A Night In

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"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you Ms.Onoku." I said politely.

"Oh gosh! You can call me Doris!" She said embracing me in a bone crushing hug. Even though she is shorter than me, her heavyset frame practically sucked out all my breath.

"Mom! Don't kill her."

"Oh, I'm sorry Peyton." She then proceeded to hit Ayden upside the head. And I vaguely remember him telling me about her doing that when he didn't open the door for her.

I laughed. "Ma!"

"Shush up boy! Why haven't you let me meet her yet?" She said.

"I don't know!" He said.

"Not good enough." She shook her head.

"We got Chinese food mom, do you want to come eat with us?"

"Oh no, I've got a hot date tonight!"

"Oh gosh are you going on a double date with Natasha?" He groaned.

"Yes I am! Why?"

"Humph." Was all Ayden uttered.

"Well it was nice meeting you Peyton, but I've got to go freshen up!" She hugged me on her way upstairs.

Ayden sighed as he led me into the kitchen. I gasped. It was open and spacious with an island in the middle. It had stainless steel everything and granite countertops with cherry wood cabinets.

"This is your kitchen?!" I yelled and started jumping up and down.

He started cracking up.

"Yes. Why? You don't cook do you?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me? I can throw down, you are not even ready." I sassed at him.

"You lie." He smirked.

"Uh, no I'm not. I don't know why I haven't cooked for you yet..." I pondered.

"Hell yeah! If I'd known that I wouldn't even try, I end up burning everything, even frozen pizza." He said sadly.

"You're joking."

"Sadly I'm not. Will you cook for me please babe?"

"Babe?" I'd never been one for pet names.

"Yes. Babe." He said seductively.

"Hmm we'll see about that."

"So will you? Cook for me?" He said slowly walking towards me.

I got butterflies, "Okay." I said simply. Then he quickly kissed me on the lips before we heard someone clearing their throat.

"Oh I'm sorry, Ms.Ono-Doris." I said smiling.

"Mhmm I'm not that old. Ayden I will be back around 1 so don't wait up." She said walking out the front door after kissing Ayden goodbye.

Ayden played Looper while we ate our takeout. It wasn't a very good movie but I enjoyed the silent alone time.

Ayden ended up falling asleep with his head in my lap sprawled out on the couch. I smiled looking down at him. His hard jaw line was relaxed and he looked so peaceful. I traced his lips with my fingertips and then ran my hands through his hair. He recently got a haircut so it was shorter than usual, it is thick and full. I then went to his arms I traced their length and could feel the marble like hardness that his muscles were etched in. I love the way he loves his mom, he treats her well and thinks the world of her. I knew that was how he was going to treat me in the future. I bent down and kissed his cheek. I knew I was falling for this boy, but I don't want to get hurt. It's not like my parents are divorced or I had been through a breakup before where my hearts been broken. I'm just a very guarded person, I don't like letting people in. Ayden doesn't even know so many things about me...

"What are you thinking about?" Ayden said startling me.

"Huh? Oh nothing..." I lied.

"Peyton, let me in please."

"My mom."

"What about her?"

"I never told you before and I don't know why. But have you ever noticed how fragile my mom walks?"

"Yes..." Ayden said hesitantly.

"She has multiple sclerosis, she's had it ever since my brother was born. Basically it damages nerve systems in the brain, many people in her condition are blind, can't walk or can't even speak due to it. Whenever she goes to the doctor they think its a miracle she can even function with all the stress in her life. I don't want to lose her early in life, but I'm scared, sometimes her episodes literally make me think the worst. I still blame my dad a lot even though I know it's not all his fault, sometimes he can be a jerk though and the fact that he doesn't realize it's hurting her kills me. It pisses me off and I really cannot stand to be in the same room as him for more than 30 minutes without getting irritated. About 2 years ago I used to hate my dad, my mom was doing everything. My dad lost his job so she was the only one working for a year and he blamed that shit on the economy. He sat on his ass and did nothing, not cook, or clean or anything. I made me so resentful of him. And I think I'm still holding a grudge because I see a noticeable difference before that time and now. She used to run and be active and now she can't even walk correctly. I am still working on forgiving him because I know that's what God wants, but it's so hard. It was a rough time and damaged my family for a while." By this time he was holding me, and I was on his lap. I wasn't crying but my voice quivered. He held me tight and I leaned into him.

Ayden spoke cautiously, "My father used to abuse my mother. I found her lying on the floor passed out one night a few years ago. My dad was in the next room watching t.v. like he hadn't just beat the life outta her. I saw red Pey." He said looking straight ahead. "I walked up to him and punched him in the face so hard, I broke my hand. He got up and knocked me out. When I woke up I called the police since my dad was at work and my aunt came over and took my brothers. I gave my statement to the police and my mom went to the hospital. I haven't seen my father since."

He finally locked eyes with mine, we could see the hurt in each others eyes. I caressed his face.

"I'm scared Ayden."

"Of what Peyton?"

"Falling in love with you."


"I don't want to get hurt Ayden."

"I won't hurt you, Peyton. I love you."

I thought for a minute before I whispered , " I love you too."

His eyes lit up and he flashed his white smile. I smiled back.

We got up because I wanted to use his kitchen and he was hungry again. I made funfetti cupcake, the aroma alone made me hungry again. Fresh baked goods made my tummy happy. I ate about 3 and he ate 7, I don't know how he ate so much and stayed so fit.

"You piss me off, how do you eat so much and still look so good?" I asked exasperated.

"I have no idea." He chuckled.

I heard my phone buzz. I had gotten a text message, I read it and smiled.

"Hey are you free tomorrow?" I asked Ayden.

"Yeah, why?"

"My sister asked if you and I wanted to go out on a double date with her and Dominic." I said excitedly.

"Okay, cool." I introduced Ayden to my sister about a month ago when she came home from school. She grilled him at first but now she really likes him for me.

He took me home around 11 and I spent the rest of the night painting my nails and watching black movies with my sissy. I told her about my night and how we told each other we loved one another. At first she freaked out, but when my dad came downstairs and told us to be quiet because he and my mom were sleeping she said she knew it was going to happen soon. I went to bed and woke up in bliss. Until I got a message from Ayden.

My dad is back.

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