new bond

308 18 5

"(Y/n)..I made this for you"

"For me?"

Yuzu was reaching a piece of paper to her. While doing so, he looked down to the floor sideways, a small blush visible on his cheek.

(Y/n) accepted the gift reluctantly and proceeded to look at it.
She didnt quite understand why he gave that to her.

"Seems like a nice song...never heard it before tho", she said, eyes fixated on the sheet with music notes on it.

"'s..-", while Yuzu mumbled quietly, (y/n) tried humming the melody. He got a bit flustered and his eyes widened. Just like a puppy at its owner, he was looking up to her.

After all, it wasnt just any song.

No, this song was meant for her.

(Y/n) sat down on the edge of his bed, completely drown into the piece of paper. She focused so much on how to hum the notes correctly, that she stayed completely oblivious about Yuzu's gaze on her.

"Why are these lyrics...describing me..?", she asked, glancing up to him.

Yuzu bit his lip.

And snapped. 

The precious music sheets flew in the air down to the ground as (y/n)'s head hit the soft bed. 

Arms up above her head held down by something, she didn't even have time to open her eyes.

"I hope this time... maybe this time it wont be a mistake."

(Y/n) could only hear his whispers because he was so close to her. 

Next thing she did was a sudden movement, which scared both of them.

"Why..?", Yuzu asked, looking down, ashamed.

"It''s not that..", but before (y/n) could finish her sentence, Yuzu already crawled off of her.

Maybe going in for a kiss like with her wasnt a good idea. (Y/n) turning her head sideways was only natural.

The atmosphere in the room was getting weird.

They both sat there, back to back on different sides of the bed, not saying a word.

This seemingly silly situation was hurting them both.

Yuzu got reminded of how he lost Alice...and (y/n) got reminded of how she got locked up by her own emotions.

All of this, just because of a kiss.

The two teenagers wanted to talk about their reasons. But they stayed quiet. Perhaps they both didnt want to bring up the past. Perhaps they just wanted to...move on and forget about everything.

But that's easier said than done.

"So..Yuzu.. about that song. Where did you get it?", she asked shyly, not facing him.

Yuzu was somewhat relieved that she broke the tension.

"That written by me"

(Y/n) blinked twice. She knew that Yuzu could write songs. But this one was so different than the other ones, she would've never guessed  that it was written by him.

"Those lyrics describe you because I wrote them while thinking about you"

"But...i dont get it. Why me?", she looked to his direction.

Yuzu sighed and got up from the bed, walking over to (y/n)'s side.

Now standing directly in front of the sitting girl, he kneeled down to her and let his hand run through his blueish black hair. Smirking and looking playfully up to her with a hint of cockiness, he said "Are you implying that I haven't fallen in love with you?"

(Y/n) needed a moment.

Then she got as red as a tomato.

"W-w-whaaa?!", she squealed and quickly got up.

"That..that cant be! You love Alice!"

Knock knock

"Yuzu my dear, are you having visitors?"

Yuzu panicked. He thought she'd only come home later.

But (y/n) panicked more. As soon as his mother opened the door, she ran out.

"Wait!!" Yuzu reached out his hand to her, but let it fall again as soon as he noticed what his mother was doing.

"Yuzu...are these papers your silly music writing again?", she noticed the papers that were spread across the room.

"Dont touch them!", he said without thinking, in quite a rude tone. He regretted it pretty soon.

"Stop with this foolishness! You wont get anything out of music, never! Dispose of these till tonight." , with that, his mother left the room.

And left a frustrated Yuzu behind.

{Anonymous Noise} [Yuzu x reader] SAVE MEWhere stories live. Discover now