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Tommy woke up to little hooves poking his face.

"Michael... I'll play later okay?" Tommy mumbled, gently pushing the hoof away.

Michael let out a distressed squeal. His dad's told him to get Tommy and Dream out of the mansion, but they wouldn't wake up!

The child pulled Tommy's shirt. They had to get up. The scary creeper man was going to take them away!

"Michael." Tommy rolled over, "I'll play later."

Michael frowned. He took a few steps back, then ran full force and rammed his head into Tommy's back.

"Ow!" Tommy jumped up, "Michael!"

Michael squealed, tugging Tommy towards Dream. Tommy frowned.

"What's wrong?" Tommy asked.

Michael pointed to Dream, then the door, then made an explosion with his hands. Tommy gave the child a confused look. Michael grunted in frustration. He dropped to the ground, taking a crayon out of his pocket, and slowly wrote three letters.


Tommy's eyes went wide, "Shit... Dream!"

Tommy ran over to his friend, "Dream wake the fuck up!"

Dream hummed, rolling over.

"Dream now is not the time to sleep! Sam is on his way!" Tommy stage whispered.

"Five more minutes Sap..." Dream mumbled.

"Of for fucks-" Tommy yanked Dream out of the bed.

"What the-!?" Dream yelled, only to be immediately shushed by Tommy.

"Sam is coming! We need to get the fuck out!" Tommy said.

Dreams eyes went wide, "oh shit!"

Michael ran over, taking both their hands and pulling them towards the door. The three of them slipped out. Michael lead the way through the winding maze of halls until they reached the back balcony. He pointed down.

"Are we supposed to jump!?" Tommy yelped.

Michael nodded, handing Tommy a water bucket. Then the three heard voices coming up the stairs. Michael started pushing them towards the edge.

"Okay!" Tommy whispered, "ready?"

"Do we have a choice?" Dream asked.

Tommy sighed, "on three?"

"Michael!" They heard Tubbo call.

"I don't think we have that kind of time." Dream said.

"Alright." Tommy nodded.

The both of them took a breath, jumping off the edge. Tommy dumped the water on the ground right before they hit. Water splashed up around their feet as they landed, scared but safe.

Tommy quickly scooped up the water, "oh my god! I thought we were going to die!"

"Come on! We still gotta run!" Dream said, "George might be safe to go to!"

"What about Quackity!?" Tommy asked as they started running.

Dream shook his head, "to suspicious. Karl might also be safe."

"What about Sapnap?" Tommy jumped into the frigid water underneath the sould sand tunnel.

"He might believe us if we talk to him." Dream said as they swam, "our biggest task right now is getting to Kinoko Kingdom."

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