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WE ARRIVED AT THE CULLENS HOME, and I couldn't help but feel dwarfed by its size. It was a mansion compared to my humble abode. Carlisle was on the phone, his voice hushed as he spoke to someone in London. I couldn't help but wonder who he was talking to. While he was preoccupied, I chatted with the rest of the family. They were fascinating people, older than I had expected. When Carlisle finished his call, he informed me that it was time for me to leave. I bid farewell to the family and followed Carlisle to his sleek grey Volvo.

As we buckled our seat belts, I turned to Carlisle with a burning question. "So, you know those people in London?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "He's been a friend of mine for years," he explained.

"By years, you mean centuries?" I joked, but Carlisle's expression remained serious.

"The leader of the coven is named Gabriel. The two co-leaders are Joseph and Simon. I lived with the coven for years until I left for the New World, or America as it is known now," he elaborated.

I was fascinated by his history with the London coven. "Sounds like you guys are great friends," I commented.

Carlisle chuckled. "Well, they drink animal blood like me and my family."

"I'm guessing you're not the human blood sort of guy," I said, trying to hide my revulsion at the thought.

"I don't like the idea of taking someone's life to let me live," he admitted. "When I discovered that I can drink animal blood, I tried to perfect the diet. It took me years, but I managed to get the hang of it."

"I wish I could say the same," I muttered, feeling ashamed of my own struggles with the diet.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to your diet," Carlisle reassured me. "You're not the first vampire that came to me for help to escape."

I was taken aback by his words. "Who was the first vampire you helped escape?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

But Carlisle just smiled enigmatically, his eyes twinkling with secrets. "That's a story for another time," he said, and I knew not to press the matter any further.

The air was thick with an unspoken tension as we sat in silence, the hum of the car engine the only sound breaking the stillness. It wasn't until we arrived at the airport that Carlisle's wealth became apparent. He effortlessly secured a private plane, a luxury reserved for the elite few. As a doctor, his financial status was no secret, but the ease with which he obtained the aircraft was impressive nonetheless. For me, it was a relief. The temptation of human blood still lingered, a constant reminder of my true nature. Boarding the private plane, we soared through the clouds towards London, leaving behind the mundane world below.

The journey through the skies was a gruelling eight-hour affair, as we soared towards the bustling metropolis of London. As the plane finally touched down, Carlisle and I rose from our seats, eagerly anticipating the adventure that lay ahead. The door creaked open, and we stepped out onto the tarmac, greeted by the sight of three imposing figures. My mind raced with anticipation, and I instinctively cloaked myself in invisibility, unsure of what to expect from these strangers. Carlisle, on the other hand, beamed with delight, his smile betraying his familiarity with these mysterious men.

"Gabriel," Carlisle's voice was warm as he pulled the towering vampire into a tight embrace. The two men held each other for a moment, lost in their reunion.

"Hey, Carlisle," Gabriel's voice was deep and smooth, his arms wrapping around his friend in return. "It's been too long."

As they pulled away, I couldn't help but stare at Gabriel. He was like a ghost, his skin almost translucent in the dim light of the room. His eyes glowed like molten gold, and his short black hair was perfectly styled. He was a formidable presence, standing at six-foot-two with a muscular build that spoke of his strength.

𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 {𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜} [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now