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"Welcome to camp night wing!"
Our shady side camp counselor Thomas Slater called out, more known as Tommy.

"Another sh'tty year at the same old camp, with the same old shadysiders who ruin everything." The brunette girl from sunnvale stormed right through a group of the kids from shadyside.

god when will Sheila ever get enough of herself.
I thought to myself after throwing my bag onto my cabin bed.

Read the sign on the headboard of the cabin, my room mates for the summer were listed on the door.

Head of cabin/Cindy berman
Campers ☀️

The last name had been crossed out, and replaced with "Ziggy"

The first day at camp was nothing special, it consisted mostly of getting settled into our cabins, and planning out the activities to come. Dinner came rolling around I made my way to the mess hall, Sunnyvale on one side, shadyside on the other.

"Come on over here Anna" Cindy shouted from a table at the front of the room, her smile was so wide you could see practically all of her teeth.

I walked over and sat besides her, it looked like everyone was there besides on person. Ziggy.

"Is this everyone?" I looked around the room again to see if I had missed her, though she was pretty hard to miss being a bright red head and all.

"Everyone that's needed for now" Cindy forced a wide smile, her face looked tense, but before it could draw any attention one of the camp counselors stood up and grabbed the attention of everyone.

"Another year of Sunnyvale versus Shadysiders, chicks, and dicks, get ready to kick those shadysiders TO THE CURB" It was none other than Kurt speaking those wonderful words to all of us campers. Of course the sunnyvalers cheered on Kurt and gave applause.

"Alright then" suddenly I hadn't been feeling to hungry, I stood up and walked out of the mess hall and out into the camp yard. It was barely dark out, but still enough to where you couldn't see everything perfectly.

I could hear someone or something rummaging through the outhouses, I walked towards the noise slowly before cracking the door open barely so I could see what was happening on the inside.

Behold, there was Ziggy Berman doing graffiti on the out house bathroom stalls.

"Ziggy?" I stepped into the outhouse, "what are you-" I was overwhelmed by the spray paint fumes that filled the secluded space. We had only just got to camp and here she was. Her and her sister Cindy seemed to be nothing alike.

"Sh't, what are you doing in here? Everyone's supposed to be in the mess hall" she began to throw the paint cans into a bag, that she then threw over her shoulder. "Not a single word about this- you hear me?"

I pretended to salute the bright red headed girl, "loud and clear ma'am"

I could've sworn she gave me the smallest smile, but it was ziggy berman so I couldn't be sure.

The next day at camp brought nothing but games between Sunnyvale and Shadyside, Kurt who gave all of the speeches for Sunnyvale was incredibly competitive. And by that I mean he cared more about winning than he did the actual campers.

I decided to branch off through a trail in the woods, most of them led to a widely open area with a gigantic willow tree in the middle. It was quite the beautiful sight. The perfect place to listen to music, listen to your own thoughts, read a book, you name it, this was the place to be.

Eventually I forced myself back to camp before I missed anything too important. When I did arrive back to camp everyone had disappeared, only a few campers lingered here and there, when I walked into the mess hall an immediate wave of chatter and laughter filled the room, there they all were. I hadn't realized I had been at the willow tree practically all day. I grabbed myself a plate of food and sat at our cabin table.

"Look what the dog brought in" sheila called out from across the table and snickered with her friends.

"What the hell sheila" I rolled my eyes before scraping my fork against my plate in annoyance. Sheila enjoyed being a stuck up, nasty b'tch to everyone, that was clear.

From that day on, I made myself a little tradition of going to the willow tree, it was a relaxation, a world away from camp.

I think the only reason I got sent to camp was so my parents could spend their bills on scratch tickets and alcohol, instead of actual important things like school supplies, or rent, or quite literally anything else.

As time went on at camp night wing, the summer nights only got longer, but the counselors had something fun planned for the campers, something they did every year here at camp night wing.


It was something that went down in camp history, town versus town. It wouldn't come as a surprise if Sunnyvale took the victory, but us shadysiders had a few good leads on our team. At least I hoped we did.

"What's the date tomorrow?" I whispered out loud as I layed in bed
"July 12th" Cindy spoke before turning off her lamp and rolling over, "goodnight everyone"

"Night" a few of the girls said.
And just like that, the week to prepare for color wars was about to begin.


Hello guys! This is the first (definitely not the last) fear street fan fic I've decided to write, I adore the movies and the cast, so I hope whoever reads this enjoys the book :)

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