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Quackity walked out of the prison. He had a lot to think about after his visit to Dream. An alternative universe? It was absurd, but how else would Dream have known about Glatt? And the way he was acting...

The man sighed to himself as he got closer to Tommy's house. He knew Dream said they were friends in their world, but would this Tommy be willing to help?

Quackity knocked on Tommy's door. He should be here. After leaving the prison, he locked himself away in here.

But there was no answer. Quackity frowned, pushing open the door.

"Tommy?" He called into the empty room.

Quackity hummed. This was odd. The only other place he could think of is L'manburg and maybe Snowchester.


The man turned to find Karl standing on the path behind him. His eyes went wide. Wasn't Karl supposed to be in Kinoko or whatever? Why was he here? And why did Quackity have a lump in his throat?

Karl gave him a wavering smile, "I-I thought you were... Um..."

"What are you doing here? I thought you lived in Kinoko with Sapnap and George." Quackity crossed his arms.

"You were supposed to be there too!" Karl reached out, but hesitated, "I... I thought I told you..."

"George told me." Quackity said, "It wasn't even Sap! You both just left me! Just like-!"

Quackity cut himself off as he turned away.

"Sap was devastated when you didn't show up." Karl said quietly, "he didn't leave for weeks. We thought you didn't want to come... I'm... I'm sorry Quackity... I know this is going to sound like an excuse, but I... I'm losing my memory..."

Quackity looked up with wide eyes, "What?"

Karl stayed quiet as tears pooled in his eyes, "I'm starting to forget things that are important to me. I'm starting to forget you and Sapnap."

"Do you know what's causing it?" Quackity asked, holding the two rings around his neck.

"I... I can't tell you." Karl sighed, looking away.

"Why not!?" Quackity yelled, making Karl flinch.

"Because-! Trust me Quackity! Please?" Karl begged.

Quackity shook his head, "I can't believe you."

"Big Q wait!" Karl said as Quackity turned away.

"No." Quackity sighed, "I have to find Tommy. Goodbye Karl."

"Quackity..." Karl called after him, but he didn't listen.

Quackity walked towards the prison. He had more to deal with than his fiance's ditching him. Like Dream and Tommy and this whole alternate universe shit.

The man shook his head, pausing to bring out his communicator. He sent a public message reading, Tommy, where are you?

A few moments later, Tubbo replied back.

He's in Snowchester with me and Ranboo

Quackity sent a quick message back, telling them he'd be there soon. Luckily, he wasn't that far from them. And maybe he could have a discussion with Tubbo and Ranboo about the supposed cookie outpost on his land.

The man shivered as snow started falling around him. It was much colder here than in Las Nevadas. Hopefully this will be a quick visit.

"Big Q." Tubbo stepped out of a house.

Quackity gave the boy a smile, "Tubbo."

Tubbo crossed his arms, "Why were you looking for Tommy."

Quackity shrugged, "I have something to ask of him."

"I don't trust you." Tubbo glared.

"Yet you invited me to come over." Quackity smiled, giving a little bow.

"Tommy wanted you to come over." Tubbo corrected, "He just couldn't figure out how the comms worked."

Quackity laughed, "yeah, alright, what's the real reason?"

Tubbo sighed, "if you try anything, I won't hesitate to take your final life."

"Understood." Quackity nodded.

Tubbo turned sharply, walking back into the small house. Quackity followed.

The house was warm and homely, if a little bare. Tubbo walked over to Ranboo, who was stirring soup and holding a zombie piglin on his hip. Tommy hung close to Ranboo, which Quackity found odd knowing how Tommy and Ranboo got along.

Tommy looked up and froze, "you look so much scarier than your Minecraft character..."

Quackity jumped, "did you say Minecraft?"

"Yes yes!" Tommy smiled, nodding frantically, "Are you from my world too!?"

Quackity shook his head with a sigh, "no. But this makes it a lot easier."

"Make what easier?" Ranboo asked, lifting Michael a little higher.

"The Dream here isn't our Dream." Quackity told them, "he said he's from a world where this is a game, Sam said he called it Minecraft, and that in his world... We're all friends."

Tommy's eyes went wide, "is Dream still in the prison?"

Quackity nodded, "and Sam is so pissed right now he won't listen to any proof. So Dream asked me to find you."

Tommy nodded quickly, "okay. We need a plan to get him out then. Which mean we probably need..."

Tommy groaned, "we have to get Wilbur..."

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