a long and hard road

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A/N: Hi!👋 

I'm not dead, just slow. Sorry about the late update, I've just had work and a depressive episode from my latest night terror and such. But here it is, chapter number something! Enjoy!

C/W: Angst (Keith, no surprise there), night terrors (used personal experience), blood, and I think there's no language for once. Weird.

Keith was acting more feminine, more like a typical omega with each passing day. When they first found out about his pregnancy, he was still acting like Keith, just a bit more...hormonal and sensitive. He still went about his daily routines, helping out on the farm under the watchful eyes of the McClain's and his own mother.

Once he started showing, though, everyone got a bit more on edge, hyperaware of where Keith was and what he was doing. At about a month in, Sam suggested he take a break from physical activities such as helping on the farm.

Keith was a little...disagreeing with this, but Krolia managed to convince him to help with Blade stuff. 'Working from home,' if you will. They had a whole setup in the guest room, as Keith and Lance shared a room now.

At two months, Keith was showing a bit more, he got tired rather quickly. Sam said it was to be expected, along with earlier pains and yearning to sleep more. He did take naps a lot, downright growling at Lance if he woke up Keith or tried to take away the omega's blankets.

The entire family, minus Nadia and Sylvio were in the living room watching a movie after a hard day's work. Keith, Lance, Mr. and Mrs. McClain, Krolia, and Veronica were sitting on the couch, the rest of the family sitting in chairs or on the floor.

Keith jolted forward with a hand on his stomach, all eyes on him, movie momentarily forgotten. Frozen, everyone waiting for the omega to do something. And something he did. He lurched upright with teeth gridded and a hiss of pain, hand clutching the cloth of his shirt.

"Keith?" Lance put his hand on the omegas back, other moving bangs away from his mate's face.

"My stomach," Keith panted, "it feels like kni-IVES!" Keith yelled the last part, lurching forward, head bowed and eyes pinched shut. He panted, hand reaching for Lance's knee.

"Everyone off the couch. Lance, help Keith lay down on his back. Veronica, make some hot peppermint tea, enough for everyone. Keith, keep your legs uncrossed, you can have them up or flat down, but no crossing them."

Everyone moved, Lance helped eased Keith onto his back, Veronica prepared the tea in the kitchen. Keith winced in pain, grip tightening on Lance's hand as he steadily made his way to lying down.

Keith had his eyes closed, a light sheen of sweat, and brows pinched by the time Veronica made it back with the tea. Keith's hips bucked up, a hiss of pain escaping through his clenched teeth. 

Lance was running his fingers through Keith's hair, trying to soothe him and keep him calm. The omega was panicked, his scent gave as much away.

"Keith, honey, I need you to calm down, okay? You being upset is making the pain worse." Rose laid out the facts, hand rubbing circles over Keith's stomach. Keith let out a whimper.

"I am calm."

"Keith, talk to me. What's wrong? What's on your mind? What are you worried about?" Keith opened his eyes and looked at Lance's mother, then back at his stomach.

Sensing his discomfort, the woman had her own children and husband go to the kitchen for tea. Leaving her, Krolia, Keith, and Lance, whose lap was being used as a pillow. After a few seconds of silence, Keith spoke up, tears lining his eyes.

"I'm scared," Keith choked out with a sob, letting the tears fall freely. "I don't want to lose this pup. I ca-an't." Keith cried out, panic and old fear in his eyes. He helped and whimpered, squeezing Lance's hand as another wave of pain washed over his swollen stomach. 

"Shhh-shh-shhh," Lance soothed while playing with the omegas hair, scratching and rubbing his head. "You won't lose our pup, Keith. I promise. It's going to be okay. It will hurt at times. And it will be a long and hard road, but if anyone can do it, it's you, Keith. Do you think you can relax for me? For our pup?" 

Keith nodded his head, calmed by Lance's words and actions. The waves of pain became less frequent. Long enough between each one for the omega to be comfortable with sitting up, leaning against Lance's side while he drank his tea.


He could feel it, the end of his heat. His latest owner was bringing him back from their...wherever the hell it was they were. All Keith knew was the pain. Oh, gods, there was so much pain.

He threw up multiple times already, and again in the trunk of the car he was tossed into. His stomach hurt, but... in a good way. He knew. Keith knew what it meant, on some primal level, he knew.

