a new chance

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"Enjoy~", the waitress said after putting down our orders in front of us. She smiled sweetly before walking away.
I let my chin rest in the palm of my hand and followed her with my eyes. I could see her walk up to another waitress and they both started chuckling and looking over to our table occasionally. It creeped me out so I decided to ignore them.
"T-Thanks for inviting me. You really didn't have to go through the trouble though.", he said while looking at me with his big, pretty eyes.
"Well it was my fault that you spilled your drink in the first place, so don't worry about it.... Yuzu, was it?", I said, unsure about his name.
"Yes, and you were... (y/n), right?"
I hummed in response as a way to say yes.
An awkward silence filled the air with only the other customers' chit-chats and the waitresses' steps to be heard.
"So... uhm... what have you ordered, anyway?", I heard Yuzu say, interrupting me from my usual daydreaming.
I blinked a few times at seeing a blushing Yuzu looking to the side slightly. That's when I realized that I was staring at him all this time. It's not like I did it because I wanted to, I just couldn't help myself. It seemed like he wanted to avoid talking about that though, so I went with it.
"Oh it's (f/d).", I said bluntly.
"I see... looks good."
And there it was again. The awkwardness. There were so many things I wanted to say to him.... I wanted to get to know him better. I could feel as the words burned on the tip of my tongue but I still couldn't bring out a single word. I mean.... what if I ask something weird? Or what if I start stuttering? Or what if the aliens invade our planet?
A few minutes passed and we still didn't talk ... heck we didn't even look at each other. It seemed like Yuzu was about to go, his glass of strawberry milk was almost empty and I don't think he intended to stay with a shy creep like me.
Before he could say anything, Yuzu was cut off by someone dragging him out of the café.
I just sat there, completely dumbfounded and having no idea about what just happened. Instead of Yuzu sat a familiar boy in front of me now. It was one of the boy's who overheard me singing, I guess.

Yuzu pov

"Why didn't you tell me that you're dating the future Alice?", Haruyoshi, who had dragged me out here said, more like a tease than a question.

"Future Alice...? This has to be the worst joke you've ever made." I pulled back my wrist harshly as he didn't realize that he was still holding it.
I gave him an uninterested look which seemed to have wiped off that teasy grin of his.
"I'm not joking. You should've heard her voice! It was something.... magical."

I looked at the ground to think for a moment. Haruyoshi wouldn't just say that, he probably really meant it. But still... a new Alice?

"Hey, listen.",Haruyoshi put a hand on my shoulder, "just how much longer will you cry over her... she won't come back and you gotta accept that. It's time to move on."

Although what he said hit right in the feels he was right. He was right, yet still.... I can't do it.

"Tell (y/n) to come to practice with us.", I said with my hands clenched and walked away, leaving a confused, but slightly happy Haruyoshi behind.

Hey... I know I haven't updated in quite a while... sorry. And also sorry for the short chapter. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to continue this story but some of you really enjoy it so far (?) so imma just keep writing.

I have a lot of new ideas actually and I'll update sooner so I hope you'll keep enjoying!

{Anonymous Noise} [Yuzu x reader] SAVE MEWhere stories live. Discover now