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A/N: Hi! 

It's been a while, hasn't it? 

Sorry about that, but...I do kinda have a life, and I've been sick with a sore throat the past two days, and work every day before that. Plus my sister came home Thursday and she has her pup, Lola, with her. Anyways, thank you for sticking with me, thank you for the votes, a d thank you for reading! You guys are awesome and I hope you enjoy the last chapter!

C/W: Language, death, angst, needles, slight mention of a lot of blood, feels. You're welcome.

At five months, the OBP had a member visit the house to monitor Keith's progress every day, noontime. Keith would see the person, glare, growl, and walk away to lock himself in the bedroom for the first few days.

Keith may not have acted like it, but Lance could tell the OBP stressed the omega. He had more night terrors, crying and screaming in his sleep, waking up not knowing where he was. He would wake up exhausted, eyes and body tired from crying the night away, too afraid of what his own subconscious would torture him with to allow himself to sleep.

The following afternoon would be met with a knock on the door, the OBP member demanding to see Keith, lest the OBP take him to their facility nearby. That fear made it all the worse. He would be fidgety, stare off into the distance more, flinch at unexpected touches or sounds.

His stomach was getting bigger, fuller, the omega usually having a hand protectively over it. Lance was by Keith's side nearly every second, attention snapping to whoever walked near his pregnant mate and unborn pup.

One morning, a Blade ship landed outside, Keith and Krolia walking out onto the porch to investigate from there.

"Acxa! Ezor, Zethrid!" Keith exclaimed as his face split into a huge grin, the embodiment of excitement. He carefully made his way down the steps, holding onto the railing with Krolia at his side.

Acxa and Keith embraced, Acxa putting her hand to Keith's swollen stomach once they pulled apart. Lance didn't feel overly protective of Keith at that moment, most likely because Acxa herself was an omega, along with Ezor. Zethrid, however, was a fellow alpha, and Lance subconsciously kept an eye on her.

The four made their way back up the stairs and into the house, Acxa's face lighting up at the sight of her alpha. They made their way to the kitchen, getting breakfast and such for the Generals after their long flight. 

Every Blade member had a period of time they had off, and the Generals decided to use theirs to check in on Keith and Lance, helping around the farm as well. The group got all caught up with each other, Lance's arm protectively over Keith's shoulders the entire time, the omega leaning into the comforting act.

They sat there and talked for hours, noon coming upon them in no time, and with it, a knock on the door. Keith froze mid-sentence, Lance tightening his grip and glaring at the door, growl escaping his lips.

The OBP officer walked in before anyone even got up to answer the door, looking around for Keith. He made his way to stand in front of the omega, Lance still as stone, eyes shooting holes into the guy as if they were his bayard and the guy Lotor. 

"Alright, come on, Kogane. Time for the check-up." He hefted his bag more onto his shoulder, waiting for the omega to do what he was told, for once. The omega looked over at Lance, destressed and fear lacing his scent, but moved to stand up.

Keith walked with head held high, hand on stomach, and lead the officer to his bedroom, door closing behind them. 

"Ugh! I hate those dudes!" Lance yelled, not caring if the officer could hear him or not.

"What's he even doing here?" Ezor inquired, one eyebrow raised in question. If Lance wasn't mated, he just might have tried to flirt with Ezor with how cute the look was on her.

"He's been coming every-quiznaking-day since Keith was five months in. It's been hard, though. Keith's been stressed by them and having night terrors, spacing out, flinching at sounds and touches. And it sucks, because there isn't anything I can do about it!" Lance gradually raised his voice throughout the last sentence to the point of yelling.

Lance thought back to the time he accidentally stumbled upon Keith's journal...

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