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AS HE NAVIGATED THE WINDING ROADS OF EPPING FOREST, the hum of the engine was the only sound that broke the silence of the night. The car came to a halt in the forest car park, surrounded by the eerie darkness of the trees. It was clear that no human would dare venture into this abyss, but we were not here for a leisurely stroll.

The engine died and the headlights flickered off, plunging us into complete darkness. We stepped out of the car, our feet sinking into the soft earth beneath us. The forest loomed before us, a vast expanse of shadows and secrets.

The moon was nowhere to be seen, shrouded by the thick canopy of trees. It was a relief, for we knew that the Children of the Moon would not be in their true form tonight. But still, we treaded carefully, our senses on high alert. For in this forest, anything could happen.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, the rustling of twigs and the crunching of leaves beneath our feet echoed through the trees. Gabriel led the way, his footsteps sure and confident. Suddenly, he came to a halt, and we followed suit, our eyes trained on him as he turned to face us.

"This forest is teeming with deer," Gabriel announced, his voice low and steady. "We usually catch three or four a month."

My curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but ask, "But aren't they endangered because of hunting?"

To my surprise, Gabriel's eyes filled with concern as he regarded me. "You need to control your thirst," he warned.

I felt a pang of hunger in my gut, my throat parched and aching. I rubbed at it with my hand, trying to alleviate the discomfort.

Joseph chimed in, "You'll need to hunt."

And so, we set off into the forest, our movements fluid and graceful as we ran at superhuman speed. As we went, I took in the sights and sounds of the forest, marvelling at the vibrant flora and fauna that surrounded us. We came to a stop at the edge of a cliff, and Gabriel instructed me to close my eyes.

"What do you hear?" he asked.

I listened intently, my ears picking up the hoot of an owl, the chatter of a squirrel, and then...the soft rustling of a deer. My heart quickened at the sound, and I opened my eyes to see the creature grazing peacefully nearby. I could smell its blood, warm and inviting, and I knew what I had to do.

With a slow, deliberate movement, I lowered myself to the ground and began to stalk towards the deer. Gabriel, Joseph, and Simon were close behind me, their eyes trained on my every move. As I closed in on my prey, I couldn't help but think that Gabriel was right - animal blood did smell sweet and delicious, far more enticing than the blood of humans.

I was on the hunt, stalking my prey with precision and focus. The thrill of the chase was coursing through my veins, my senses heightened and alert. But just as I was about to make my move, something interrupted my concentration. A scent, so alluring and intoxicating, filled my nostrils and drew my attention away from the deer I had been tracking. It was the scent of humans, a group of cyclists riding through the forest. I could detect at least five different scents, each one distinct and tempting in its own way. But then, one of them fell off his bike and injured himself, and the scent of fresh blood filled the air. I couldn't resist it. The deer's scent faded from my mind as I lifted my head and inhaled deeply, my body trembling with anticipation. I was no longer interested in hunting deer. My motivation had shifted, and I was now focused on the human cyclist and his sweet, sweet blood.

"Violet, don't!" Simon's voice rang out, and I turned to see Gabriel and Joseph staring at me in alarm.

But I couldn't stop myself. I bolted towards the injured cyclist, my black hair streaming behind me as I ran. I stopped just short of him, my body arched down as I prepared to attack.

𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 {𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜} [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now