six more days

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A/N: Again, thank you to everyone for reading this and voting (you know who you are)! It truly does mean a lot to me. It's nice to work hard on something and put it out there and know people like it and appreciate it. Like when Hunk makes something and people like it! There are some major content warnings listed below, so beware.

C/W: Blood, gore, language (there might be some in every chapter), torture, pain...maybe animal abuse...? Does it count if it's self-defense? I'll include the warning regardless, I don't know what triggers people have. I think that's it.

The plan was simple. They would run the alphas face through their system to figure out who he is. They started by looking for him on his home planet, then through some of the wealthier aliens, since he was able to bid such a high price for Keith. 

Once they had his name, they would follow him to the site of the auction, looking for Keith. If they could, they would free him and the other omegas, if not, they would bid on him. They would take as many people into custody as they could and shut down The Enforcers.

It was day two, and the alpha who had Keith sent out another Livestream. They were in the same room as before, but Keith had those wounds still covering his back. He also had scratches all over him and bruises. The alpha's face was the first thing everyone saw, a grin going from ear to ear like the Grinch.

"Welcome back! This is day two, and I don't think the little bitch learned his lesson the last time. So! How about we try again to show him who's in charge, yeah?" One of the goons off-camera came into view, grabbing a wicked-looking knife. 

"Oh, but first! How about we move him. It must have been so uncomfortable to kneel there all night and day. How about we move him to a more comfortable position?" As he said this, some more goons carefully unchained Keith's wrists from the posts and lifted him.

One of them wheeled a metal table over with straps on it, a second camera angle came up from directly above the table. Keith groaned as he was being moved, but hissed in pain when they placed him on his back and strapped him to the table. He squeezed his eyes shut, breathing through his bared teeth rapidly. 

One of the goons held Keith's head still while the one with the knife leaned over his face, making sure not to block the camera view.

"Did you know the omega is a half-breed? The only of its kind, too. Half human, and, get this, half Galra! How crazy is that?! And look at that, he already has a Galra mark! I heard that Galra take their markings very seriously. How about...WE CUT HIS MARKING!" Keith's eyes widened at this, he thrashed around as much as he could with the restraints.

The goon holding his head grabbed his jaw, keeping Keith from biting as the one with the knife brought the point to Keith's cheek. A drop of blood welled. Keith's body thrashed as the guy pulled the knife along Keith's marking. Keith squeezed his eyes shut, whimpers and heavy breathing the only sound as blood pooled from the cut and dripped down his cheek onto the floor.


Day three. The third Livestream came out. 

Keith was moved from the table, gritting his teeth against the pain then flinching at the pain from his cheek. They undid the binds on his ankles and put a metal collar around his neck. They attached a chain on the wall to the collar, giving it a few yanks that made Keith since to make sure it was secure. They let him go and he dropped onto all fours, shaking.

Another top-view camera shot popped up, showing how red Keith's back was. Four beefy goons walked up to Keith, unarmed and cracking their knuckles. This wasn't going to end well. 

Upon hearing the sound, Keith slowly stood up on shaky knees, lifting his fists and moving into a defensive position. One of the goons chuckled and quickly swung at Keith. He managed to dodge, but the goon grabbed the chain and yanked him back. Keith cried out in pain as the guy slammed him into the brick wall.

They ganged up on Keith, punching and kicking and hitting him where his cuts were. It wasn't a fair fight. Keith didn't stand a chance. Wounds that had scabs on them reopened and soon blood was covering four pairs of fists. Keith did manage to get in a few hits, but the effort was futile. They knocked made sure not to hit his head too much to keep him conscious, to make it last longer.


Day four, and yup, you guessed it! Another Livestream.

Keith was alone in the room, unbound. Everything was cleared out, the reason soon becoming apparent. The door opened, and a beast with horns, huge fangs, sharp hook-like claws on all four legs, and a barbed tail was let in. 
"Fuck," was all Keith said, voice raspy and barely auditable.

The beast lunged, Keith dodged the snapping jaws and grabbing claws, but not the barded tail that got him across the neck. The cut was shallow, but blood came to the surface nonetheless. 

They grappled until it bit down on Keith's leg and he let out a cry of pain. He shoved his thumbs into the beast's eyes, making it help and release Keith's leg. Keith scrambled to a corner, the beast pawing at its face.


Day five. A fifth Livestream.

There was a tank filled with water and ice. Keith was dunked in, kept under by the weight of chains on his torse and arms. He nearly drowned and was a light shade of blue by the end, shivering. The water was tinted red with Keith's blood, as was the water that dripped off his body.


Day six. You know the routine.

Today, it was the electric chair. There was screaming. There was smoke coming off Keith's limp body by the end. 


Day seven. The last day. 


 They had an ID on the alpha who had Keith, he was currently in a limo, the Blades tracking his movements. The four Paladins and the Generals watched over Pidge's shoulder as he made his way to an abandoned warehouse.

"What is it always an abandoned warehouse? You would think bad guys would figure out movies gave away their location by now, but noooo." Lance mocked at the limo.
"Shut up, Lance," everyone said in unison. Lance mumbled something under his breath, and Shiro shot him a look.

They got out of the limo, and a goon pulled a limp body, Keith, out f the trunk. That was all the confirmation they needed. The group of seven made their way to the warehouse, finding an elevator leading down. 

They got off the elevator and found no guards waiting for them, but some small miracle. "Okay, Lance and Shiro, go find Keith and the other omegas. Ezor, Zethrid, Hunk, and I will go bust the bidders and auctioneer. I already called for backup and gave our location to Krolia. Everyone got it?" Acxa asked, everyone nodded their heads. "Good, now go!" 

Lance and Shiro didn't need to be told twice. They raced down hallway after hallway, knocking out guards and people when they came across them. Finally, they came to a dark room filled with healing pods. Most had people, most likely the kidnapped omegas, in them. And there he was. Keith. He was in rough shape, but they needed to get him and the others out.

They got everyone out, but Keith wasn't in the pod long enough for it to be of any help. He looked just like he did by the end of the seventh Livestream. Keith didn't even wake up after the pod opened, and fell into his brother's arms.

Lance went around to the omegas, most flinching at him being an alpha until he explained he was there to rescue them. He let out a calming scent, just to be safe. Fighting could be heard, but soon ended. Not long after the fighting stopped, the Generals came in to help with carrying the omegas to ships.


They were heading back to Earth, Acxa and Zethrid piloting the ship with everyone else in the back, quiet. Keith was in bad shape. They pulled off the top of the healing suit and everyone flinched at the sight. Hunk puked.

They finally landed at the Garrison, and Keith was rushed to the medical wing, still having yet to regain consciousness. They worked on him all night. All. Night. Shit. It was worse than it looked. The doctors said he was lucky to be alive. 

They ended up putting him into a medically induced coma to help with the healing, and to keep him from feeling the pain. They said he would be asleep for a week. A full fucking week. Everyone was pissed. Krolia was livid. But they put revenge aside, for now, it wouldn't help Keith. 

For now, all they could do was wait for him to wake up. 

Word count: 1428

A/N: Well...what can I say, I like torturing Keith. That could have two meanings, interpret it as you will. 

For anyone who didn't know, Grammarly likes to use emojis to express the tone of what it is you're writing, and these are the two emojis I saw the most of 😖 & 😰. I mean...makes sense when I wrote around 1000 words of torture and pain and Gore and agony.

On the bright side, Keith's alive! Yay!

Well, hoped you liked the third chapter!


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