540 9 5

starts at 6' sharp.

A poster on each door of the building itself read. "Nick wasn't kidding" I thought to myself. A pie eating contest seemed odd at first before I read further, the winner of either sunnyvale or shadyside would get to choose tomorrow's game. While that wasn't much, it meant most likely being forced to clean up trash again, or getting beaten by dodge balls for the fifth time this summer.

I couldn't decide whether I hate home or this camp more. Both were hell. Either I was getting yelled at by my drunk parents or sunnyvalers.

Now wasn't the time to be dealing with any of that anyway. There were people who had been through much worse than me.

I guess pushing my problems away made them disappear for awhile. Made it so I didn't have to deal with everything going on in my world and I could just pretend to be anyone I wanted.

Camp seemed to be going by so fast, although we still had a little less than a month left it felt like things were ending a lot quicker.

"Schmidt! I haven't seen you since...last night." The red headed girl spoke the last part of her sentence a bit more quiet than she had the rest. "Where have you been?"

"Sounds like someone's been worrying about me?" I joked before pushing ziggy by her arm. She didn't seem like the type of person to worry about someone's whereabouts, and she definitely wasn't the type of person to just care about anybody.

"Oh shut it." She rolled her eyes, but I could see a hint of a smile somewhere on that face of hers.

"You've got beautiful eyes you know?" I blurted out of nowhere. It came to mind as I watched her features change with her expressions.

They were so bright and blue. I had always noticed them but with the sun shining bright they reflected just right.

"Thanks I guess" ziggy kicked the gravel beneath her with the expensive looking Nike shoes she always wore. Not only did she hardly care, but she also couldn't take compliments.

I quickly changed the subject so we didn't have to sit in silence as she possibly tried to come up with a response to what I had just said.
"There's a pie eating contest soon, you going?"

"Thought about it-"
"Well hurry up and decide"
I said half jokingly.
I really did want to go to the pie eating contest.
And not just to see Nick.
It was a good opportunity to support our fellow shadysiders in hopes of not having to be tortured again.
We were known as the "Shadyside Witches" anyway.
I'd like to see some of our inner witches shine so we could hex the sunnyvalers or something. Maybe even do something as far as curse them.
What was I thinking?

Maybe it was just me, but everything felt off lately.
Not only with camp but with myself. It seemed like I was changing. A lot. And ziggy was the only one going through it with me.

Snap out of it.
I spoke to myself in a whisper tone.
Once ziggy shifted our tracks back to the mess hall I knew we were going to watch the contest. Which excited me for many...obvious reasons.

6' O clock

For what seemed like forever we watched countless campers scarf down various selections of pies. We cheered them on through it all as well.

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