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"Omigosh I'm so sorry Ayden, he tried to choke me it was instinct."

"He tried to choke you?"

"Yes, but I took-" Before I could finish Ayden had his dad in a choke hold and was cussing him out.

"Ayden! Don't! He is your dad!" He finally let go and his dad grasped the ground struggling for air.

"Call the police." Ayden said quietly.

I stayed until I gave a police report and his dad was taken away. By this time his mom had arrived and she was crying into Ayden's side. She slowly made her way inside saying something about needing to sleep it off. I hugged her before she left and Ayden walked her inside.

As he walked back he ran his hand through his hair. I met him halfway and hugged his waist. He wrapped his arms around me bringing me close.

It was getting late and I knew the sooner I got home my parents could go to bed. I had texted them before the police came to tell them what was going on, so I wouldn't get in trouble later.

"Ayden I gotta go..."

He kissed my forehead and walked me to my car, seeing me off.


*ding, dong!*

I heard my sister open the door and I jumped out of bed, I must've overslept and Ayden was already here, dang it! I quickly dressed in a tribal looking cardigan and leggings throwing my hair in a ponytail and grabbing a headband before I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I ran downstairs as soon as I was done, only to see Ayden casually chatting it up with the parental unit.

I was surprised to see my dad dressed up,

"Dad, are you coming to church with us?" I asked completely surprised. My dad almost never comes to church except holidays and on occasion.


"We're going to the RAM after Peyton!" Exclaimed Eli.

"Yes!" I started dancing from happiness. The RAM had the best food, I was about to grub.

My sister busted out dancing with me and soon my mom and dad joined in, my brother tried to act too cool, but I knew if Ayden wasn't here he would be the first one breaking it down.


As usual we were late to church, but we made it in time for a little praise and worship. Once our pastor started giving the word, I surprisingly was able to pay attention. Even though Ayden had his arm around me and was mindlessly rubbing my shoulder. I subconsciously leaned into his side, chewing on the sour gummy worms I brought for my siblings and I to eat. I almost chocked when the pastor started talking about sex outside of marriage.

I suddenly felt extra guilty for even having the thought. I got up and walked into the foyer.

"Peyton? What's wrong?" Ayden asked once we were outside.

"I don't want to be damned to hell Ayden!!!"

"Peyton-" He said softly.

"I just feel as though GOD wouldn't let me into heaven if I had sex before marriage even if it felt right-"

"Peyton! Listen. I love you. I mean really truly genuinely love you. And if you want to wait until marriage to have sex, I need you to know that I respect you and care for you enough to wait for you. If anything, it makes me want you more, knowing that you're pure and my prize waiting at the finish line." Ayden said.

I looked at him and caressed his face with my fingertips. I got up from the bench we were sitting on and kissed him.

"Thank you for saying that."

"I meant it."


I was grubbin on my chicken strips and fries, my usual I get at every restaurant. My family was talking, that's what I loved about us; there was never a dull moment where no one had anything to say.

Ayden excused himself and went to order to-go food for his mom and brothers. I followed him to keep him occupied while waiting.

"Do you have a nickname? Like den? Well no, that reminds me of a rapist... Or Ay? Wait no, that's like Aye! Hmm."

I was too busy thinking to see Ayden dying from laughter.

"Oh...oh gosh Peyton...you kill me..."

"I was just trying to figure it out!"

"But no, I've never had a nickname, my names kinda short as it is." He shrugged.

"I see, I see."

"Do you?"

"Yes, I do." I leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around me. I started people watching and noticed a group of guys walk into the restaurant.

It was Bryce and his friends. They used to go to high school with my sister, but I remember him trying to talk to me a few years ago even though I was 4 years younger.

~"Hey! My friend thinks you're cute!" Bryce's cousin said more to me that day but I just ignored him and kept walking Eli home. I wasn't surprised because I was very developed in 8th grade, I was at least 5'10" and a D cup. Also I never went through that awkward phase, I just felt dorky. Not nerdy, just fat and bigger than all the child sized white and asian girls. But I was somewhat used to it, that was how it was all my life.~

We made eye contact but I just turned my head and continued to talk to Ayden.

"Hey, Peyton right?" Bryce said. I looked up at his 6' average build, he was dark skinned but he had kind eyes and white teeth.

"Yeah, Bryce? You used to go to school with Maya right?" I asked just to clue Ayden in.

"This is my boyfriend Ayden." Ayden shook Bryce's hand. But Bryce's eyes hardened as he looked Ayden up and down.

"Uh my sister is over there."

"Okay, bye Peyton. Ayden." As he walked away.

"He likes you."

"No he doesn't Ayden."

"Then why was he just mean muggin me to the fullest?"

"Okay, maybe he was acting a little thirsty..."

"Humph as long as he knows what's mine, I won't half to pop off..."

I hugged Ayden then. Something about him getting all defensive and jealous made the pit of my stomach churn happily.


I was painting my nails while watching The Mindy Project before I went to bed, I knew this was going to be a good week ahead, I was going to Kennedy's tomorrow for a sleepover.

I planned on going by the store tomorrow and picking up a bunch of junk food and some Redbox's.

I immediately turned up the volume when I heard my parents arguing, mainly my dad yelling. As always about family financials. Whenever I hear my dad yelling at my mom it brings back the anger I have towards him. Everyone thinks he's so great but deep down I really don't like him as a person even though I love him. He is just an ass sometimes for no reason, it makes me want to yell back him. It's not like he ever calls anyone out of their name or is abusive, he just talks down to people and thinks its okay to raise his voice to get his point across. Ugh, I want to punch him.

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