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A/N: Thank you for the votes and for reading this in the first place. It is coming to an end soon, but not before I do something to make you hate me. <3 Well, here's the eighth chapter! It's a bit of a filter chapter, and the next one might have some fluff and stuff.

C/W: Language. I truly am going soft. I'll fix that soon :)

Holly. Fucking. Shit.

Keith was pregnant. They sat there for what felt like hours, staring at Sam long enough for it to be weird. Lance broke out into a huge grin, looking over at Keith to see tears in the omega's eyes and a soft smile on his face.

"Okay, I know you're both excited, but there are some things we need to go over. Keith, you are not allowed to have any suppressants or birth control or anything like that. Also, because of your previous...complications, you really do need to take it easy. The first three months are where you can be the most active, but even then, watch yourself. Lance, I'm going to need you to keep an eye on him."

Lance nodded, Keith had his hand protectively over his stomach as Sam continued. "No pain medication, either. If the baby kicks or you have a contraction or any pain, try warm peppermint tea and lying on your back stretched out. You'll also feel and act a bit differently. Don't worry, it's completely normal due to hormones. Lance, you'll also feel more protective over Keith the further along he gets."

Lance nodded at this, seeing Keith scowl up at him in his peripheral vision. They went over a few more things, and Sam had a talk with the OBP about the situation, both sides agree for Keith to spend the night at the Garrison to make sure he was healthy and all that.

The two were wandering the halls, having already told family and friends of the news. Keith decided he was going to go to the kitchen while Lance went back to his parents to grab some of their clothes. 

When Lance got out of the car and into the house, everyone made a pig pile on him, hugging and crying and smiling. "Now you listen here young man, you and Keith will be spending the next nine months here." Lance looked like he was about to open his mouth in protest, but his mother reached down for the flip flop on her foot, effectively shutting Lance up.

He rummaged through Keith and Lance's shared closet and dresser, looking for something for the night and day after. What was soft and fluffy for Keith? He likes soft and fluffy things, having a surprising amount of fluffy PJ pants with warm, loose, cozy sweaters to sleep in.

Would he want to make a nest? He still hasn't taken the one down from his heat, and he normally didn't have a nest when he was on suppressants. Would he want their own clothes and blankets for the nest, or things from the family and their friends? Lance was tearing apart the room, looking for things without knowing what he was actually looking for.


Lance flopped down on their bed, stressing himself out. His mother walked into the room, surveying the clothes and blankets and pillows strewn about on the floor. "Did you let a tornado in here?" Lance looked up at his mother with a pout on his face, bottom lip sticking out and all.

His mother sighed and sat down next to him, pulling him into a cuddle. "When I was pregnant for the first time, your father stressed himself out worrying about me to the point he was giving himself panic attacks. Don't do what he did. I can tell you this; Keith is happy no matter what. And do you know why? It's because you are the father of his pup, and because he loves you."

She squeezed Lance after making every point. "Yes, he will want to nest. Yes, he will want t to be comfortable in his clothing. Nothing tight, because then he'll feel self-conscious about his growing stomach. Yes, he will be moody-" 

Lance interrupted with a "when isn't he?"

"-and it will be hard sometimes. There's no way to predict how he'll act. It depends on the individual. You may find out new things about him. But, you will be there for him the entire time, and he knows this. And he loves you even more for it. Knowing you'll be right by his side the entire time will settle him, make him feel safe and secure. You're his alpha, his mate, his love. Don't ever doubt yourself."

"Thank you, Mama. I needed that."

"Glad I could help. Now clean up the mess you made. If Keith sees the room like this, he'll want to clean it himself. And I did not raise my boy to leave messes for others to clean up, especially his mate." 

"Yes, Mama."


Lance had a bag of clothes and blankets and pillows for Keith to make a nest with. He was walking through the halls, he heard something from one of the kitchens. He could smell Keith coming from behind the door, too.

Lance walked in, not expecting what he'd stumbled upon. Shiro was stirring something steaming that smelled really good, Krolia was reading stuff out loud to Kolivan, who had his own work going on while sipping coffee, Kosmo had a stuffed Sendak, and Keith was chopping up some kind of meat, responding to Krolia.

Everyone turned at the sound of the door opening. "I have no idea how we go here, but we're making soup if you want some," Shiro stated while continuing to stir. It wasn't something new to see Keith cook, hell, he'd help Lance's parents in the kitchen plenty of times. What was weird was that it was almost 9:00 pm, and they were cooking soup. 

Not ice cream soup, but soup soup. Beef and barley soup with vegetables. At nine at night. Okay. Just go with the flow, Lance, just go with the flow.

"Keith, I got some clothes and stuff for you to make a nest if you want to." Lance held up the bag with everything in it. Keith beamed and stood up straighter, setting down the knife and walking around the counter to hug Lance.

They ended up eating the soup, and damn it was good. Everyone made their way to their designated rooms, and Keith took the bad from Lance's hand the second the door closed to the medical room. Sam put a few things on Keith's chest and stomach to monitor throughout the night, leaving them to do their thing.

Lance laid on the bed, watching Keith pull everything out of the bag and throw them around for him to inspect. Lance knew he liked a bit of privacy, so he pulled out his phone and played a game while Keith tried to make their nest.

After a few minutes, Keith growled at the blanket he was holding and glared at Lance. 

"You. Shoo." 

"I'm not wearing any," Lance said without missing a beat. Keith didn't like that.


"I'm already out of the closet." Lance had a grin on his face, still playing his game. Keith grabbed Lance's wrist, pulled him out of the bed, shoved him through the door, and locked it behind him. This was going to be a long pregnancy.


The OBP came by once a week, every Monday, to check on Keith. To say Keith was hormonal was a vast understatement. More like he had split personality disorder. And he had heightened senses. One time, they were in their room and Lance was eating some watermelon, Keith kicked him out saying he was chewing too loud.

Another time, everyone was in the living room watching a movie but had to pause because they were discussing who should have had the lead role. Everyone ganged up on Lance, so he turned to his mate for backup.

"Keith! Back me up here, buddy!"

"All I can hear is every time you inhale between breaths when you speak." He was even squinting at Lance's lips like he could see the breaths Lance was taking. Everyone shut up and looked at Keith, but his entire attached was on watching Lance breathe. What. The. Fuck? 

One day, when Keith was starting to get a bit more of a pronounced bump, he cried because she couldn't wear his tighter shirt that he really liked. Lance's mother was right. That night, Lance took out all the skinny jeans and form-fitting shirts they had and put them somewhere Keith wouldn't find them.

Another day, Keith was along about two months when was helping Lance's mother in the kitchen, making burgers for the grill. Keith was trying to get the beef to be the right amount for the right size burger but was struggling. So he yelled at the burger.

"Ugh! Just, be right! I swear, if you were a person, I'd push you off the San Francisco bridge in the bay when it was foggy and the currents were strong and the sharks hungry. And I would laugh." The worst part was that the burger was the right amount after he said that.

Again; this was going to be a long pregnancy.

Word count: 1468

A/N: Hi! I'm sleep-deprived. I swear, if someone does a Space Dad with that...

Anyways, I have more planned, and there is a plot twist coming. I wish you luck. I don't know if it'll be good since I utterly suck at writing, but, it's coming.

With that in mind, I bid you all a good night. Or morning. Or afternoon. I don't know time zones.


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