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Dream sighed as he flopped down on the bed in one of the guest rooms of the mansion, "this is so weird..."

"You're telling me." Tommy scoffed, "my best friend is half goat! No offense Tubbo."

The goat boy shrugged, lifting Michael a little higher on his hip, "none taken."

"So what now?" Dream asked, sitting up, "don't we have to head to Logstedshire?"

"We're going to lay low for a while." Quackity said, "Everyone's in a panic right now. Tension is high."

"You're sure we're safe here?" Tommy asked.

Ranboo nodded, "they wouldn't expect Dream to be here of all places, considering our... History... And the fact that the mansion is a maze."

"So as long as everyone keeps their mouth shut, you two should be fine." Tubbo smiled.

Michael squirmed out of Tubbo's arms and then up to Dream. The child stared up at the man with wide eyes. He pointed to Dreams head, then back to Tubbo's.

"Uh, what's he doing?" Dream asked, looking at Tubbo.

Tubbo laughed, "I think he's pointing to your horns."

"I have horns!?" Dream yelled, reaching through his long hair to feel the small growths on his head.

Tommy laughed, leaning against the wall.

"When did my character have horns!?" Dream asked.

"It's because Puffy is your mother." Quackity chuckled, "Half sheep."

Dream groaned, holding his face in his hands. Quackity sighed, opening his inventory and pulling something out.

"Listen, if you're free now, you're going to need a change of clothes, maybe a haircut, and this." Quackity held out a new, white smiley face mask.

Dream reached out and took the mask, "thanks..."

Quackity nodded, "I'll see if I can't find some new clothes you'll like."

"And I can give you a haircut." Ranboo said, "I've gotten pretty good since I started cutting Tubbo and Michael's hair."

Dream nodded, giving the boy a small smile, "yeah, that'd be great. It'll be something to do while we figure out what's happening."

Quackity sighed, "I gotta get back to Las Navadas. I'll be back tomorrow."

The four nodded as Quackity walked out. Wilbur and Techno had gone home as soon as they got Dream to the mansion, so it was just them now.

"So, um," Ranboo started after a moment, his tail curling around him, "when do you want a haircut?"

Dream shrugged, "whenever you're comfortable with it. I know you and my character have some bad history."

"Oh, um, yeah." Ranboo's ears dropped a little, "I'll get the scissors and be right back."

The enderman awkwardly shuffled out of the room. Michael crawled into Tommy's lap, headbutting him in the chest then snuggling into his arms. Tommy smiled, hugging the small child back.

Ranboo walked back in, smiling at Tommy and Michael. The zombie piglin squealed, running and headbutting his father's leg.

"Hi Michael." Ranboo smiled, patting the child's head.

Dream smiled lightly, "why does he do that head thing?"

"Because of this one." Ranboo chuckled, pushing one of Tubbos horns.

"Hey!" Tubbo yelled as his head got tilted, "Its how I show affection!"

Ranboo sighed, "you broke my rib when I came back from a week away."

"I missed you!" Tubbo crossed his arms and pouted.

"I missed you too." Ranboo kissed the top of Tubbo's head, "but it hurt. A lot."

Tubbo gently hit his head against Ranboo's chest, "you were fine. I gave you health potions."

"Mhm." Ranboo shook his head lightly.

Dream laughed, "did Tommy tell you that the Ranboo and Tubbo in our world live together?"

"Oh no! I forgot about that!" Tommy gasped, "Ranboo flew to an entire different country to stay with Tubbo for four months!"

"Awe, that's sweet." Ranboo smiled, his tail waving slightly.

"Please tell me the Tubbo in your world is chaotic as shit and annoys Ranboo!" Tubbo yelled, leaning closer.

Tommy let out a laugh, "well, I mean they both got nerf guns and constantly shoot each other."

"Yes." Tubbo smiled.

"Please don't shoot me..." Ranboo sighed, "Dream, are you ready for a haircut?"

Dream nodded. Ranboo moved to sit behind the usually masked man. The enderman took out a comb, starting to gently detangle his hair.

Dream sighed softly. Between the warm atmosphere of the mansion, the quiet chattering of his friends, and the feeling of his hair being brushed, he almost fell asleep.

Once all Dream's hair was detangled and smooth, Ranboo began cutting pieces off. The enderman was surprised at how much Dream's hair felt like sheep wool. Soft and a pale sandy blonde.

Ranboo carefully snipped around Dream's horns, but he frowned when he saw the state of them. Dream's horns were broken and cracked, one with what looked like file marks deep into the bone on one side of the horn. And from what Tubbo and Puffy had told him, that could lead to severe blood loss, and even death.

Ranboo pushed the thought away. The wounds seemed to be healing fine. Instead he focused on uncovering Dream's ram-like ears. He really did look like Puffy.

"And done." Ranboo smiled as he stood up.

Tommy gasped, "Yo! It looks amazing! You have sheep ears Dream!"

"Looks great boss man." Tubbo smiled.

Dream chuckled, feeling the new length for himself, "thanks guys. And thanks Ranboo."

"No problem." Ranboo gave a small smile, "a friend of Tommy's is a friend of ours."

"Alright! Then lets bring Schlatt back!" Tommy laughed, jumping up.

Tubbo gave Tommy a look, "what the fuck man, he executed me."

"Sorry, sorry, wrong Schlatt..." Tommy sat back down.

Ranboo took a step towards Tubbo, "you... You were executed?"

Tubbo looked up at Ranboo with a guilty smile, "have I never told you this?"

"N-No... You-you haven't." Ranboo whispered, "you did?"

"Yeah Technoblade. Blew me up." Tubbo turned to pick up Michael.

"What?" Ranboo glanced at the ground, "why did he- why did he blow you up?"

"He was peer pressured into it. By Schlatt and Big Q." Tubbo told him.

"I-... Like-like-like by Quackity again?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo nodded, "yeah, I'm starting to establish a pattern of behavior, if you know what I mean. I'm just- I'm mainly- I can tell you cause chances are you won't remember any of this."

"Yeah, are you oh- are you oh- are you okay?" Ranboo looked Tubbo in the eyes, "from that?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Tubbo shrugged, "you know, a little bit burned from the fireworks explosion, but it's fine."

Ranboo nodded, "yeah, I know. I never want to bring that up..."

Tommy cleared his throat, "um, well this took a very serious turn and I honestly thought we were past that point in the lore but um..."

Dream sighed, "it's getting late. We should sleep and plan in the morning."

Everyone nodded. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Michael left the room, leaving the two foreigners of this universe to themselves.

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