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(translations will be at the end of the chapter)

"Quackity..?" Sapnap whispered, reaching towards his fiance.

The man smiled through grit teeth, "hey Sap..."

Sapnap ran forward, wrapping his arms around Quackity in a tight hug. He could feel the ragged breathing of the smaller, most likely caused by the dust and radiation.

"Quackity..." Karl cupped his fiance's cheek, rubbing a thumb over his scar, "what happened to you?"

Quackity let out a small chuckle, "Technoblade. We uh... Tried to execute him and he... Took a life."

"No..." Sapnap hugged Quackity tighter, "that mean you..."

"I only have one left." Quackity sighed.

Karl's eyes filled with tears, "please don't leave us Big Q... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, it's okay!" Quackity gave him the best smile he could manage, "I'm sorry too... For the way I acted a few days ago. I was so angry- you just left!"

"We didn't mean to!" Sapnap said, "we wanted you with us, forever. Just like El Rapids."

"Please Big Q, come with us this time." Karl asked, taking one of Quackity's hands.

Quackity felt his chest tighten. Whether it be from the emotional toll, or the nuclear radiation he would never know. He collapsed into his fiance's arms and let himself be vulnerable for the first time since he lost everything.

"Quackity!" Sapnap yelled, catching his fiance.

"Health potions! Where's health potions!" Karl asked looking at George who was standing a ways away.

"I don't know if we have any!" George yelled back, his grip on Dream's hand tightening.

"Uh! Uh!" Ranboo frantically searched his inventory, "here! They're left over from the breakout!"

Sapnap caught the splash potion, throwing it to the ground at their feet. Everyone waited with bated breath as Quackity's injuries started to heal. But he still remained unconscious.

"It might be the radiation." Tubbo said, "he'll need to be quarantined for a few weeks."

"He'll be okay, right?" Karl asked as Sapnap picked Quackity up.

"Yeah." Tubbo shrugged, taking Michael from Tommy, "as long as he didn't get too close to the explosion."

Sapnap nodded, "I'm taking him inside to rest."

It was silent as Karl and Sapnap carried Quackity away. Tommy glared at the ground. Something Quackity said sounded familiar. We need this to end. End...

"The End..." Tommy whispered, his eyes going wide, "Dream that's how we get out!"

"What!?" Dream asked,turning to his friend.

"We have to beat the game!" Tommy laughed, "why didn't we think of that before!?"

"But the End is banned!" Dream sighed, "no beating the game. No defeating the enderdragon."

"Ender... Dragon?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo snorted, "did you mean enderman?"

"No." Tommy turned to his alternate universe friends, "in Minecraft, there are three realms. The overworld, the Nether, and the End. To beat the game you have to go to the End and beat the Enderdragon that lives there. From there you can go to End cities find shulker boxes and elytras."

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