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A/N: Thank you for reading and the votes! Sorry this took so long to get out, been busy with work and a non-existent sleep schedule and friends. But, it did kinda work out with the cliffhanger last chapter, don't ya think? No? Just me? 

C/W: Language...oh my gosh, I think that's it. Wow, I've mellowed a bit, huh. Whatever happened to writing almost 1000 words of pain and torture and gore? I'm going soft. 

"We know about your true age, Mr. Kogane. You know the law, you need to have a pup. No one is above this, not even you. Now, if you'll come with us, we have many alphas lined up waiting for a mate. There will be many eager for you, so we'll find the one best suited for you to mate with and-"

"No." Keith snapped, fury in his eyes. "I already have a boyfriend who is more than capable, so try to force a bond on me with a random anyone, and I'll put you six feet under myself." Lance stared at Keith, mouth slightly agape. What he was suggesting was...

"Keith, can I talk to you quickly?" Lance pulled Keith into the living room, leaving the OBP members in the kitchen with Lance's mother. "Are you saying..." Lance trailed off, knowing Keith knew what he was talking about.

"Only if you would agree to it. I know it's a lot, and you don't have to say yes," Keith quickly added, not wanting to overwhelm Lance. 

"Don't get me wrong, I mean, this whole thing is fucking stupid! Honestly, it pisses me off. Why should omegas have to mate with an alpha and have a pup if they don't want to? I sure as shit don't want to, but...I've already tried fighting this whole thing. There's no way around it. And...and if I'm going to have a pup with anyone...I- I want it to be with you." Keith looked shyly down at the ground, not knowing how Lance would react.

"I would be honored to have a pup with you, Keith." Keith looked up, eyes wide and lips slightly parted. Lance was smiling at him, fondness and love in his eyes.

"R-really?" Keith breathed out. Lance nodded his head while looking at Keith's hand as he reached for and grabbed it. 

"Really." Lance leaned his head down so his mouth was by Keith's ear, lips brushing it as he spoke. "Besides, I'm a selfish alpha who wants my omega all to myself." Keith slightly shuddered, a light pink blush dusting his cheeks. Okay, Lance won this round.


They were at the Garrison, getting things sorted out about the whole 'Keith is alive!' thing, and talking to Sam about the OBP, the decisions Keith and Lance came to. It was risky. Very risky. Keith miscarried twice, and his body was still recovering from those appalling two months.

Bodies could suffer trauma the same way a person could feel trauma emotionally and mentally. It could last months to years to being there forever. Say you injured your wrist by falling and broke it. Even after the doctors say it's fully healed, you could still feel pain by using it too much, even moving it a certain way. A phantom pain. The memory of it.

Keith was off his suppressants and birth control and Lactaid pills, basically any and all medication he was on. Now, it was a waiting game for when hs heat would come. Sam was furious about the news, but he had no control over the situation. Thus, he decided to make sure personally that Keith would be okay and healthy throughout the entire situation.

The OBP wanted Keith to spend the entire time with them at their facility, claiming 'they know what was best for an omega,' and a highly trained medical doctor doesn't. Keith told them where they could shove their claims, causing them to talk about how that's not an omega should act and talk. 

That's when Keith slowly reached his hand behind his back, going for his knife with a blank face. No one was murders or stabbed, but it was close, Keith wearing a sadistic smile on his face the entire time. He could go from happy to homicidal like the flip of a switch. It was a little concerning.

Lance and Keith were sitting on the living room couch at the McClain household, Lance holding Keith in his arms. They were content to lay there, enjoying each other's company, but Lance could tell something was bothering his omega.

"Penny for your thoughts. You go first."

Keith opened his eyes and turned onto his side, laying his head on Lance's chest, listening to the active heartbeat. "When I have my heat, I want you to mark me. And before you say anything, I do mean it. When an omega goes into heat, they're...I'm vulnerable and...and weak. It sucks. And I hate it. And it's taking a lot for me to not just hop on a ship and fly to the Blade base and hide there for the rest of my life in a sad attempt to avoid this. That's why I want it to be you. I know you won't hurt me or take advantage of me. But I'm still scared, petrified about letting anyone be anywhere near me when I'm like that. And I'm not an idiot. I see how you look at me, and I know my own feelings towards you. That's why I want you to mark me. Please, Lance. It'll put my mind at ease, knowing I'm yours and your mine."

