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The next morning was no different than the one before, we all met in the mess hall for breakfast where Kurt gave another speech about how the sunnyvalers were going to crush the shadyside witches.

Mid speech Kurt had gotten called out for a "counselor emergency" by nick goode, they both disappeared off into the woods.

"Wonder what that was about" I spoke before biting into an apple, the sweet taste lingered in my mouth for a few moments.

Once I noticed no one was paying attention and to me I decided to slip out of the mess hall, not even the camp counselors gave a sh't if we went missing.
So I thought to waste my time on a good book.
My favorite book to read at the moment was rage by Steven King, it had just came out a year or so ago.

"It's only a little secret, but having a secret makes me feel better. Like a human being again."
I read to myself mentally before I was interrupted by the presence of someone hovering over me.

"Can I help you?" I asked shutting the book I had been reading and setting it onto my lap.

"Noticed' you weren't participating with any of the other campers." Nick Goode spoke out to me.

What was he expecting me to say? He pointed out the obvious. When he let out a slight scoff I was confused, "is there something I can actually help you with?"

"No not at all, you just don't seem as happy to be here as the other campers-"
I felt as if I was being babied, of course I wasn't enjoying camp, it was an excuse for my parents to send me away and get me off of their tails.

"Oh I'm sorry" I finally stood up, "do I not flatter you enough like the other girls here? The famous Nick Goode, sheriff to be someday that will save shadyside and I'll have to thank him all the days of my life!" I exclaimed sarcastically before going back to a blank face and walking the other way.

I'm almost certain that all of Sunnyvale and Shadyside knew that Nick was going to be sheriff someday, after his dad passed away he was talked into following his legacy and carrying on the towns legacy. It all sounded like a load of bullsh't if you asked me.

From that moment on I couldn't help but notice nicks glance on me more often.

"Alright campers, we're assigned to clean the campgrounds today and rid it of any trash" Cindy spoke with another stiff smile plastered across her face. We tried to tell ourselves it was for the sake of the camp, but really it was because the sunnyvalers refused to, so it left us with all dirty work.

While I walked around the camp with a trash bag in my hand, I watched many of the other campers prancing around and enjoying themselves,
"Damn Sunnyvalers" I scoffed out loud, too annoyed to pay attention to the way my feet were shuffling, where I then tripped over a tree stump, scraping my chin on the way down.

I sulked on the ground for a minute or two, I was almost too embarrassed to stand up in case anyone had seen me trip, but nevertheless I got up and grabbed the trash bag. I carried it all the way over to the nurses office before I walked inside, I figured she could help me so I didn't look like a wounded warrior.

"Nurse lane?" I called out, "I need your help nurse lane, I've cut my chin" I looked around but there was no sight of her, I thought it was odd for her to not be in her office. I went and sat down in a chair, hoping she'd come back sometime soon.

Speak of the devil.

Just then she had popped through the front door.
"Looks like you got yourself into a bit of a scuff" she immediately noticed my chin and sat across from me, she grabbed out a few supplies from one of the drawers, she had a big variety, from bandaids, to scalpels and ointments.

"I'm afraid so, wasn't watching where I was going" I lifted my chin up so she could clean the area then bandage me up.
"Better be paying more attention out there, disaster can strike at any time"

She had a semi serious look in her eyes, which I found odd being I assumed it was a joke, but the way she said it made it seem there was some reason she said what she said.

However it wasn't long before she finished fixing up my chin. "Thank you nurse lane" I stood up from my chair, a whoosh of dizziness flooded over my body, my balance must've thrown it off.

"See you later I suppose" I said walking out, not that she wanted to see kids getting hurt, but it was her jobs. She almost protected the camp before danger even happened if you thought about it.
But when it came to nurse lane, all the kids only talked about her and what happened to her daughter ruby lane.

I had heard them talk about her before, saying that she killed 7 people and that she just went phyco.
I couldn't imagine how poor Mary felt if she had ever heard those things about her daughter, she was a sweet lady that I enjoyed the company of.

My train of many thoughts was interrupted by the screams of campers, I turned around to see a group of kids just yelling as they ran from the other.

I rolled my eyes at the sight, camp was an escape for some kids, but for me it felt like the complete opposite.

I'm almost positive the only other person that thought that was Ziggy Berman, she hated this place so much she'd let the camp rabbits out, burned the flag, and had even graffiti the outhouse stalls.

Made me wonder if I should do something of the sort
doubt any of the counselors here would notice.
Now the only thing remained of what could I do?

I could burn the camp flag.
It wouldn't be the easiest task to do on my own but it'd be possible..... maybe there'd be someone willing to help me.

"Hey ziggy" I walked into the cabin where she sat by herself reading a book.

"What do you want?" She set the book on her nightstand and sat up. Not looking amused to say the least.

"I need your help with something"



Hey again 🤪
I'm wanting to get all my chapters to at least 1000
words or more so the chapters can be longer! And I'm wanting to update consistently which shouldn't be hard as it's summertime.
I've made the decision to make this a nickxreader story, this book will not follow the exact plot line of the 1978 movie but will have similar to the exact events of some of the scenes. Thank you for reading, please vote on the chapters ⭐️

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