Part 2: Don't Go Wasting Your Emotion

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Part 2: Don't Go Wasting Your EmotionSneak peek

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Part 2: Don't Go Wasting Your Emotion
Sneak peek

People who have survived tragic accidents often say the same thing: it all happened so fast.

Cameron couldn't tell for sure, but one moment the road was clear, then for a reason that he'd like to call undivine intervention, a motorcycle came hurtling towards them. There was a bright light, then a loud crash, the feeling of something piercing through his side, and finally, a tree.

Of course, there's a fucking tree.

Still, despite that, with everything that's going on with Cameron's life so far, a car crash is just one big fucking whoop. A minor inconvenience, if you don't count his bleeding forehead.

Cameron sucked a painful breath and managed to let out a hoarse, "Ah, shit."

His sides were throbbing, and his head felt like it was going to split in two.

Then he heard a voice beside him.

"What the fuck? Guys...? Fuck..."

That was definitely Blake. Cameron would recognize the voice everywhere. This time, however, he almost didn't. Blake can be many things, but being scared is not one of them. Well, not in this kind of context, at least. It almost felt eerie hearing his voice quiver like that, but Cameron supposes he could give the man a break. They did just cannon into a tree.

"Oh... oh shit, oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." There were frantic movements beside him, but Cameron was too busy trying to open his eyes to see what was happening. "This is not good. Not good at all, no- there's smoke. Smoke, oh fuck we need to get out now! Man, fuck!"

He could hear Bryce's voice this time. 'Good. He's not dead,' he thought. Cameron knew Ian would kill him twice if Bryce dies in a car that he was driving.

"Where's my phone? I gotta call my boyfriend-"

"Your boyfriend? No, the fuck you don't? Call the hospital, the cops, 911, whatever, not your fucking boyfriend!"

Cameron blinked. Lights. The smell of smoke. Yeah, this is definitely not a dream.

"Shit, my head..." he mumbled. No one seemed to hear him though.

Bryce let out a painful sigh. "Okay, okay, fuck stop yelling..." he groaned. "Just... I need to find my phone first..."

"Man, fuck your phone, we need to get out of here," Blake insisted. "I don't wanna die in a fiery car crash, Bryce. No. No, I won't have it."

There weren't many thoughts that ran through Cameron's head as he reached for the glove compartment.

"How about Cam? Can you see him? Is he okay?"

Blake answered, "Yeah, he's-"

Before he could finish, the crumpling sound of plastic wrapper rendered the car silent. Well, aside from the erratic grumble of the dying engine.

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