locked up in emotions

864 23 13

(Y/n) had just arrived to the address a guy named Haruyoshi gave her.

It was hard to convince her as she didn't know him well, but he was stubborn and she eventually just gave in.

Now that she was in front of some building though, she started to question why she even bothered to come anyway.

It probably was because a certain someone would be there too.

(Y/n) walked in and searched for the room she was supposed to go to. It fortunately didn't take her that long to find  because it was a room she used to be in often.

She heard music from inside the door; a beautiful melody and a beautiful voice.

It was simply amazing. Every beat and emotion went through her body, boiling the blood inside her veins. She needed to sing. She needed to be on stage and perform.

She waited till the song was over. After a few more minutes of simply just waiting, just to calm down and make sure they weren't gonna play another song, she knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

The familiar boy who sat beside her in the café opened the door and gestured her to step in. He had a grin on his face and (y/n) simply smiled back. Even though they didn't talk much at all with each other, they still kinda got along. His name was Kuro, if (y/n) remembered correctly.

"Ah (y/n)! Come right in~!", a blond boy said, holding a guitar in his hands. After putting it down, he walked over to (y/n) to greet her properly.

The whole atmosphere was kinda awkward.

They do say first impressions are important...

But that wasn't really showing here.

There was this girl in front of the microfon who was clearly glaring at (y/n) as soon as she entered the room.

(Y/n) felt slightly bad for some reason because of it, but when she saw Yuzu, she frowned even more under her mask.

He seemed really sad. Yuzu wasn't feeling well, she could tell.

The blond boy, or Haruyoshi as he introduced himself, was currently introducing all the others but (y/n) couldn't concentrate. The sight of Yuzu was breaking her heart and she didn't even know why.

They didn't know each other well, they didn't really have anything in common  and they weren't related whatsoever.

Was it pity?

But then again, she didn't even know what kind of problem he had.

Yet that emotionless face and the pain behind those eyes... it was way too familiar.

She wondered why she didn't notice it before.

Well maybe she did, but didn't want to see all of that again.

"You ready to sing?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and smiled, only nodding slightly.

She went up to the microfon with Haruyoshi basically dragging her there and everyone got to their places, including Yuzu.

In the meantime, Miou, as Haruyoshi introduced her as, sat down somewhere in front of them with her arms crossed and the fakest smile (y/n) has ever seen.

Now feeling nervous and not welcomed at all, she really felt self-conscious.

She gulped and didn't dare to take her mask off. It was making her feel as if she wasn't actually with them, but in her own little world.

Then the music started.

It took (y/n) aback since she was too lost in thought when they counted in.

She sang the first notes. It came out naturally; she knew the lyrics, tempo, intonation, everything you needed to sing properly.

But why couldn't she drown into the song?

The emotions totally lacked.

She wasn't feeling the song at all.

Even if I'm completely naked, I'm not afraid anymore... I'll keep on singing, because I'm a canary.

'Lies... I'm afraid... I'm so afraid my voice won't even come out'


Just one question.... is it Haruyoshi or Haruno? I just googled and it said Haruno but I'm pretty sure it's Haruyoshi? I'm confusion pls help thank you

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