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A/N: Here's the fourth chapter! Finally finished it. My sister came home today with her pup and that was a thing until 10. After I got home from work, I took a nap. I was tired. But! I finished this chapter! Yay! Thank you for reading, and thank you for the votes, it means a lot to me. You guys are awesome!

C/W: Language. Angst. Uhhh...hospitals and talking a little about Keith's injuries. Doctors. I think that's it.

The doctors had Keith turned on his side, as to not aggravate the gashes on his back. He had bandages all over his body, and a breathing tube in. Everyone came to see him, talk to him, cry. Krolia was calm before the storm when she saw what stated her son was in.

The doctor only told Shiro and Krolia about all his injuries, as Keith listed them as family to contact in case of emergencies and such. By the end of that talk, Shiro had tears falling off his chin and held Keith's hand for a while.

Krolia demanded to see the doctor, which is how they ended up where they were now. Krolia and a doctor. Who will win? 

"He is still the leader of the Blades, and we have more access to medical treatment. Healing pods. He's coming with me to the Blade base." She said it like it was a fact, not asking permission to take her son and heal him.

"I understand, but you can see what condition he's in on the outside. On the inside? Just as bad. He's not moving until he wakes up in a week." They continued to argue. Krolia won in the end, to no one's surprise. Damn, it was times like this you could easily tell she was Keith's mom.

They were moving Keith onto the ship, wheeling the entire bed onto it. The four Paladins, along with Sam Holt, were the only ones allowed to join them. Sam had a medical license, and Krolia trusted him.


 They wheeled Keith off the ship, and Blade members quickly took him away to a healing pod. Sam went with them, but Krolia stayed behind with the Paladins as the Generals.


Lance looked up at Keith. The healing pod didn't look much different than Altean ones, but Krolia said they were way faster and just as efficient. A small little thing was pulled up on it to show Keith's heartbeat and stuff like that. Sam was taking notes and conversing with the staff.

"He'll be okay," Lance heard Shiro say from behind him. "It's Keith. He'll pull through. But, do me a favor, will you?" Shiro turned to face Lance with a serious expression.

"What it is?" Lance inquired.
"When he wakes up, he's going to be feeling a lot of emotions, and he'll blame himself for what happened. I need you to be there for him. He trusts you, Lance. In more ways than you know. He'll need support, too. It's not my place to tell you why, but, please."

Lance looked at Shiro. Of course he was going to support Keith and be there for him. But, Lance didn't know the full extent of Keith's injuries, what he endured and went through. Keith was as strong as they come. 

The system said 'omegas are to be seen and not heard, they are weak and can't fight or do anything they aren't told to by an alpha,' and Keith responded with a 'fuck you, watch me.'

You tell Keith no, Keith tells Keith yes. Keith does things his own way, no giving two flying fucks what others think, that they tell him he's doing it wrong. As long as he gets to the same endpoint, what's the big issue? Like how school systems change how to do math every few years to throw off parents. The parent tries to understand what the new way is and can't and their kid cries over math homework.  Keith is the parent that looks at the math problem, shows his kid how to solve it differently than what schools tried to shove down their throat, and is the best parent in the world because now math made sense. 

If Keith needed help, Lance was going to help him. Plain and simple. "I promise. Always." Shiro smiled at Lance and looked back at Keith's sleeping form, doctors milling about filling the silence. 


Four days later, the Paladins, Generals, and Krolia stood in front of the healing pod, waiting for it to open. Sam was checking a few things, talking back and forth with the other doctors in the room. They finally opened the pod, and Keith fell out.

Lance caught him, cradling him close to his body. The doctors already warned them that because of the increased speed of the healing, Keith's body would be exhausted. He might not wake up for a few hours, so they brought him to his private quarters.

Sam changed Keith into more comfortable clothes after shooing them all out, checking on how the wounds healed. He walked out after a few minutes, giving the all-clear to go in.
"A fair warning though, don't let him have any suppressants. His body needs to have a natural heat." 

All but Krolia and Shiro were confused at this but chose not to comment based on the somber faces of the two. Keith had a black shirt and loose black pants on, and was sound asleep. More waiting.


The Paladins and Generals were playing 20 questions to pass the time. They sat on the floor and at Keith's desk and on the edge of his bed with Kosmo, who teleported into the room soon after they got settled.

Kosmo stood abruptly, walking over to Keith's face and whining. He pawed at Keith's arm gently, like he was trying to shake him. Everyone stopped and looked at the two, if anyone knew what was up with Keith, it was Kosmo.

Keith's eyes fluttered open, he looked up at the ceiling, blinking.
His eyes shot open and he bolted upright with a gasp, clutching the fabric of his shirt over his stomach and heart. 

Lance, who was sitting on the edge of Keith's bed, was instantly there, wrapping his arms protectively around the omega. Keith put his nose to Lance's scent glads, scenting him, and visibly relaxed.

The others watched as Keith breathed, and soon realized he was crying. Keith.

Who was always strong for others.


Who never gave up and had the will of inextinguishable fire.


Who never really showed his emotions, his insecurities.


Who put all others above himself. 


Who was now crying. Breaking down. Showing his feelings, how hurt he was. He wrapped his arms around Lance, and silently cried into the alpha's shoulder. Lance looked up, a question in his eyes. The others stood up with a nod, patting his shoulder on their way out.

Lance held Keith while he cried, telling him it would be okay, he was safe, he was free, he was home. Keith eventually calmed down, but only because he ran out of tears to cry. His breathing was still ragged, catching now and then like his body was trying to cry, but there was just nothing left.

Lance laid down with Keith, holding the omega close, his alpha screaming to make Keith feel better.
"Can you...can you talk to me?" Keith rasped, voice barely even there, "P-please?" It sounded more like a plea than a question, a request.

So he did. He talked about his family, how they were doing. He talked about the farm, the progress and success. He talked about his niece and nephew, funny stories of Hunk and Pidge from their old Garrison days. He talked about anything and everything. 

Keith's breathing evened out as he stopped crying. Soon, he was asleep in Lance's arms, breathing in the calming ocean and wind scent of the alpha. Lance smiled to himself, letting his eyes drift closed as he was surrounded by the forest and smokey scent of the omega in his arms.

Word count: 1246

A/N: Well... Keith is alive. I don't know what else to say.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! 


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