the enforcers

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Hello! Welcome to my second story. Hope you enjoy! I will also include content warnings and such here in bold.

C/W: Death, bombs. I think that's it.

Everyone left should be happy, glad to be alive, right? Wrong.

Why should they be? Families: gone. Loved ones: gone. Cities: gone. Entire planets full of innocent people: gone. So few people left.

That's where the Omega Breeding Program came into play. They say omegas exist for one reason; breeding. Simple as that. No rights. No voice. No choice. 

They breed, they produce pups, they've fulfilled their purpose. The Galras attack during the war left Earth, and so many other planets, with dwindled populations. So much loss and death.

You can see where the OBP is coming from. But still, forcing omegas to breed, with no disregard for how the individual feels? It makes Keith sick. He has seen first-hand those who have suffered a loss. Many losses. He knows what it's like, has been there himself.

He helps the refugees and those who need shelter, food, water, you name it. He now leads the Blades, and their main focus is being a humanitarian relief organization. Doing that, you get an inside look at those who have suffered, who are suffering. 

The OBP is no help. Yes, some masses agree and donate to the organization, but others don't. Others have neighbors, friends, siblings, children ripped from them for breeding. Did Keith mention it makes him sick?

Oh, and he's just waiting for the OBP to come for him. He's one of the most famous, if not the most famous omega in the entire universe. The public understands for the most part that the Paladins had weird time experiences, but only a handful of people knew about Keith's journey into the quantum abyss, where he was for two years. Well, it was only a few months, but for him and his mother, it was a little over two years. 

Basically, Keith is supposed to be the same age, maybe a year older than Lance and Hunk. Pidge is 2-3 younger than them and Shiro's about five or six years older than Keith. Pretty straightforward. But, Keith was 24, not 21 or 22. 

Oops, did he forget to tell the universe that? Oh well. According to the OBP, omegas have to have a pup by the age of 25, along with a mate. There are rumors they force omegas to bond with an alpha for the breeding if they don't have one already, makes them easier to control.

Okay, back to the present.

Keith was off-Earth, going on a mission with the Generals, Acxa, Ezor, and Zethrid. Keith usually did the paperwork and directing and leading and all that from Earth. Typically, Lance's house. After the war, Lance struggled a bit with the loss of Allura. Keith would stop by and help out on the farm and helped Lance through his tough time. They became pretty close.

Keith was overseeing the progress of a new refugee center, well, that's what the public was told. He was also leading a mission to gather information on this new group who was hunting omegas from all planets, of all races. 

They called themselves 'The Enforcers.' pretty lame, right? But, it does for with their actions. Supposedly, The Enforcers were worse than the OBP, they took omegas and put them up for auction. 

The highest bidder got complete control over the omega for a full movement. A week where they could do whatever they wanted to the omega and get away with it, as long as they were alive by the end. 

They had healing pods and such, so it didn't really matter if the omega was returned with a broken leg, for example. They would just fix 'em right up and put them up for auction again, repeating the process. 

Right now, Keith was sitting in a private tent on site of the new center, going over the layout with one of the Blades architects. Oh yeah, the Blades weren't just about fighting crime, hunting down the bad guys, and helping those who needed it. They also had many scientists (who passed the Trials of Marmora. Every Blade knew at least the basics of fighting, regardless of whether they were scientists or warriors on the front lines) working on things like a solution to global warming (and cooling, depends on the planet), keeping species of Flora and Fauna from going extinct, that sort of stuff. The big things officials don't touch on for whatever reason, despite having the power to do so. That's how it went, after all; those who have the power to do something don't, and those who don't have the power to do something want to but can't. 

Getting off track here. Keith and the architect were discussing the layout when a Blade walked in.
"Leader, we've got an omega. Says she has information on The Enforcers." Keith stood up, asking the architect to stay put, and followed the Blade out of the tent.

The omega was in rough shape, bruises on her arms, neck, and face, swollen and cut lip, small cuts and scratches on her hands and face. She looked up at Keith's arrival. 

"I'm sorry," she was barely able to speak, her voice raw and scratchy. 
"Shhh, it's okay. You're safe here. There's nothing to be sorry about," Keith soothed. Omegas had a way of being able to soothe each other and were often found with other omegas. Tears filled her eyes, she looked down.

"Run." She opened the jacket she wore, revealing a device strapped to her stomach with a clock ticking down to zero.

"EVERYBODY RUN! TAKE COVER!" Keith ordered his people. They did as he told. Acxa, the one who was never too far from Keith, watched as he ran for his life. He was a fast guy, but this time, not fast enough. She tried to reach him, she really did, but was too slow. The bomb went off, throwing Keith into the air and blasting Acxa back. 

Acxa was shaking. No, was being shaken. She opened her eyes to see Ezor and Zerhrid looking down at her, concern lacing their expressions. Ezor helped Acxa up, bracing her with a hand on her back.

"Are you alright?" Zethrid asked, concerned for the one who was like a sister to her.
"I'm fine. Where's Keith?" The couple looked at each other, then at the ground. Zethrid was the one who spoke up.

"A ship flew down right after the bomb went off. They dragged his body from the rubble. Acxa, there was so much blood and fire. There's no way he could have survived that. No one could."


"Acxa!" Veronica was excited to see her girlfriend and hugged her. Lance was hoping Keith was with her. She tended to stay by his side, never straying too far. It had been a while since Keith last visited Lance and his family, who might as well be his own at this point.

Lance's parents loved Keith, he was polite and helped out on the farm. He helped their son when no one else could get through to him. He babysat Lance's niece and nephew, Nadia and Sylvio. Keith became part of the family.

Acxa hugged V but got a sad look on her face when she saw Lance standing on the porch, looking that the ship expectingly. 

"Lance, I need to tell you something, something to do with Keith." She had his attention.
"What is it? Where is he?" She paused, an expression crossing her face for a second before it was gone. That expression...Lance knew it.

"Acxa. Where. Is. Keith." There it was again. A look of loss. Of mourning.
"I'm sorry." Her voice nearly cracked on the last word. 

Lance shook his head, backing up into the house a few steps. "No." Acxa opened her mouth to say more, but Lance cut her off. "No. No no no no. No!" Lance ran inside and up to his room. He can't be. No, he can't be! Lance collapsed on the floor, crying. Not again. Why? Why did this keep happening?


"Acxa, what happened to Keith?" Lance's mother asked. It was late, they were all in the living room, all except Sylvio and Nadia, who were asleep in bed.

"We were hunting a group who has been kidnapping omegas from all races. At the time, we were overseeing the progress of a new refugee center when an omega came into the camp. She said she had information on the group. Keith went to see her, calm her down a bit, which is what she wanted, him to be close enough to her." Acxa paused, taking a deep breath. Acxa, who was fazed by nothing.

"She had a bomb on her," there were gasps and hands coving mouths across the room, Lance just stared, "he told us to run and take cover before he even moved. The bomb went off. It was smaller, but he got caught in it. Zethrid and Ezor said they saw a ship take his body. They said he was burned and bleeding, that no one could survive that explosion." Another pause. 

"We looked for him, but...there was no body. He's gone. I saw the blood trail myself, they were right, no one could survive after that much blood loss. It was a fatal wound. I'm sorry." She looked down at the floor.

Keith was dead.

Word count: 1530

A/N: Okay! Well, that was the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! 

I don't know when I'll update, but I'll most likely work on the story at night after work if I have it. If not, I'll work on the story during the day if I feel like it. I try not to wait too long between updates, so there's that.

Well, I'm either going to read or work on the second chapter now, noit! 


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