fighting for love

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Yuzu put his hand on the back of her head gently.

"I don't want you to impersonate her. I don't wanna see her in you anymore. You're your own person. And I'm sorry to have ever compared her to must've been rough....after all, you don't even know her.", he chuckled awakwardly at the last part.

Telling all this, he felt a huge rock fall off his chest. He didn't realize how much guilt he was feeling from these thoughts.

(Y/n) smiled.

"It's okay. I'm sure Alice was a very special person to you, so forgetting her will be hard.", she scratched the back of her neck, putting up a smile.

"Yes, it was hard. But i moved on. And it's all thanks to you."

(Y/n) looked at him with wide eyes.

"I love you... you're my new voice.", Yuzu said firmly, now sliding his hand down to her waist and pulling her in closer.

Unintentionally, (y/n) put both of her hands on Yuzu's chest in an attempt to keep some space between them. At feeling her touch, Yuzu blushed even more, but tried to keep up his cool act.

"Your eyes...are really mesmerizing"

At hearing those sweet words, Yuzu instinctively got too close to (y/n).

"Your lips look so soft (y/n)... can I...Kiss you?", he bit his lower lip in embarrassment but didn't break eye contact.

After doing the same mistake twice, he finally learned to ask for consent.

And just like that, he finally got what he wanted; a kiss filled with love.

Both of (y/n)'s gentle hands on his face and her truly soft lips pressed against his own not only surprised the blue eyed boy, but made him feel hot and giddy inside. It was a feeling he had never experienced before and it left him with a sense of yearning for more.

(Y/n) eventually pulled away, looking into his eyes with half lidded eyes. "Sorry, i took the chance and kissed you first since you looked so cute hihi"

'Hihi?!', Yuzu thought, raising an eyebrow in frustration but smiling through it. It hurt his manly ego to say so.

This sweet atmosphere shared by the two sadly didn't last long, since the pain of another was also involved.

"Hah...I can't believe this. You seriously take away every single chance of love I get, don't you?"

Yuzu and (y/n) looked at the direction of the voice, both completely uneasy at seeing who it was.

"What do you want, Momo?", Yuzu stepped forward, clenching his fists in anger. Momo was the last person he wanted to see right now.

"Hey uh...let's take this easy okay?", (y/n) said awkwardly, holding her hands in front of her.

"Easy? No way. You go off, kissing him here like you have all time in the world. Did you forget about the concert?! We've worked so hard and now you're abondoning me for this piece of shit?", Momo couldn't contain himself anymore and did something that he yet again would regret later on.

He clenched his fist and punched Yuzu, from which poor shorter boy stumbled backwards with his eyes shot. It came as a surprise to Yuzu, so he didnt have time to dodge. Momo grabbed Yuzu's shirt harshly, pulling him up. "Fucking bastard! First you take Nino and now (y/n) too!", his voice sounded angry, but his eyes were filled with pain.

Yuzu eventually got a grip of himself again and grabbed Momo's arm, which was holding his shirt. "Pff. I didn't take Nino away from you. She left us both you idiot. As for (y/n), it's up to her to decide which one of us it'll be. Haha...don't mean to brag, but it's kinda obvious what her answer is", even though Yuzu was looking a bit pathetic, his smirk and cockyness didn't fade. Exposing his sharp teeth with a confident look in his eye, he took this moment to punch the shocked Momo back, which freed him from his grip.

"Okay, that's enough, both of you!!", (y/n) stayed silent until now, completely dumbfounded, but she stepped between the two boys after things were about to escalate even further.

The two angsty teenagers looked at each other with murder intentions, Yuzu wiping blood off his lip with his arm while Momo cooled his cheek with his cold hand.

"Look Momo...I'm sorry because of the concert. You're's my responsibility.", she said, having an apologetic look on her face.

"Whatever. Let's just go.", Momo grabbed her wrist and dragged her with him, but Yuzu had other plans so he too grabbed her other wrist, stopping the two from going any further.

"Let go of her, loser", Momo didn't even look at him while talking.

"No way", Yuzu on the other side was stabbing him with his eyes.

"It's okay, yuzu. It's my decision. Let me go..", (y/n) said, looking down.


"Let go.", she said firmly.

So Yuzu let go of her.

And she again, went back into her cage.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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