tragedies and confessions

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"Yu- Yuzu..?"

"Come with me."


"What do you mean you cant perform??!", said the panicked and slightly annoyed man working at the festival.

"Our singer ran off. That's what I mean", Momo responded calmly.

While the poor man and the other bandmates panicked over the situation, Momo went ahead and snuck off himself.

Walking through the festival as the sun was setting, faded music playing everywhere and a beautiful pink orange sky forming, he started feeling overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed by all the different feelings that weighed on him like heavy rocks.

He let his head sink, his gaze fixated to the ground.

'If only I wouldve taken the chance to be with the one I truly can I be so stupid... going as far as hurting an old friend'

As he got deeper and deeper into his thoughts, a small flashback popped up.

"Alice..." , the sun was setting. It was an unusually quiet evening.
"I'm sorry Momo...but..funny isnt it?", she let out a small laugh, "first, you left me all these years ago, hurting and all alone. Now I'll do the same to you" , the blank look on her face, with that put up smile, perhaps even hurt him more than her harsh words. As she turned her back to him and got further away, he was too weak to reach his hand out to stop her.

There wasn't a stopping her.

Momo's eyes widened, he didnt want to remember that moment.

"What am I doing here.... I gotta apologize to (y/n)."

With a sigh, he made up his mind, adjusted his glasses and proceeded to search for (y/n).


Now eating some strawberries with melted chocolate over them, (y/n) was feeling better, yet also a bit confused.

She peeped over to the blue eyed boy who, of course,  was also eating the same strawberries with melted chocolate over them.

"Are you feeling better?"

Taken aback by the question, she got flustered and tripped over her words. "I- uhm I-I yes!!"

"Really?", he got closer, and put his hand on her thigh while doing so.

Surprisingly, she didn't flinch or fund it weird at all. His hand was warm, it comforted her.

"Can I remove it?"

He leaned in towards her.

'Is this another kiss?', she squeezed her eyes, getting ready for the moment.

"Heh", he chuckled cockily, "did you really think I was going to kiss you?"

The now smirking boy stayed right in front of (y/n)'s face  and as the oblivious girl slowly opened her eyes again, she could see everything clearly.

"Sorry, but this way I can see your beautiful eyes better", he smiled while holding up the lace blindfold.

(Y/n) blushed and looked away shyly.

Then Yuzu put his index and thumb on her chin, turning her head towards him gently.

At this point, (y/n) was a blushing mess.

"(Y/n)... I... wanted to tell you sth", he lowered his voice.

"There you are!! Man I searched you everywhere! You can't always just run off like that!!!", said an out of breath haruyoshi, in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Ugh...perfekt timing", Yuzu replied, unbothered.

"Huh??! You're giving me an attidute even tho I ran 5km around this big ass festival for you???", haruyoshi was steaming at this point.

"Pff.. I never asked you to", but Yuzu still couldn't be bothered.

At seeing the two boys jokingly fight, (y/n) couldn't hold her laugh back anymore.

So she let it all out, laughing loudly, even tearing up a bit.

Yuzu and Haruyoshi stopped going at each other and looked at (y/n) in confusion.

"I'm's just funny how you can argue in a situation like this", she said in between her laughing.

Yuzu's face lightened up at seeing (y/n) be happy.

And Haruyoshi smiled at noticing how Yuzu was starting to change for the better.

"Ah yes!! The festival!!!", Haruyoshi exclaimed with a panicked voice.

Yuzu's eyes widened and he started panicking too.

"Oh shit we gotta go!", the short boy stood up quickly. "You're coming with us!", he grabbed her by her wrist and was about to start running, basically pulling her with him.

"Huh?!", (y/n) was both confused and panicked.

"Yuzu,  imma go ahead. The others are worrying, I'll let them know you're on the way. And you better hurry up!", with that, Haruyoshi waved and ran off. He knew that he interrupted something and in no way did he intend to be thirdwheeling right now.

"Wait, we're right behind-", Yuzu's words were cut off as he felt (y/n) stop and pull him back.

"(Y/n)..?", he was rather confused.

"I cant come with you. I have to sing for the silent black kitties. I can't let Momo down.", she looked to the ground and slightly to the side. It was visible in her eyes that she didn't want to perform with them.

She didn't want to go back into that cage.

Yuzu looked at her, his eyes full of worry.


She looked up at him at hearing her name.

And Yuzu took this chance to kiss her forehead.

It definitely took her aback. But it also made her feel calm and warmed her up inside.

The blue eyed boy  was blushing faintly but he made up his  mind to be true to his feelings this time.

And finally let go of the past.

{Anonymous Noise} [Yuzu x reader] SAVE MEWhere stories live. Discover now