Things get complicated...

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Marketing class went by fairly quickly because we only had 45 minute class periods. I had just enough time to finish up my pre-calculus homework, so I didn't have to worry about Ms.Beck biting my head off for not finishing it, she was kinda feared by all her students. But then again it made us students get our ish together. The rest of the day went fast and before I knew it cheer practice was over too.

As I walked out of the building I was so glad at that moment for the cold Washington air. The way it created a soft breeze against my extremely hot and sweaty body was a true blessing. While I'm calling my mom to come pick me up and give Zeek a ride home, I feel a presence close behind me. I quickly jet my butt out to booty bump the cheerleader behind me, I always do that so they can get out of my bubble and I had a big butt so why not use it? I turn around laughing,

"Back it up and drop it, back it, back it up and drop it-" Oh.Shitsicles.

I turn my head up to see dark brown eyes looking down on me full of humor.

"I'm waiting to see you drop it, since you already have the back it up part down." Ayden said.

"You wouldn't be able to handle it anyways" I quipped.

"Hmm I'd like to think I would" he said.

I quickly remembered what I looked oversized t-shirt, loose ponytail probs with hair sticking out everywhere, booty shorts and a thick coat of all natural purely funky sweat...cute...

"I heard you were calling your mom for a ride," he said

"Uh, yeah?"

"I was wondering if you need a ride"

" don't wanna burden your parents..." I said looking at him

"I have a car, so it's totally fine"

"Uh, okaaay, um can we give Zeek a ride too?"

"Sure, which one is that" he said looking around, his brows furrowed together

"Right there..." I pointed to Zeek who was also on the cheer team and was currently twerking on Ari

"Zeek!"I called, after I got his attention he jogged over.

"Ayden, Zeek. Zeek, Ayden." I introduced.



Awkotaco. Well,then. "Zeek, Ayden is giving us a ride home" I stated with a smile I directed towards Ayden. Who quickly smiled back making me intake a silent breath.

Ayden walks ahead of us to show us the way to his car,

"He is hella bomb!" Zeek exclaimed

"That's what I'm saying!"

"I swear if he weren't straight I would hop on." Said Zeek

"Zeek! He's mine, dibs!"

We finally approached his car, it was a sleek black Volkswagen Jetta. Zeek hopped in the backseat as I took the front, gosh I prayed I didn't smell that bad.

The car ride was cool as we dropped Zeek off, we listed to music and chatted about school.

But once Zeek got out of the car I knew I had a good 15 minutes of alone time with Ayden.

Things just got real

The Days of a Typical Teenage Black GirlWhere stories live. Discover now