innocence and selfishness

307 13 3

The moment was finally here.

The rock horizon.

Everyone was excited, the crowd was cheering.

Still, Yuzu couldn't fully enjoy it.

He wasnt nervous, he wasnt happy...he wasnt eager to show his skills and play in harmony like the others were.

No, he was rather sad. And regretful.

Since yesterday, (y/n)'s words echoed in his mind. They haunted him like a ghost.

'You love Alice'



Can he finally break the chains of the past?

Can he finally be brave enough to let go of her?

He couldn't contain his emotions anymore. All this time of being hurt and thinking of the past completely drained him. That is,  until a new voice arrived.

"It's time for me to move on", he clenched his fist, with a clear look in his eyes.

Next thing he did not only surprised himself, but also Miou.

"Miou...please you have to sing this song", he said in a low tone.

Miou looked down at her wrist being held by the blue eyed boy.

He was serious.

As Yuzu gave her a sheet of music notes and lyrics, she started analyzing it in her head.

"This song..? But we didn't practice it.. I doubt I even heard it before"  Miou said, unsure about the situation.

"I'm sure you'll manage! Please, you have to do it", Yuzu didnt give up.

Miou looked at him, still thinking about his offer.

This was the first time in months that she saw him so motivated.

"She must be really important to him...more important than her", she thought.

"Fine, I'll do it. I'll go tell the band about this, we still have enough time to go through it after all", she said in a serious tone, turning away and making her way to the other two bandmates.

Yuzu had a relieved smile.

"Miou..thank you"

Miou didnt reply but a small smile formed on her lips as well.


(Y/n) was sipping (favorite/drink) with her earphones plugged in, isolating herself from the others.

"What are you doing here alone? Come on, we'll be on the stage in 15 minutes.", said Momo, who walked up to her.

As she stood up, she felt a cold breeze going through her body.

The wind blew and she could hear as other bands were already performing.

With her costume on and lace over her eyes, she needed the assistance of Momo. It was rather dark behind the stage, so he made sure she wouldnt fall by holding her hand and leading her.

Then, a familiar noise caught her attention.

She let go of Momo's hand and turned to the direction from where the music came.

Momo wasnt fond of her action.

She grabbed her by her wrists and pushed her to a nearby wall harshly.

It caught (y/n) by surprise and she squeezed her eyes shut, letting out a small 'ow' when her back hit the wall.

"Focus on me only. You're mine and I wont lose you because of him again.", he whispered through his clenched teeth.

Momo stared directly into her soul. His expression was a cold one. Something that she should have expected, yet never imagined that it would really happen.

She didnt understand much of what Momo was saying. She was confused about why he was so protective of her. Perhaps that's why she snapped.

"Momo...what the hell is wrong with you", she said quietly, now looking back at him through her lace blindfold.

Momo's eyes widened.

The look she gave him, those eyes full of nothingness, made him feel a guilt stronger than he's been already feeling.

"Tz... make sure to get warmed up.", he may have sounded harsh, but in reality he was hiding his teary eyes and how mad he was at himself for all that he's done.


The situation has calmed down, (y/n) didnt bother thinking too long about it. She had more important stuff to do.

'Is it important though... what am I doing here..? I let my emotions be controlled by someone else and lost myself... why...

'Why...', she thought, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"The silent black kitty, you'll be up soon! Get ready", said someone working at the festival.

As (y/n) slowly stood up from her seat, she felt a touch on her shoulder. When she looked back, the sight before her took her aback.

"M-momo...?! What's wrong?", she asked worryingly.

The failed attempt of trying to hide his teary eyes only frustrated the boy even more.

"(Y/n)... I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

He bit this lip, trying to contain his feelings.

The two  childhood friends lost themselves, entangled with their twisted and confusing emotions.

One trying to replace something he couldn't replace.

And the other one falling in love and letting herself be used.

Momo couldn't look into her eyes. The shame was too much to bear.

"No...I'm sorry...I cant.."

She slapped his hand off and ran away.

Ran away from all her problems.

From all that been hurting.

'I shouldnt have liked him...I shouldnt have...fallen in love with him...!"

Drown in her thoughts, she didnt realize that she bumped into something.

And when she looked up, she realized that it wasnt something, but rather a someone.

{Anonymous Noise} [Yuzu x reader] SAVE MEWhere stories live. Discover now