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A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading and voting. I will say this every time because it means so much to me. As you can probably tell, I updated pretty quickly, but some things have been going on here at home and I've been tired and stuff. There isn't much of a content warning this time, which I find kinda weird. But oh boy, there will be content warnings in the future, you can count on it.

C/W: Language, huh, I think that's it. Weird.

They were going home. The Paladins were on a Blade ship with the Generals and Sam, Krolia piloting. They had left early to reach Earth by early afternoon, and some were sleeping on the flight.

Keith was a bit nervous. Why, though. He was going home. He was going to see Lance's family again. And introduce himself as Lance's boyfriend. And let the universe know he was alive. Holy mother of all shits.

Keith reached over and grabbed Lance's hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth over the top. Lance looked up from playing a game on his phone, Keith was staring at the wall, lost in his own head. 

After a few minutes of overthinking, Keith needed to do something. No way was he going to sit still for the entire flight. You can't expect that from him. He stood up and let go of Lance's hand, walking to the front of the ship and sitting down in the copilot's seat.

Krolia looked over as he sat sideways, staring at the controls intently to get his message across.

"Can I help you?" Of course she was going to make him say it, that diabolical space grape. Grrr.

"I want to pilot."

"Oh, and why would I let you do that?"

"I'm bored and want something to do."

"That something being piloting the ship."

"That's what I said." Krolia rolled her eyes. Just like his dad did when Keith would be a smartass. She seemed to understand, though, and they switched seats. Keith missed flying. He grinned, and Krolia opened her mouth at the look, but Keith was already in motion.   

"AAAHHHHHH!" Hunk screamed when Keith made the ship jolt at suddenly being pushed into such a high speed. Shiro paled and grabbed onto his buckle while thrusting his arm across Pidge, who didn't have her buckle on.

"Here we go. Who let Keith fly?!" Shiro yelled upfront without even looking to see who was piloting. That should tell you something about Keith and his and Shiro's relationship. This was going to be a fun flight.


Earth. There it was. It was right fucking there. Nope. Not doing it. Not gonna happen. Krolia had already hailed the Garrison earlier, so they knew we were coming. Admiral Iverson was standing outside at the head of a group of people. Fuck. Keith could be so sick of people.

He landed the ship, and everyone got unbuckled and unsecured their baggage. Keith shut down the ship and lowered the platform so they could exit. He stepped off with Krolia and Kosmo by his side, collective gasps were heard.

"Hey everybody, Keith's back!" Lance said while splaying his arms and a smile on his face. 'Cause ya know, people come back from the dead all the time. It's a regular occurrence, don't know why they're making it a big deal about Keith doing it.


Keith was tired. He was sore. He wanted to go home, to Lance's house and family. He did have his childhood home, where he grew up and lived with his dad, but the McClain's had become his family since the war ended. 

And he liked them, too. Nadia would show Keith her drawings and they would draw together. Sylvio and Keith would build legos, trying to create buildings Nadia had drawn for them. He, Lance, Veronica, Lisa, Rachel, and even Acxa would have 'spa nights' where they did face masks and pedicures and skincare and all that. Keith and Acxa were clueless about most of that, to the other's amusement. Marco and Luis would stay up with Lance and Keith to have a few drinks after a day's work and watch TV or talk, just relax and unwind. Mr. and Mrs. McClain like to talk to Keith about his work and such, but also just hang out.

The Garrison had them broadcast live to the whole universe an 'important announcement' to all newscasts and everyone should watch. Keith had to say he was alive but injured in the time everyone thought he was dead, but was healed now. Which was true for the most part.

Keith had to stay at the Garrison for a while to answer questions and a whole bunch of other boring shit. They also made him see a psychologist and a therapist. That didn't go so well.

Like, did they actually expect Keith, Keith, to open up to a random stranger about what he went through? Even the small talk was weird, how was his day and the introductions. Once they realized he wasn't going to talk, even though he did try, they asked about his history and family and things he wasn't opening up about. So he walked away, out the door, found Iverson, and made sure he knew no way in hell would Keith talk to those interrogators. Because that's what they were; glorified interrogators who had access to the system and medications and it was creepy.

Finally, Keith was allowed to leave. He and Lance were driving, and there it was. 


The car pulled into the long driveway, and Lance turned off the ignition. It was night now, the crickets chirped loudly in the field while the alpha and omega sat in the car. Their interlocked hands were on the console, and Keith was staring at the door, frozen.

"What if they don't approve?"

Lance looked directly at Keith, turning in the seat to face him. "You're stupid if you think they won't approve. They love you, Keith. More than you know. You've been a part of the family for a lot longer than since we started dating. Besides, if they don't approve, which they will, we can always get a place of our own. I'm not leaving you, Keith. Not now, not ever. I don't care what my family says."

With that, they made their way to the front door with their bags, and opened it. Nadia and Sylvio rushed Keith, and he instantly crouched down into a defensive position, but stopped when they grabbed his legs and cried. 

Everyone was staring, not knowing what would happen. Lance had warned them about some of Keith's triggers, but he just looked down at the children clutching on for dear life to his legs. Then, he moved.

Keith crouched down and pulled the kids into a hug, holding them tight while they cried into each of his shoulders. They scented him, making sure he was really home and cried more with relief and happiness.

"Uncle Keith," Nadia spoke up, "please don't die." It broke Keith's heart to have to hear a child say this, a child who he cares about and would do anything to protect. 

"Uncle Keith, are you okay?" Sylvio asked when Keith pulled them closer to him and buried his head in between their shoulders. 

Keith looked at the boy and girl, and tears rolled down his cheeks, dripping on the floor. "I'm working on it." He wasn't going to lie to them. They nodded, and hugged him even tighter, reassuring him.

Lance and Keith made it to bed soon after, it was late and they were tired. Tears were shed among the family, hugs were exchanged, and then it was time to tell them. They of course hugged Keith even more, telling him they loved him and he was already part of the family.

The boys were snuggling under the covers now, holding each other tight, refusing to let go.


The next day, Lance and Keith went right to work in the field. Lance's mother told them they didn't have to, but of course they did. Lance was digging holes for more plants and flowers to go into when he took a breather.

He looked down the hill he was on and smiled at seeing Keith working away to help their family. The omega looked up, smiling back at Lance with all his for the alpha.


It was the afternoon, and the boys were taking a break from the sun's heat. They sat on the couch, lemonades in hand and watched YouTube on the TV. Lance's mother was in the kitchen, making lunch when there was a knock on the door.

She walked over and opened it, talking to whoever was there. "Lance, Keith, come here, please. We have visitors."

The boys exchanged a confused look before getting up and walking over to the door. "Who is it, mom?"

Lance's mother stepped aside to let the people in, Lance instantly grabbed Keith's hand while the omega tensed up at seeing who was there.

"The Omega Breeding Program."

Word count: 1408

A/N: You made it!

I don't know what else to say. 

I need to be up early tomorrow because Maude isn't getting along with our pups and it's not going to work out. We're bringing her back and the lady did say she'd keep Maude herself, so she's in good hands.

Anyway, have a good night! Or day, depending o how different your time zone is than mine.


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