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Tommy rolled out of bed. He didn't have college today, so maybe he'd stream early. Maybe Tubbo and Ranboo could join and help him build the watch tower.

The boys feet hit grass.

It was then Tommy realized he wasn't in his room anymore. Instead he was in a dirt alcove, very similar to his house in the Dream SMP. But that couldn't be possible, he had to be dreaming.

Tommy stood up, looking around. This dream was strangely realistic. He backed out until his back hit the wooden doors. And it... Hurt...

Dreams weren't supposed to hurt!? Tommy quickly turned around, throwing open the door. There before him was the entire SMP.

"Oh..." Tommy let out a shakey breath.

"Happy to be out of prison?"

Tommy jumped, turning to see a shorter boy next to him. The boy had brown hair that covered his eyes, two horns curling from the top of his head to under his goat ears. He wore a brown vest with fur trim and his lower half seemed to be goat. And a large burn scar covered the right side of his face.

"Tubbo!?" Tommy gasped.

"Uh, yeah?" The boy smiled, "hey, were planning on working on the watch tower thing? Cause Ranboo and I need to stay with Michael, he got sick."

"Wha-!? Why are you so calm about this!? You're a goat!" Tommy yelled.

Tubbo frowned, "you good boss man?"

"No!" Tommy shouted, grabbing the boys shoulders, "Tubbo, we're in the SMP. We're in Minecraft!"

"The hell are you talking about?" Tubbo took a step back, "what's Minecraft?"

Tommy took a few gasping breaths, "what the hell is happening!?"

Tubbo gently grabbed Tommy's arm, "I think you need to get out for a bit. Come with me to Snowchester. You can rest, and it's further away from the prison."

"No! I'm not going anywhere until I figure out what's going on!" Tommy yelled.

Tubbo sighed, pulling out something that looked like a large phone, "okay, I'm calling Ranboo."

Tommy sighed in relief, "thank God."

Tubbo gave him a strange look, "since when were you so eager to see Ranboo. I thought you didn't like him that much."

Tommy groaned, "this can't be real..."

"What are you talking about? Are you okay?" Tubbo asked, "because you're not in the prison anymore. You're alive Tommy. You're okay."

"I am so not okay right now!" Tommy shouted, "this shouldn't be possible!"

Tubbo paused for a moment, "I'm... Confused... Are you talking about the revival?"

"No!" Tommy sighed, "listen. This is going to sound absolutely crazy, but I think I got pulled into an alternate universe!"

Tubbo nodded slowly, "okay boss man. Ranboo's almost here, we'll help you out."

"You don't believe me..." Tommy held his head in his hands.

"Tommy, I think your mind is just playing tricks on you. You just got out of prison, Wilbur just got revived, you need a break." Tubbo told him as Ranboo came up behind him.

"Hey, I got your message. Is Tommy alright?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo shook his head, "he thinks this is an alternate universe or something."

"This is! And I can prove it." Tommy yelled.

"How?" Ranboo placed a hand on Tubbos shoulder.

Tommy sighed, "in my universe, this entire world is a game called Minecraft. And we play characters during livestreams and we tell a story. L'manburg was written by Wilbur! Dream and I are good friends in that world!"

"That doesn't prove anything-" Tubbo started.

"You recently lost a nuke!" Tommy yelled, "and-and you've built an outpost by Las Nevadas! And Ranboo you've been doing experiments with your Enderwalk! And you've started remembering lessons! Lesson fifty-four, don't fully trust anyone!"

"I-its never... Never fully trust any- how did you know that?" Ranboo whispered, his tail twitching.

"And how did you know about the nuke?" Tubbo asked.

"Because I'm not the Tommy that's from this world! I'm from the other world where this world's me is just a character!" Tommy told them.

Ranboo nodded, "oh-okay, so... What do we do?"

"I... I don't know..." Tommy frowned, "but there has to be a way, right?"

"We'll figure it out boss man." Tubbo nodded, "but we need to get back to Michael."

Ranboo nodded, "I tried to get him to sleep before I came over, but he's really not feeling good."

Tommy nodded, "okay. Let's go to Snowchester then."

Tommy followed Tubbo and Ranboo, going across the landscape. Everything was much bigger than it seemed on his computer. All the cliffs seem taller, more deadly.

Soon enough, the trio made it to Tubbos house. Tommy followed his friends characters up the ladder to Michaels room. The piglin child as curled up in bed, hugging a stuffed chicken tightly. Ranboo walked over as the child reached out.

"Hey Michael." Ranboo smiled softly, picking up his son.

Tubbo trotted over, placing a hand on Michaels forehead, "you still got a fever bud."

Michael gave a small whine as he buried his face in Ranboo's chest. Tommy walked over the the child.

"Hi Michael!" Tommy smiled.

The child looked up slightly, reaching a hand out to Tommy. Tommy chuckled and pressed his palm to Michaels. The piglin smiled, giving a small snort.

Tubbo shook his head fondly, "you're a lot gentler than our Tommy."

Tommy laughed, "yeah... My character isn't exactly the nicest."

"I'd say he's pretty nice." Ranboo shrugged, "in his own way. He just has difficulty showing affection."

"So what are we like in your world?" Tubbo asked, hopping up on Michaels chair.

Tommy shrugged, "you're pretty much the same, just without all the trauma. And human."

Tubbo laughed, "sounds awesome!"

"Ranboo is also human." Tommy continued, sitting on the bed, "he's much more... Out there than you. Almost like a different person. Same memory issues though."

"That Ranboo sounds like much more fun." Tubbo smiled.

"Says the one who decided to marry me." Ranboo laughed.

Michael squirmed out of Ranboo's arms, climbing onto Tommy's lap. Tommy gasped, gently hugging the child.

"Look at him!" Tommy smiled down at Michael, "don't worry Michael, Uncle Tommy will protect you!"

"Are we still brothers in your world?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy shook his head, "we might as well be, but no. Phil's not our real dad either. In fact, none of us are related in my world."

"What about Lani?" Tubbo frowned.

"Lani's here?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo shrugged, "well, she comes to visit every so often..."

Tommy nodded, "Lani is your actual sister in real life. And DreamXD is just Dream, and Drista is his real sister."

"Huh." Ranboo hummed, "well, anyway, it's starting to get late. We should probably get to sleep now. Do you have a spare bed you can place down?"

Tommy looked at him, "I have no idea how to open my inventory."

Tubbo sighed and swiped down in the air with two fingers, "like this boss man."

Tommy nodded and swiped down. Unsurprisingly, his inventory was completely empty.

"I have nothing..." Tommy hung his head.

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "we have a guest room in the mansion."

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