Lance just stared down at the boy in his arms. "Wow. I was thinking about chocolate ice cream." Keith paused before laughing at the man he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Wow indeed. But, Lance did always know just what to say. 

"Hey, for real, though. As long as you're sure bonding is what you want, I'm down. I do love you, Keith, and would love to be accepted as your mate." Lance kissed the top of Keith's head to emphasize his point, earning a small laugh from the omega.

"Thank you. Now, about that chocolate ice cream..." 


They were at Keith's house, it had been about a month since he stopped taking his birth control and suppressants. The first time Keith had told Lance the house was where he lived with his dad, Lance had looked around again with a new perspective. 

He imagined a young Keith, with his cute little mullet running through the halls, smile bright enough to rival the sun. Keith wasn't an open person in the slightest, so to be able to see where he had grown up, to be walk through and touch and live there, was...beyond meaningful. It was important, eye-opening, intimate.

Lance could imagine their own little pup running through the same halls, sitting on the same couch, eating at the same table, living in the same place as easily as he could imagine a little Keith doing so. It was perfect.


The day finally came, Keith woke up feeling a little warm and touch-hungry. Not in that way, you nasties. Well, not yet, anyway. But oh, would he get there. Lance turned over in their bed, draping an arm over Keith's middle and nuzzling his nose into Keith's neck.

"Mmm, you smell good," Lance sleepily said, Keith blushed. Oh, this was going to be a long heat. And for once, Keith didn't mind it. Looked forward to it, actually.

Maybe it was just his hormones, but he was genuinely happy about Lance being there with him. He had been scared shitless about the thought, but talking with Lance about it and agreeing to bond felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He was ready, excited.


Keith woke up and knew his heat was over. And damn, did he need a shower. Sure, he and Lance tried to shower during his heat, but it didn't go as planned. Well, not for Lance, at least, who didn't have a one-track mind at the time. He genuinely wanted to shower, but no, a certain omega with a mullet foiled his plans. Oh well, it was so worth it.

Keith sat up, feeling Lance's arm fall off from around his shoulders. Keith's eyes widened as he slapped a hand over his mouth, bolting out of bed and into the bathroom, door slamming behind him.

Lance woke with a jolt from a loud noise, sitting up to see his mate missing. He looked to the bathroom upon hearing retching coming from behind the closed door. Lance walked over, turning the handle, and made his way to Keith heaving.

Lance crouched down next to the distressed omega, pulling his hair out of the way and running his fingers up and down Keith's spine. Keith dry-heaved a few times gagging when nothing but spit came out of his mouth.

"I...hate...throwing up," Keith said between breaths, leaning into Lance's chest and closing his eyes. "I've never been sick after a heat." Lance pulled Keith closer to him.

Over the following days, Keith had morning sickness every day, racing to the toilet like a bat out of hell, emptying his stomach until there was nothing left. It happened after meals, too. He couldn't keep food down. Even when he did, Keith just threw it back up into the toilet.

Lance decided it was time to see Sam about it. So there they were, sitting on a table in one of the many medical rooms at the Garrison. Sam had taken blood, done an ultrasound, asked questions, and all the doctory stuff doctors do.

Keith was leaning into Lance's side, eyes closed and focusing on the fingers traveling up, down, and back up his spine. He was going to puke again, he could feel it. Keith grabbed the trashcan beside them and did, in fact, throw up. Lance grabbed some paper towels from Sam's desk for Keith to wipe his mouth.

A few minutes later, Sam walked back into the room with a quick knock to announce his arrival. He was holding papers and looking at them as he sat down in his chair.

"Well doc, is he okay?" Lance asked, concern for his mate lacing his voice. Both their eyes shot wide open like they drank 20 espressos with extra sugar in each at Sam's replay.

"No, he's not okay. He's pregnant."

Word count: 1644

A/N: AAAHHHHHH! Oh gosh, when typing that, one of the words that came up to go after was when Keith screamed in pain during his last heat. Ummm...

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! 


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