The car stopped, and someone opened the trunk. They grabbed one of Keith's bound arms, hauling him out. He didn't fight. He wanted to, so, so badly. But if he did, they could hurt him, hurt his pup. So no, Keith didn't fight.

The Master watched as he was put into the healing pod, eyes practically glowing with greed at having his prized possession back in his clutches. He couldn't find out. What would he do if he found out? Keith didn't want to know.


Keith woke up, but felt like he didn't get any rest. The Master was there with some other people in white. He fell, legs too weak to hold him. No one caught him. No one ever did. Lance would, if he were there. So would Shiro. And Hunk, and- no. Don't go there, not now.

He pushed himself up onto all fours, craning his neck to see The Master approach. Keith tried to move away, legs still too weak, leaving him to crawl. 

"HAHAHA! Do you really think I would know your pregnant, little omega? HA! We can't have that, though. Oh no, an omega who is carrying just won't do. Do you know what I'm going to do, little omega?"

Keith crawled away, moving as fast as his weak self would allow. Not fast enough, though. Not fast enough again. 

The Master grabbed him from the back of his neck, lifting him up with ease and slamming his face into a pod. He let go, and Keith fell, knees slamming down on the hard ground. 

The Master kicked Keith in the ribs, sending him flying, back crashing into the wall. His head snapped back into the wall, all breath escaping his lungs. Keith could see the man approach, vision blurry and unable to move, to breathe.

He picked up Keith by the neck, two men coming to pin his arms s against the wall.

"No," Keith breathed out, unable to do anything as The Master let go of his neck and cocked his arm back. His fist connected with Keith's stomach, blood flying out of the omega's mouth. 

He reared his arm back again, a smile evil and big enough to rival the Grinch split his face in two. He threw his entire body behind the punch, making Keith couple over as much as he could, blood coming up from his throat.

He did it again, and again, and again, and again and again and again. Keith cried. He cried from the pain. He cried for his dead pup. He cried for all the omegas before him who encountered the monster in front of him.

The Master threw his bleeding, broken body back into the healing pod, door shutting and darkness taking his vision.


He could feel himself breathing heavily through his mouth. Could feel tears sliding down his face. Could feel the bed against his back. But he couldn't see, not really. He could see the static of his closed eyelids, all those tiny little dogs buzzing around.

He could feel himself sit up, and was finally able to open his eyes once he was upright. Lance. Where was Lance? His spot on the bed to Keith's right was still warm. Bathroom? Drink? Late night snack? Lance, he needed Lance.

Keith straight ahead instead of the open door to the room, seeing movement in his peripheral vision.


The sweet, perfect wolf was looking at him, eyes focused and waiting. Keith padded the bed twice, knowing Kosmo understood him. They were like that. One look, and they could understand each other perfectly.

Kosmo stood, moving carefully, making his way onto the bed. He licked Keith's face, tears disappearing. When Keith tried to move his face out of Kosmo's reach, the wolf gently, oh so gently put his paw to Keith's chest, pushing him down and holding him in place.

Keith couldn't help but laugh. After a few more licks, Kosmo let Keith go and curled up next to him. The wolf had his upper body in Keith's lap, the omega hugged the wolf while the last of his tears dried.


Lance walked back into the room, seeing Keith curled up with Kosmo, a saddened expression on his face. With couldn't help the tears that fell upon seeing his mate, feeling his arms wrapped around Keith and hand brushing the tears away, only for new ones to take their place.

"Kitten, why are you crying? What happened?" 

"I had a n-night ter-rror," Keith said between each quick gasp of breath. Kosmo moved down to lay across Keith's legs, knowing he needed the comfort and happy to help. 

"It was a-about my f-first p-pup. When he w-was killed," Keith barely managed to get out the sentence before he broke into a fit of silent crying. Something he mastered over the years at the orphanage and those few months with The Enforcers, his owners.

Lance held Keith until he calmed down, noticing the omega had cried himself to sleep in Lance's embrace. Lance moved Keith so that they were laying down, tucking him in and holding him close for the remainder of the night.

The two had no idea what the fates had in store for them.

Word count: 1633

A/N: Hello. Okay. I don't know what to say. 

I hope you liked the little bit of Kosmo in this chapter. He's a sweet boi who deserves the world and no one can change my mind. 

I think to go with the plot, the next chapter will be the last one, and there will be a little thing in it that might make you hate me. Torturing characters is fun, even if they're not my own.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!


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