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WE HIT THE ROAD AGAIN AND MY MIND BEGAN TO WANDER. I couldn't help but imagine what the home of these mysterious vampires would look like. Would it be a grandiose mansion like the Cullens'? Or perhaps a towering castle, reminiscent of the ones in Castlevania? My thoughts were running wild, and I couldn't shake off the stereotypes I had heard about vampires. Were they all just myths and legends?

As we approached our destination, the clock struck midnight. The building came into view, and I was taken aback by its sheer size. It was even larger than the Cullens' house, and it reminded me of the Croft Manor from the Tomb Raider games. The mansion was surrounded by sprawling gardens, enclosed by towering walls. A winding road led away from the mansion, leading to the rest of the estate. It was a sight to behold.

"Is this where you guys live?" I asked, still in awe of the grandeur of the place.

"Aye, luv," Joseph replied with a grin.

"How did you manage to afford it?" I couldn't help but ask.

"It was Helena's family home," Gabriel explained. "When her family passed away, she inherited the mansion. It was my first case as a lawyer, and I managed to help her out. Since then, we've made it our home and welcomed a few more members into our family."

As we made our way inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. What secrets lay hidden within the walls of this magnificent mansion? Only time would tell.

Gabriel silenced the engine of his sleek car as he pulled into the garage, the sound of the motor fading into the background. As we stepped out of the vehicle, my eyes were immediately drawn to the grandeur of the mansion before us. The main hall sprawled out in all directions, with rooms and corridors leading off in every direction. It was like something out of a Tomb Raider game.

As we approached the entrance, a woman appeared from nowhere. She was standing outside the mansion, her demeanour relaxed and welcoming. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back, and her skin was as pale as the moon. Her eyes, like those of a vampire, glinted with a golden hue.

"Welcome home, husband," she said, opening her arms to Gabriel.

He embraced her warmly, and I couldn't help but feel a little envious of their connection. After a moment, Gabriel turned to me and introduced me to his wife, Helena.

"It's nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand.

Helena pulled me into a hug, and I was taken aback by her warmth and affection. It was clear that she was a hugger, and I couldn't help but feel a little awkward.

"The rest of the coven is inside," she said, gesturing towards the door. "They're excited to meet you."

As we approached the towering entrance of the mansion, Gabriel's hand reached for the handle and with a gentle push, the door creaked open. My eyes widened as I stepped inside, taking in the grandeur of the living area. It was as if I had stepped into a palace fit for royalty. The space was vast, enough to house a menagerie of animals like Noah's Ark.

My gaze was immediately drawn to the colossal fireplace, embedded in the granite wall, radiating warmth throughout the room. Two long couches were strategically placed opposite the hearth, inviting us to sink into their plush cushions. A scarlet rug lay beneath the couches, adding a pop of colour to the stone floor. In the centre of the room stood a long glass table, adorned with a delicate China pot filled with an array of vibrant flowers.

To the left of the room, a grand staircase beckoned us to explore the upper levels of the mansion. The stairs were carpeted in a matching shade of scarlet, adding a touch of elegance to the space. On the right side of the room, a series of crates were stacked haphazardly, like building blocks, filling the area with a sense of clutter.

𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 {𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜} [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now