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"C-can I sit down?", Yuzu asked, avoiding her eyes while blushing a shade of pink.

(Y/n) nodded slowly, looking back to the ocean.

Moments passed as they sat together in silence, just listening to the waves and each others breathing.

It wasn't awkward, they were feeling comfortable in each others company. They seemed to forget their problems a little when they were together.

The slight cold breeze and the few drops of rain falling down slowly. Everything was so calming.

As much as she enjoyed it, (y/n) had to break the silence.

"You're not taking me into the band right?", she said, voice low, almost a whisper and a sad smile on her face.

"Why do you think that?", Yuzu asked back, voice just as low,  looking ahead.

(Y/n) felt a small blush forming on her cheek from that voice but she ignored it  and buried her head into her knees.

"You know why."

'Of course he knows. He's  a musician, he couldn't possibly overhear such a typical mistake', (y/n) thought.

Silence again.

(Y/n) was on the verge of tears.

'Why can't I just get one thing right?'

"It's not your fault."

She snapped her head up to his direction, eyes wide in both disbelief and confusion.

"I wrote that song for Alice. No one else could sing it like her.", he said, now looking down at her from the corner of his eyes.

'Alice... the former singer of in NO hurry to shout'

"I see.", (y/n) said, looking back down, feeling kinda sad and even a bit jealous.

But she was in no position to be jealous.

"Uhm and... sorry I left you alone at the café the other day.", Yuzu then suddenly spoke up again after a few minutes, an awkward smile on his face and he clearly avoided eye contact.

(Y/n) just stared at him for a few seconds and blinked.

"Oh don't worry about it. I'm sorry I wasted your time. And also sorry again for wasting your milk."

"Don't be sorry. I had a good time, so thanks for 'wasting my milk' "

Her cheeks became rosy as he smiled at her. She's never seen a more beautiful boy than him. She wanted to keep that smile safe, not letting it fade.

"If you really had such a good time, would you come again then if I invited you?", (y/n) said jokingly.

"I would.", it was just above a whisper, but it was enough for (y/n) to hear the now blushing boy say it, even though he completely turned his head to the other side from embarrassment.

(Y/n)'s cheeks went from rosy to ketchup and she was so thankful that she had a mask on and that it was dark. She didn't know how to answer, her heart just suddenly started beating faster. It was just like the feeling in all those love-songs she listened to.

'Wait... love?'

"Well, it has become quite late. We should be getting home. Do you want me to walk with you for a bit?", Yuzu asked, standing up and holding out a hand for  (y/n) to help her up.

"N-no it's fine, thanks.", she said shyly as she took her hand and got up as well.

"I'll be going then. Get home safe (y/n)!", he waved and (y/n) watched as he walked away, his figure getting farther and farther away.

She wanted to reach out to him and run into his arms but-

What was she even thinking?

It was clear that the only one he loved, was Alice.

And (y/n) hated Alice, for leaving him hurting like this.

{Anonymous Noise} [Yuzu x reader] SAVE MEWhere stories live. Discover now