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The kingdom of Kinoko seemed to glow in the setting sun as Tommy and Dream approached. The red shrooms buildings resonated peacefully between the Jade Dragon and the yin yang pond. This was their sanctuary.

Tommy breathed out in awe as he looked around, "I've only been here once... It's so much more beautiful than I thought..."

"I've only seen glimpses while Drista was playing once." Dream said.

"Oh yeah!" Tommy laughed, "after I killed her dog!"

"Ha! So you admit it!" Dream lightly pushed Tommy.

"Wait! No no no no no! It wasn't me! It was Sam! Sam killed her dog! I was just there!" Tommy yelled.

"I'm gonna tell her that you killed her dog " Dream smirked.

"No! No! Please! She will kill me!" Tommy winced, already hearing the girls angry voice.

Dream wheezed, having to lean against the wall of what looked like a library.

Tommy breathed out shakily, "I'm serious Dream! Please d-!"

"Tommy? Dream?"

The two looked up to see none other than Karl Jacobs standing in the entrance to the library. He was dressed in his usual multi-color hoodie, with pink-purple goggles on his head and colorful watches up his forearms. In his hands was a book with a green spiral and a purple bookmark. His usually brown eyes had pink spirals in them.

"Karl?" Dream asked, standing up straight.

"What are you- Sap told me you were in prison?" Karl said, tilting his head.

"It's a long story..." Dream sighed, "but we're not here to hurt anyone. We just need a place to hide from Sam."

Karl shifted on his feet, "I don't know. Kinoko was built to stay out of the war and trouble of the rest of the world."

"I know, but please?" Dream asked.

"Come on Karl, were friends right?" Tommy said, "you had party island in L'manburg, remember?"

Karl opened his mouth, then shut it again and looked away, "no. I don't remember."

Dreams eyes went wide, "memory loss. Oh how did I forget!"

"What?" Tommy turned to his friend.

"Karl is slowly loosing his memory from all the time traveling in Tales of the SMP." Dream said, "the Inbetween messes with his memory."

"Oh yeah! That's right!" Tommy gasped.

Karl stepped in, "wait, how do you know about that?"

"This is going to sound insane, but we're from an alternate universe where this world is a game and everyone streams story stuff to thousands of people." Dream explained, "the you from our world has a series called Tales of the SMP. I've played a character in it! I was Ranbob! And Francis!"

Karl's eyes went wide, "I... I think I have to believe you after that... No one should be able to know about that."

"So you'll help us?" Dream asked, taking a step forward.

Karl gave them a small smile, just about to nod when-

"Karl get away from them!"

Sapnap jumped in front of his fiance in full enchanted netherite armor, sword at the ready.

"Dream! Did you forget what I said would happen if you got out of prison!?" Sapnap yelled.

Tommy hid behind Dream, grabbing his sleeve tight, "Dream what the fuck did you do!"

"Shit! Wait! Sap I can explain! We're from a different uniVERSE!" Dream shouted as he jumped out of the way of the sword.

"GET BACK HERE DREAM!" Sapnap screamed, smoke sizzling out of the corners of his mouth as the ends of his bandana caught on fire, "DON'T MAKE THIS HARDER THAN IT ALREADY IS!"

"What the fuck!?" Tommy gasped from where he fell to the ground, "I thought Sapnap said his character was human!?"

"Well I thought my character was human too!" Dream shouted, dodging another blow.

"Sap! Wait!" Karl grabbed Sapnap's wrist, effectively stopping his fiance, "they're telling the truth! Somehow they both know things that I can't even tell you. We have to trust them."

"Wha- Karl! After everything they've done!? You're just going to trust them!?" Sapnap yelled, lowering his sword.

"If you don't trust them, then at least trust me!" Karl shouted back, "please?"

The smoke as flames dissipated as Sapnap's emotions cooled, "alright. But if they slip up once then I won't hesitate to take both their final lives."

Karl nodded.

Tommy slumped back onto the grass, "this is too much... We've almost been killed twice already and we've been here for three days..."

"Four for me." Dream sighed, also falling back on the grass.

Tommy laughed, "oh my god, we are horrible!"

"I'm taking such a long break from Minecraft after this..." Dream groaned, "I'm going to snuggle my cat for a week and never leave the house."

"Don't you already do that?" Tommy asked.

Dream when silent for a moment, "I also bother Sapnap."

"Huh?" Sapnap tilted his head.

Dream sat up slightly, "oh yeah, in our world we live together. And George lives in a different country, but he's flying down to stay with us for a while!"

"Wait, so we're friends in your world?" Sapnap asked.

Dream smiled and nodded, "yeah! Everyone's friends in our world! Me and you, Tommy and I. Ranboo and Wilbur have met up!"

"I've met up with Ranboo as well!" Tommy said, sitting up, "he's in the UK living with Tubbo right now! We've done vlogs with Jack, and Wilbur, and Phil, and George! I pushed Tubbo out of a plane!"

"Oh my god." Dream rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous that I get to hang out with Gogy sooner than you do." Tommy crossed his arms.

Karl laughed behind his hand, "so true!"

"Hey! No! I am not jealous!" Dream yelled.

Sapnap shook his head, "sure Dream."

"You know what, no I'm done." Dream stood up, "Sam! I'm coming back!"

Dream turned around, only to find himself face to face with George.

George's eyes went wide, "Dream?"

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