a(n) (un)fortunate meeting

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(Y/n) POV

I stood in front of the ocean, looking into the horizon while listening to music. Two days have passed since I heard that beautiful voice. I hoped that if I would come here more often, then I would hear it again, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. The song I listened to has ended, meaning it's time for me to go. I made my way to school while again, randomly clicking on a song from my Playlist. I walked to the beat of the song and before I knew it, I already arrived at school. I really didn't want to take off my headphones, but I just had to or my teacher would've taken it away from me. With my usual black mask on, I walked to my classroom and went in, closing the door behind me afterwards.

I sighed and packed my books into my bag then quickly walked out of the classroom while shoving my mask up on my face. I really had the urge to listen to music and it felt like if I wasn't going to do so, I would die. It may sound silly, but I feel helpless without music. I didn't even notice that I started running. It seemed like my legs were acting on their own.

I bumped into something and that caused me to fall, landing on the hard ground. I brought up a hand to my head and looked down as it started to hurt. "Argh...", I whined in pain. I looked up and widened my eyes at what I saw. A black haired boy with a short ponytail  and big blue- greenish eyes was also holding his head in pain on the ground, just like me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, he was so.... pretty. He looked up at me with an annoyed look as he stood up again. "I-I'm very sorry..!!", I said as I quickly stood up as well. I bowed a few more times as a way to apologise and that's when I saw a bottle of milk on the ground. I panicked as I knew it was his and the milk was completely leaked out. I quickly took out some tissues from my pocket and kneeled down to wipe away the milk from the ground without saying a word. I winced a bit at feeling a touch on my shoulder and I could just barely look up, to see his gaze upon me. Unlike before, he didn't seem to be that annoyed anymore as he smiled at me reassuringly. "It's okay. Don't bother. Weren't you in a hurry?", he said and held out a hand to me, to help me get up. I reluctantly took his hand and let myself being lifted up by his hand. I realized that I was a bit taller than him. "So... I guess I'm gonna go now. See you later!", he said and picked up the milk bottle before staring to walk. Without really thinking, I grabbed his wrist, stopping him from going any further. "H-here! The money for your milk!", I said quite loudly and put the money straight into his hand, not waiting for an answer. After giving him the money, I bowed one more time before running off again in embarrassment. I could hear him shout, "Wait!", but I ignored it and just ran further until I was finally in the schoolyard. My hands falled onto my knees as I panted heavily from running. Well, it seemed like I wasn't really in shape. I stayed in that position for a few more minutes and I regretted that, because the boy from before came after me. I wanted to start running again, but my legs just wouldn't listen to me. The boy stopped running when he was next to me and he panted slightly. "I don't need your money. I already said that it's okay!", he said in between panting. I hated arguing as I knew that I wouldn't convince him anyways. My breathing finally calmed and I straightened myself. As I turned my head to him, only my (y/c) eyes being seen because of my mask, which I was still wearing he looked up at me as well with a faint blush on his cheek. I wondered why he blushed, but shrugged it off and looked away again. An idea plopped into my head. "Okay, so, what about.... we go and drink something together then? I'm the one who's gonna pay of course.", I bluntly said and snapped my head back to the  ground. I watched him from the corner of my eye and saw that he heated up then looked away as well. As he scratched the back of his neck with a pink blush, he finally stuttered out, "S-Sure...". It seemed like he wasn't really happy about me inviting him to a drink, but who could blame him? We didn't  even know each other, I've only seen him in a few of my classes but we never actually talked to each other. I didn't want to force him or anything, but I was feeling really bad for what happened earlier. This is kind of selfish but, I don't want to regret later that I didn't pay him back. "Great, let's go. I know a good place.", I again, bluntly said and turned my back to him, already starting to walk. I had to admit, I was feeling a bit shy about inviting him to a drink. It may seem like I don't really care, but under my mask, a small pink blush was hiding.

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