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FIVE MONTHS HAD PASSED SINCE I VANISHED into thin air, and not a single soul had bothered to inquire about my whereabouts. My father, Gavin Baxter, and my stepmother, Dina Wyatt, had turned a blind eye to my disappearance, as if I was nothing more than a mere inconvenience in their lives. But I wasn't surprised by their lack of concern. After all, our relationship had always been strained, to say the least.

Gavin had never been the father figure I had yearned for. He was present in body, but his mind was always elsewhere. Ever since my mother, Evelyn, passed away during childbirth, Gavin had spiralled into a deep depression, leaving me to fend for myself. He had never been able to cope with the loss of his beloved wife, and as a result, he had neglected his duties as a father.

My parents had moved to Forks from England when they were in their late twenties, and within a few months, they had discovered that they were expecting a child. They were shocked, to say the least, and I often wondered if my existence was a burden to them.

Gavin's happiness had returned in the form of Dina Wyatt, a woman who had captured his heart and became my stepmother. Dina had a daughter named Ayla from a previous relationship, and Gavin had taken a keen interest in her, leaving me and Ayla to fend for ourselves. Dina had never seen me as her stepdaughter, but rather as a rival for Gavin's affections. Ayla, on the other hand, had embraced me as her sister, and I had grown to love her as my own.

But as time went on, things had taken a turn for the worse. The tension between Dina and me had reached a boiling point, and I had no choice but to flee to Seattle. I had promised Ayla that I would return for her, but deep down, I knew that it was a promise I could never keep.

The day I took my last breath was the day my life changed forever. I was reborn as a creature of the night, a vampire. A monster. The mere thought of it sends shivers down my spine. My once warm brown eyes now glowed with the same blood-red hue that I had seen before my demise. My skin, once warm and inviting, now felt cold and lifeless.

As I looked around, I saw my fellow newborns, including the young girl Bree. We were all changing. We were weapons of destruction, created to do their bidding.

I couldn't shake the memory of her face. Victoria. Her cold, pale face with those blood-red eyes. She had made me third in command, alongside Riley, her second in command. But why keep us in the dark about her true intentions? It made no sense.

We were all pawns in her game, but for what purpose? I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. We were all just tools to be used and discarded when no longer needed. It was a cruel existence, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was a way out.

But for now, I was stuck in this life, a life I never asked for. A life that brought me nothing but pain and suffering. And as I looked around at my fellow newborns, I couldn't help but wonder if they felt the same way. We were all in this together, but for how long?

In the army, there were two unbreakable laws: one, avoid the sun at all costs. And two, never draw attention to yourself. The consequences of breaking these golden rules were dire - death. But for me, following these rules was a breeze. I despised the sun and loathed being in the spotlight.

As midnight approached, all the newborns gathered to meet with Riley and me. Riley stood in the centre, his dark blonde hair blending into the shadows, and his scarlet red eyes scanning the crowd. I stood beside him, observing the savage newborns.

His pale skin matched ours, and he pulled out a light red blouse from his pocket. The newborns hissed at it, but I remained indifferent. What did Riley want them to do with the blouse? He raised it up for all to see.

"I want each of you to smell this blouse," Riley commanded in his authoritative tone. He walked to the bottom of the group and handed it to a slim boy. "Smell it and remember the scent. It's our prey."

The blouse passed from one newborn to the next, like a joint being passed around. When it reached me, I eagerly grabbed it and inhaled deeply. I focused on Riley's words.

Smell it. Remember the scent. It's our prey.

The scent rushed through my nose and veins, like snorting cocaine for the first time. It was sweet, yet familiar. Strawberries. But why did it feel so familiar?

Suddenly, I was transported back to Forks High School.

I was at my locker, grabbing a book for class when I saw her - Bella Swan. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back, and her chocolate brown eyes were fixed on the ground. She was less pale than me, but still not tan like someone from Phoenix should be.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right?" I asked, approaching her.

"Y-yeah?" she replied, surprised.

"You're Bella? Bella Swan?"

"Bella, but yes," she said, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"I'm Violet Baxter," I introduced myself, extending my hand. She shook it with her left hand. "You're from Phoenix, right?"

"Yeah. Did you grow up here in Forks?" she asked.

I nodded. "Aren't people from Phoenix supposed to be tan?"

"Aren't people from Forks supposed to have a British accent?" she retorted.

"I got it from my Mummy and Daddy," I replied, putting on a British accent. She sniggered.

"Well, my mother was part albino," Bella added, and I giggled softly.

"I guess we'll be called The Albino Twins someday," I joked.

Bella chuckled and smiled at me. "Hey, so I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see ya," I said as she walked away.

As I returned to the present, the scent of strawberries lingered in my nose. It was Bella's scent. The scent of our prey.

Bella Swan. The name echoed in my mind like a haunting melody. She was the prey, the target of Riley's deadly intentions. But why? What had she done to deserve such a fate? Did she even know the danger she was in? The army was closing in, and I couldn't help but wonder if Bella was aware of the looming threat.

As I stood there, surrounded by my fellow newborns, I caught a whiff of something familiar. It was her scent, her blouse. Riley had somehow managed to sneak into her bedroom and steal it. The thought of him violating her personal space made my dead blood boil.

But I couldn't dwell on that now. We had to find shelter before the sun rose and exposed us to the world. Riley barked orders at us, and we scattered like frightened animals, searching for a place to hide.

I stumbled upon a small cave near the river and ventured deeper into the darkness. As I turned around, I watched the sun rise from the west, a reminder of the life I had left behind. I couldn't believe that I was here, fighting for a cause I didn't believe in, against people I didn't want to harm.

And then there was Bella. My friend, the only one who made me feel human. I couldn't bear the thought of her being hurt, let alone killed. I hoped she knew about vampires and had some form of protection ready.

As the battle drew near, I made a decision. If I survived, I would leave this life behind. I couldn't continue to live like this, fighting for a cause I didn't believe in. But for now, I had to focus on the task at hand and pray that Bella would make it out alive.

𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 {𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜} [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now