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UNDER THE MOON'S EERIE GLOW, I STOOD atop my old high school, a place I never thought I'd return to, even as a vampire. But as a new member of the Khotler clan, I was used to these nocturnal excursions. Thankfully, the school was deserted, devoid of any human presence. The parking lot was empty, the cars vanished into the night.

"The school must have closed by now," I murmured to myself. "The only way in is through the roof."

Seth and Leah, the two wolves accompanying me, watched me with curious eyes. A low growl rumbled from Seth's throat, a question unspoken.

"Both of you stay out here," I commanded, my voice firm. Leah snarled in protest, but I held up a hand to silence her. "Keep watch for anything suspicious. And don't let Dina catch sight of you."

The wolves nodded their agreement, their heads bowed in submission. I took off towards the school, my feet pounding against the roof. The wolves stood guard, their eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of danger.

As I searched for a way in, my amber eyes caught sight of something glinting in the moonlight. A steel block, jutting out from the roof.

"This could be it," I thought to myself, a thrill of excitement coursing through me.

I hastened towards the steel vent, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I drew closer, I could see the bars obstructing my path. But I was not deterred. With a swift tug, I pulled the bars off the vent, my muscles rippling with ease.

Without hesitation, I leapt into the vent, my body twisting and turning as I navigated the narrow passageway. The flooring was unforgiving, and I had to crouch down low to avoid scraping my knees.

As I pressed forward, my heart sank. There were two paths, and I had no idea which one to take. Ayla's life was on the line, and I couldn't afford to make a mistake.

I made a split-second decision and bolted to the right, my feet pounding against the metal flooring. I moved with caution, my eyes darting back and forth, scanning for any sign of danger.

Just when I thought I had hit a dead end, I saw a faint glimmer of light shining through the bars below. My heart leapt with hope as I crept forward, my eyes fixed on the gym hall below.

The room was shrouded in darkness, and I could feel the weight of the silence pressing down on me. I pulled the bar up and set it aside, my breaths coming in short gasps.

I took a deep breath and leapt off the edge of the vent, my body landing with a soft thud on the gym floor. The room was still, and I couldn't see any signs of life. But I knew better than to let my guard down.

I was ready to jump back up into the vent and continue my search when I heard a faint sound in the distance.


It was Ayla's voice, and it was coming from the other side of the room.

With renewed determination, I set off towards the sound, my feet speeded with the hope of rescuing my sister.

"Violet? Violet? I'm up here!" The voice echoed through the gym, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Ayla, trapped in a large cage like a bird. Her blonde hair fell in soft waves around her face, and her brown eyes were filled with tears. She wore a white summer dress, as if she was ready to be sacrificed to some ancient god.

"Ayla?" I called out, my voice barely above a whisper. "What are you doing in there?"

She sniffled, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "You're alive," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank Selene. Go, Violet. Get out of here."

𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 {𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜} [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now