finally moving on?

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"No, that isn't her" , Yuzu said, throwing a music sheet into the already full trash can.

In the lightly dimmed room, he was sitting alone at midnight, writing down everything that was on his mind.

And the only thing that was on his mind was the silent black kitties' vocalist.

His eyes burned; blinking wasn't enough, he needed to close them.

But his mind wouldn't let him. He needed to do this. To write a song about the mysterious vocalist, so he can forget about her.

Knock knock

"Yuzu my dear, why are you still awake?"

Yuzu's heart stopped at seeing his mother. She should have been asleep by now.

It was just like a switch inside her as she went from 0 to 100 real quick.

"Don't tell me you're writing that useless music of yours again!", she said, much louder than before.

Yuzu didn't move, just stared at her. It was getting old and he was too tired for this.

His mother did the same thing she'd always do.

Rip the sheet that he was writing at the moment in pieces and throw it away, then take the trash can full of music sheets too.

The relationship between the two was getting worse since Alice left; Yuzu would just lock himself in his room and completely ignore everything, while his mother started understanding him less.

As his mother slammed the door behind her with a 'go to sleep' , Yuzu slowly got up from his chair, both of his hands on the table as he looked down, wanting to cry.

But nothing came.

Since Alice left him, there were no more tears left to cry.

"They were bad anyways", he said to himself, talking about the sheets and then turning  the lights off.


The next day at school Yuzu looked terrible;  messy hair, disheveled clothes and eye bags.

He couldn't sleep all night, but managed to fall asleep before his alarm rang. So he came late to school. But not just with a few minutes, it was already break time.

He was currently wandering around in the hallway, having a certain place in mind where he'd like to go.

When he was close though, he started to feel excited because of  a certain voice he was hearing.

And his feet started moving on their own.

It was just like the other day at the concert; there was this mixed feeling of  confusion, excitement and anxiety with the familiar adrenaline in his veins.

He ran until he was in front of the music room of the school.

"I've become so numb~ I can't feel you there~Become so tired, so much more aware~By becoming this~ all I want to do~
Is be more like me and be less like you~"

The lyrics spoke to him. And the melody made him cry.

He was finally able to cry again. In all this time of silently suffering, he could let it all out.

The imperfection of the voice was making it all too perfect. The amount of emotionless emotions, waiting to be understood, awakend something in Yuzu.

Was this all because he was too tired? Or because he was so sensitive  at the moment? Maybe it was because he had so much on his mind.... but whatever the reason was for him to feel this way... he was grateful. Grateful that he could let it all out.

He slowly slid down the wall, sobbing into his knees.

And then he heard the door open. 

He snapped his head up in surprise, because if he had known that someone was coming, he wouldn't  have done that.

What he saw made him widen his eyes.

And the other person widened their own too.

"A-are you alright, Yuzu?"

Realization hit Yuzu like a truck. The person who was standing in front of him obviously was the one who sang just a few moments ago.

Although he was shocked, he didn't feel embarrassed nor angry. He didn't even want to run away.

"Yes... I'm fine now, (y/n)", he said, slowly standing up with a small smile on his face.

"You... don't really... look fine though?"

Yuzu smiled more; even though she just sang, she already had her black mask on. It was kinda cute.

He could also tell that she was blushing.

Then suddenly  (y/n) grabbed his hand gently.

It was Yuzu's turn to blush now.


"Come with me"

With that, she dragged him into the room and closed the door behind them.

Yuzu was really confused and before he could understand where he was, he felt warm hands touching him.

"W-what are you doing?"
"You can't walk around with your clothes like that", (y/n) said, patiently buttoning his shirt.

"W-well I guess I can't..."

(Y/n) then proceeded to do his hair, gently and carefully taking off his hair tie, then making a new ponytail, which Yuzu always makes.

(Y/n) was doing all this from the front so she was very close to Yuzu, and Yuzu's heart beat twice as fast as usual.

After doing his hair, (y/n) leaned back, only to be met with Yuzu's eyes. Those big, pretty eyes that didn't get out of her mind since the very first meeting.

There was silence between the two; it wasn't awkward, it was comforting, but also tense.

It seemed like everything stopped around them, they could only hear each others' breaths and heartbeats.

"(Y/n)...would you like-"

The door opening cut off Yuzu in the middle of his sentence.

And what he saw, completely destroyed his mood.

"Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt something?"

Ok I know I said in one of the comments that I'd publish this chapter way sooner I'm so sorry!
And I wanted to ask for honest reviews on the story - do you think my writing is confusing bc I very much think so. I mean the plot itself is already finished but there will be a lot of information in the last chapters, like, really a lot so hehe be aware of that lol

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