what happened

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A/N: Hello! This is the fifth chapter, and I do have more planned for after this. I am warning you. This is like the warning from Apollo/Lester in the first ToA book. Anyways, thank you to everyone for reading and voting. It makes me happy to come home from a long day of work and to see the comments and votes and views. Brings a genuine smile to my face. You guys are the best. There is a good ol' content warning below. Good luck. For this chapter and future ones.

C/W: Angst(Keith), trauma, noncon-sex, language. I think that's it.

Keith awoke to something he hasn't felt in a while; comfort, security, relaxed, refreshed, nightmare free. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing blue and white, smelling the ocean on a perfect summer day with a nice breeze.

He looked up, seeing Lance smiling down at him, arms keeping Keith safe. Keith blinked at him. Was this a dream? Another night terrors with a happy beginning and dark, twisted ending? No, Keith could never smell Lance in his dreams, never got the scent t right. This was real.

Keith blinked again, tears coming in his eyes, blurring his vision. He buried his face into Lance's chest, the alpha tightening his hold on Keith.

I'm here.

You're here.

You're safe.

You're with me.

I'll protect you.

Let me protect you.

Let me hold you.

Let me know this is real, too.

And Keith did. He let Lance hold him, talk to him, get him water and food. They were sitting up, Keith was exhausted, he just wanted to sleep. To slip into that peaceful oblivion. To not have to worry about what was real, what was dream. About where he would wake up next, who was there and what they were going to do next.

He and Lance were sitting, Lance holding Keith while they were leaning against a bunch of Keith's pillows. Oh, how he missed his pillows. The soft ones. The fluffy ones. The ones that muffled his crying in the dark of night. 

They had some of his blankets around their shoulders and in their laps. Keith loved his blankets. The soft ones. The fluffy ones. The light ones for not nights. The heavy ones for cold nights. The ones that were perfect for the comfy-cozy feel without getting hot too soon.

Yes, yes. How could he be missing something as simple and stupid and blankets and pillows, he's gone on so many missions without with before. But, you would miss your blankets and pillows too after two months of being sold and used and tortured. Never take even the simplest of things for granted. You never know how much you'll miss them until they're gone.

Keith was ready to sleep again, eyes already heavy with weariness when his door opened. Keith instantly tensed up, grabbing Lance's hand and shirt. His eyes locked onto the intruder, he relaxed a little when he realized it was Sam and Krolia.

"Hello Keith," Sam said with a warm smile on his face, "I have some medication here for you. Pain pills and some others help with the tiredness."

"Thank you." Keith's throat was raw and hurt when he talked, too much screaming and crying. Lance handed him a cup of water while Sam gave him the small cut of medication. Keith looked at it, and frowned. Krolia stayed in the doorway, Lance had an arm around Keith's waist, and Sam was being a damn beta by releasing a relaxing scent.

"I don't see my suppressants. Or any." Keith looked up at Sam, and Lance felt his body tense up again. Sam looked at Krolia for backup. Shit.

"That wasn't an accident, Keith. You're not going to take suppressants. Your body needs to go into a natural heat." She leveled a careful look at him, one that said 'I speak. You listen. I tell. You do.' Keith paled to look like a ghost and shook his head. No.

"No, you don't understand. I can't -"

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