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Days passed.

Weeks passed.

But still, Yuzu couldn't figure out a way to have (y/n) as the vocalist of in NO hurry.

"Tomorrow is finally the day! Ah..I think we're doing quite a good job, dont you?", Haruyoshi asked, putting his bass away with a relieved smile and slight cockiness.

"Hell yeah, we'll rock!", Kuro answered with a grin, getting up from the drums.

Miou smiled widely. "You wont regret having me as the final vocalist, I promise!"

But Yuzu has already regretted it long ago. If only he would've spoken up sooner...he wouldnt have to deal with his problems right now.

"I'll invite you all to a drink...how does that sound? I think we deserve it after this hard practice"

Everyone liked Haruyoshi's offer, but Yuzu had to pass.

"You go ahead, I'm pretty tired...gotta get rest before the big day", he said awkwardly, then walked off, leaving the band worried.


"Nice job everyone", Momo said gladly.

(Y/n) felt quite relieved about that. She really had enough of practicing.

After everyone left, the two stayed there.

(Y/n) wasnt too fond of that, since she was quite tired. But Momo was an old friend...she couldn't just decline his offer of talking a bit.

"So what did you-"

She felt a warmth on  her  back before she could finish her sentence. It took her aback.


Momo's soft voice echoed in her ear. She could feel his hot breath on her neck.

"I love your voice.. you're just...so similar to her."

His arms tightened around her and his hair fell into his eyes. Maybe that's  why..he couldn't  notice the pain he brought  to (y/n).

'Similar to her'


I'm so sick of her.

(Y/n)'s gaze sunk to the floor. She felt jealousy. She felt like she would drown into this her that she didnt even know of personally.

She was being eaten alive. Not only by two broken hearts....but by her own infected one too.

"I'm looking forward to perform with you (y/n)", Momo said, letting go of her with  a  smile.

It's been  a while since  (y/n) saw him smile like that. Perhaps, his pain and  misery  of not being able to be with the one he truly loved, eventually turned to finding someone similar and play a pretend game.

"I..I'll go now", (y/n) put on her black mask and ran out.

Momo didnt try to stop her. After all, he knew that what he was doing was sick. He just couldn't help it...


(Y/n) ran until her legs gave in. She found herself running to the same place as always. To that place where she heard that beautiful voice, full of emotions.

Looking into the horizon, she didnt notice the person walking up to her.


It was Yuzu.

His big eyes were the same color as the glistening sea in front of them.

The wind blew his hair as he stood  there, having a weird look on his face.


His voice was stern.

"Let's walk a bit together"

She only nodded and went along with him. A comforting feeling overwhelmed her whenever he was nearby.

After a bit of walking, Yuzu did something that was completely new to (y/n).

"Whether I'm awake or asleep, I'm nothing more than a canary~"

(Y/n)'s eyes widened.

Yuzu..could sing?

She didnt  say a word. Only looked at him in  disbelief.

Then, Yuzu laughed

She was even more confused. Even  concerned.


"Ah dont worry! Just...that look on your face..it's hilarious!", he laughed, wiping a tear away.

(Y/n) only blinked.

"I...sorry", she said quietly and looked away.

"Hm... " , he got closer to her, bending slightly and looking up to her with a smirk on his face.

"Why don't you free your voice?", swiftly, he took off  her mask.

"H-hey..!", but before she could protest, he continued.

"You know... I've lost my voice twice now.  It was painful,  but since I've  met you, the pain started fading away..", his voice was quiet, but sincere.

She didn't completely understand what he was saying, nonetheless a small blush formed on her cheek.

He grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer.

"(Y/n)... would you like to be my new voice?"

"Your new voice? What do  you  mean?"

"What I mean is that"

He took a small break and looked away. It was an attempt to hide how embarrassed he was.

"I want you as the vocalist of in NO hurry to shout. " , while  saying that, he looked straight into her (e/c) eyes.

(Y/n) was overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed by that serious look on his face, those pleading eyes and his words.

"Yuzu I.. I can't. I'm the vocalist of the silent black kitties. And isn't Miou your vocalist?"

"Come with me"


Before  she knew it, she found herself in the blue eyed boy's room.

Although she felt nervous, she  needed to listen to him.

Today was the first time that she saw hope in his eyes.

She felt happy for him.

But then again she felt more distanced from him. The pain he hid seemed to slowly fade.

And so did her feeling of knowing him.

They didn't have much in common to begin with

Only the pain

And the music


"(Y/n)... I made this for you"

So uhm. I kinda disappeared for two years lol. But this time, I'm finishing the fanfic!! Finallyyyy
Thank you for everyone that's still reading and I hope you'll enjoy! New chapter coming soon ^^

{Anonymous Noise} [Yuzu x reader] SAVE MEWhere stories live. Discover now