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T.W.: panic attack, implied death

Dream was speechless as he stared it the man in front of him. George looked so different, but was so painfully recognisable. From his red mushroom hat adorned with thin gold chains, to his brown and blue heterochromatic eyes. The tip of his nose and his long pouted ears were tinted red, and white freckles danced across his face.

"George?" Dream whispered.

"What are you doing here?" George asked, then glanced at the other boy, "and why is Tommy here?"

"I-um, w-we-" Dream stammered.

Tommy sighed, "listen, dream and I are from an alternate universe, we're on the run from Sam, and we're trying to get home."

George turned to Sapnap and Karl, "and you two believe them?"

"They know things only I could know." Karl said, "I have to believe them."

Sapnap shrugged, "I trust Karl."

"Please George." Dream begged, "Sam will kill us if he finds us. I don't know what will happen if we lose our last cannon lives here..."

George sighed, "you can't stay for long. We're not risking Kinoko."

Dream breathed out a sigh, giving George a smile, "thank you George."

George turned away, "you can stay in any house."

Dream watched George's red cape as he walked away. It was strange to have his best friends act so cold towards him. He didn't like it.

Tommy placed a hand on his shoulder, "I messaged Tubbo where we are. They said they'd meet us here tomorrow."

"Tubbo and Ranboo?" Sapnap asked.

"And Michael and Big Q." Tommy told them, "Ranboo doesn't want to leave Michael alone with Sam around."

"Quackity?" Karl asked, his eyes going wide.

"You've seen him!?" Sapnap took a step forward, "where is he!? Is he okay!?"

"Uh, he helped me break out?" Dream said, "and he knows about the whole alternate universe thing. Do... Do you not know about Las Nevadas?"

"No, I don't..." Sapnap said as Karl grabbed his arm.

"It's my fault..." Karl whispered, "I forgot to tell him about Kinoko..."

"No, Karl, it's not your fault." Tommy offered, trying to comfort his friend.

"It doesn't matter." Sapnap hugged Karl, "let's get inside. Mobs are going to start spawning soon."

Dream and Tommy nodded, making their way into one of the houses. They'd figure out a plan in the morning.


"Dream! Tommy!" George ran into the house they were staying in.

"Huh? What, what happened!?" Dream jumped as he woke up.

"Snowchester is destroyed." George gasped, his heterochromatic eyes wide.

Tommy felt his world tilt, "TUBBO!"

Tommy sprinted out of the house, aiming for the town his best friend once lived in. Rain was pouring down. The sun was just barely rising in the sky. Someone grabbed him, holding him back from running any further.

"No!" Tommy struggled against whoever was holding him, "I have to find Tubbo! He only had one life left! TUBBO!"

"Tommy! If Sam finds you, you'll be dead too!" Dream yelled.

Sapnap landed next to them, breathing heavily with a trident in his hand, "Las Nevadas is gone too."

"But Quackity-!?" Karl gasped when he saw the tears in Sapnap's eyes, "no... No!"

Karl ran into Sapnap's arms, gripping tightly onto his shirt. Tommy seemed to watch the ordeal through someone elses eyes. The rain hitting the ground was muffled by the ringing in his ears.

No. No this couldn't be happening. They couldn't be dead! Tubbo's on his last life! Michael doesn't have three! Big Q only has one life! And Ranboo... loosing your first life is the most painful...


The boy felt two pairs of arms and a tail around him. Small hooves grabbed his arm, helping to ground him further.

"Tommy, breathe. We're safe." Ranboo told him, "we got out in time."

"Big Q sent us a warning." Tubbo told him, "he's almost here. He's safe."

"Oh my god... Tubbo..." Tommy breathed out.

"I'm here boss man." Tubbo said softly.

Michael gave a small snort, crawling into Tommy's lap, softly headbutting the older.

Tommy smiled softly, "hi Michael..."

George walked over, holding Dream's hand tightly, "is everyone okay?"

Tommy nodded, letting Ranboo and Tubbo help him up, "yeah. Yeah I'm okay now."

Sapnap and Karl came over, worry written all over there expressions.

"Is Quackity okay?" Sapnap asked, holding Karl close.

"Yeah, he-he'll be here any minute." Ranboo told them, handing Michael to Tommy, "he's the one who warned us about the... Whatever it was..."

"It was a nuke." Tubbo said quietly.

Karl's eyes went wide, "a what!?"

"A nuke!" Tubbo sighed, "Jack Manifold and I built three of them! We tested one! And then someone stole one! And now someone used both of them to destroy Snowchester and Las Nevadas!"

"Do you think it was Sam?" George asked.

Tubbo nodded, "and Jack had to be in on it. He's the only other one to have access to the nukes. Sam told Jack to target Las Nevadas. None of the nukes were programmed to hit Snowchester, Sam probably messed with the stolen nuke and hit Snowchester."

"That backstabbing little-!" Dream cut himself off, "after he said he wouldn't tell anyone saw us!"

"But he didn't tell Sam we were in Kinoko." Tommy said, "and we all know about Ponk..."

"You don't think Sam tortured Jack, do you!?" Ranboo went slightly pale.

Tommy shrugged, rubbing a sleepy Michael's back, "I'm not saying it's not an option."

"Either way..." The group turned, watching a very injured Quackity make his way out of the trees, "We need this to end."

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