phone so he could save it in his phone, as I stood there like an idiot.

"Okay see you tomorrow Peyton." He flashed me a quick smile before jogging over to his car and driving off.

I finally regained composure. "YESSS!!!" I screamed dancing and jumping up and down.

I immediately went to go call my sister , Maya. When she finally picked up,



"Hey Pey! What's up, why are you yelling?"

"Maya. I just got a gift from God! I just met THE finest Samoan guy EVER, oh gosh I just wanted to jump his bones!"

My sister laughed, "Omigosh I have to meet him! I am so pissed I'm missing this!" She said referring to her being 5 hours away at college. It makes me really sad that she isn't here to share the first guy I really likes experience with me, but I know she is happy there with her boyfriend, Dominic. She was going to do great things once she got out of college. She is getting her degree in Political Science, and even though she's only a sophomore, she already has her shit together unlike most people her age. I freakin' love her she has got to be the most amazing person I could ever look up to, besides my mama, and I'm so thankful.

"That's okay I will update you 24/7 and we can snapchat and FaceTime!"

"I know, I guess I'm just a little home sick," Maya said. Every time she's sad it literally breaks my heart, it feels like my better half is missing.

"That's okay, since I'm coming to come visit on Friday!"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot! I'm so excited!"

"I'll snapchat you later, I gotta go take a shower."

"Okay, love you!"

"Love you too, adios!"


I hung up the phone and pulled myself off my bed I was laying on as I talked to Mya. I stepped over the stuff on my messy floor that my parents are always telling me to clean up. And turn the corner to go into the upstairs bathroom, only to walk in on my little brother peeing with the door open.

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